6.5 %


Well-Known Member
It's amazing you can keep making your disgusting comments, and no one calls you on them. Quite revealing, actually.

Stay classy, Brown Cafe.

True colors.


It's amazing you can keep making your disgusting comments, and no one calls you on them. Quite revealing, actually.

Stay classy, Brown Cafe.

True colors.

said by the dirt ball who throws the racist word around when he finds it impossible to defend the most destructive session of congress ever.


Strength through joy
Cartoon I saw......two headlines one from 2004 & the other from 2008.

(1) Bush wins with 51%........country divided { 2004 }

(2) O wins with 52%...........country united. { 2008 }

Neither was truthful.


Cartoon I saw......two headlines one from 2004 & the other from 2008.

(1) Bush wins with 51%........country divided { 2004 }

(2) O wins with 52%...........country united. { 2008 }

Neither was truthful.

One thing we kept hearing was how Obama was energizing all those new voters. We often saw the staged rock star events that led us to believe there may be some truth to that energization.

The final tally puts Obamas vote total around 65.3 million votes.

Bush had a little over 62 million.

Looking at both elections it appeared that approximately 121 million voters turned out each time.

Researching population growth statistics it appears our population is growing at a rate of approximately 2.5 million a year or 10 million more in our general population then 2004.

I couldn't find any eligible voter totals for 2008 but previous years indicate the rate of increase matchs the population growth rate.

Putting it all together it appears that Bush actually energized a higher percentage of the eligible voters in 2004 then Obama did in 2008.


Well-Known Member
Today's market has no historical precedence. There are entirely other factors in play.

Todays market reacts on forward looking news. What does todays news mean 6 to 9 months from now. While the market is not always right, it gets over bought and over sold at times and corrects itself. Right now the number one concern in the market is the future of the economy. It is what it is. The golden rule will never change, he with all the gold makes all the rules.


Well-Known Member
Can you point out one on time when Bush caused our unemployment to go up? I'm not talking about blaming him just because he is President, but I want to see one piece of legislation, an executive order, or anything that President Bush did to put our economy in its current situation.

It's not that simple. Maybe he is at fault because of something that he could've done and didn't. It's kind of like when a baseball team plays like complete garbage, who gets blamed, or fired? Usually the manager, Even though he's not out there swinging the bat, He may have been the hugest factor, Sometimes just by replacing him with someone else turns things around...Maybe our president has spent too much of his attention the last 8 years towards other countries and not our own?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Once again, people failed to look at the whole picture of being president and the ramifications with unemployment.

The president is "DIRECTLY" responsible for employment with his trade agreements and his association with the WTO.

Here's an article back in 2003 where BUSH and ROVE lie to the american steel workers just to get their votes before the 2004 election, only to stab them in the back right after the election was over.

Friday :: Dec 5, 2003
The WTO Rolls Bush On Steel Tariffs

by Steve In a decision with major electoral ramifications, President Bush reversed course yesterday and scrapped his program of steel tariffs after meeting a force that had outmaneuvered him: the World Trade Organization. After imposing the tariffs on imported steel last year ostensibly to allow the domestic industry to consolidate and become more competitive, Bush was accused by many including those in his own party of abandoning traditional free trade principles at Karl Rove�s suggestion to buy the support of both the industry and steelworkers in the key steelmaking states.
After the tariffs were imposed, unions and industry began the process of consolidation and employee concessions to allegedly become more competitive. But after being only partway through this process, with of course the unions already making their concessions first (naturally), Bush encountered something he hadn't anticipated: a WTO led by European interests that timed their threatened retaliatory response to those tariffs to exert maximum political pressure on Bush to capitulate. And it worked perfectly.
In essence, after being humiliated by the US in the last year over Iraq, the European members of the WTO found a way to pay Bush and his minions back, by hitting Bush where it would hurt the most. Even though Bush tried to minimize the role of the WTO steamroller in his reversal, David Sanger of the New York Times and Warren Vieth of the Los Angeles Times both take an unvarnished look at how Rove's gambit here blew up and failed to make anyone happy, while getting rolled by the WTO. According to both, Bush got smoked by a WTO that designed and timed its retaliatory tariffs to focus on states and products from key electoral states that, if imposed, would have destroyed the Rovian political justification for the original tariffs in the first place. Yet the damage has been done anyway. Why?
Bush lifted the US tariffs yesterday to avert punitive measures from the WTO, but in doing so, left an industry and more importantly the unions and workers feeling abandoned and exposed to renewed competition from imported steel products while they were only part of the way through their competitiveness measures. More to the point, any benefit that Rove had wanted from buying the votes of workers in key swing states through the imposition of the original measures is now gone, as the unions feel cheated after they of course had agreed already to their labor concessions as their part of the deal. Let's see how that plays out next year in these key states.
Update: The DLC's New Dem Daily gives a good summary of how the steel tariff debacle is an example of a bigger problem - namely that the Bush Administration has made a hash of trade policies, broken commitments, and pissed off allies at the same time. Quite a feat from the world's best foreign policy team, huh? But remember, the Clinton guys didn't know what they were doing, right?


It's not that simple. Maybe he is at fault because of something that he could've done and didn't. It's kind of like when a baseball team plays like complete garbage, who gets blamed, or fired? Usually the manager, Even though he's not out there swinging the bat, He may have been the hugest factor, Sometimes just by replacing him with someone else turns things around...Maybe our president has spent too much of his attention the last 8 years towards other countries and not our own?

your point is understood. The voters have made that decision. I've made the point that our congress is also responsible. American voters agreed with me and thus congress often had a worse approval rating then Bush. Yet for some reason the voters went the other way with congress.

The pendulum has swung the other way for now. I'm not sure you can objectively correlate the results of this election other then to say the Obama campaign did a much better job then McCains people.


Strength through joy
Obama outspent McCain 4 to 1. We all know elections are won with money. Obama bought the Presidency, same as anyone else.

the Obama campaign did a much better job then McCains people.

One must add the fact that the media, did not do their job. There was no negative reporting on O. All negative reports where directed at McCain, Palin & some poor guy who asked a direct question.
This was the main failure of this campaign and every newspaper that is having financial troubles today did it to themselves.