2016 Democratic Convention Set to be a Disaster for the Democrats


Well-Known Member
Where was the integrity of the Republican party during Ron Paul's runs for president?

Are you new to this game or just clueless?

My guess?


He supports Trump, but doesn't realize that Trump thinks he's a loser, and that Trump will actively work against every single thing he holds dear.

Welcome to America, loser.

Vote for whomever!!! ...(enjoy losing).


Well-Known Member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

So a tiny hand held flag is your proof

Oh there are pictures of flags. Ok thanks for clarifying.

Of course, we know the SOURCE for the representation that there were no NOTICEABLE flags in the DNC arena.... But then, we know all you "thinkers" who repeat this claim will say you dont watch fox news, BUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTT....

Fox Correspondent Corrects Own Network’s False Attack The DNC Showcases No American Flags

FOX news, the channel for right wing idiots.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I saw them bringing in flags to the DNC on Tuesday.

I think the Democrats forgot about them until it was brought up.

Just like not mentioning our war on terror and Isis.

They were not brought up until Tuesday either.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I saw them bringing in flags to the DNC on Tuesday.

I think the Democrats forgot about them until it was brought up.

Just like not mentioning our war on terror and Isis.

They were not brought up until Tuesday either.

Whoever agreed with you also must be from stupidville.

Here is DAY ONE from CSPAN..


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Are you referring to the picture of a flag on the big screen?

What, they couldn't be bothered with bringing out real flags to the stage?

Are you FRICKEN BLIND?????

There are 8 STANDING FLAGS, 4 on each side of the stage.

Are you really this dense? The power of suggestion has worked wonders on your intelligence.
