Afghanistan war

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
AV8, you want to blame someone for the mess in Afghanistan, start with this MAN:

Then Reagan goes on to say this at the State of the Union Address:
in Afghanistan, the freedom fighters are the key to peace. We support the Mujahadeen. There can be no settlement unless all Soviet troops are removed and the Afghan people are allowed genuine self-determination. (Applause.) (7th State of the Union speech)
“To watch the courageous Afghan freedom fighters battle modern arsenals with simple hand-held weapons is an inspiration to those who love freedom. Their courage teaches us a great lesson—that there are things in this world worth defending. To the Afghan people, I say on behalf of all Americans that we admire your heroism, your devotion to freedom, and your relentless struggle against your oppressors.” (March 21, 1983).

I guess he was wrong, eh?


For those that dont know, the man is RONALD REAGAN, with the Leaders of the TALIBAN in the White House as his special guests.

The very same "leaders" we seek to find and kill. (YA RIGHT)

Funny how the Taliban were praised by REAGAN and the Republicans in congress at the time as freedom fighters for holding off the Russians, and now that they are doing the same to us, we call them TERRORISTS.

Just a play on words, a way to manipulate public opinion.

The right wing knows just how to play it, they know what there supporters will swallow HOOK, LINE and SINKER.

Those republican congressman who "funneled" millions of dollars to the war chest of the Mujahidin for 7 years are the ones people should be stoning today.

They created the terrorist network to begin with.

OBAMA will end it. Give it some time.



Well-Known Member
The main problem with AV8 and those "like" him on this board, is that they are captivated by Rhetoric.

One of the keys to the republican party's existence is the non stop repetitious rhetoric they spread on cable news and am radio.

FAUX news is now an official ARM of the republican party. With its lineup of bashers (BECK, ORIELLY, HANNITY, INGRAHAM, HUCKABEE, CHRIS WALLACE) they can provide hours of repetitious nonsense over and over.

Each one in concert with the other, each one using the same "terms" and speaking points.

With Beck, hours of polling to gauge his style proved to be good for FAUX.

His style of extreme exageration is nauseating to the informed person, but to those inclined to follow the party rhetoric, he is a master.

His use of props and chalkboards drawing lines from one thing to another convinces his followers that he knows what he's talking about. In fact, he doesnt. Its the style that his followers are connecting with. The facial movements, his constant hand shaking and his passionate tone in his voice are his "magnets" to his ill-informed audiences.

He surrounds himself with the constitution, the flag, the founding fathers and the constant mention of the "republic". This attracts the dumbest audience.

His audience goes on to repeat everything he sez like its gospel.

Sounds entertaining, now I have to watch at least once. What time is it on?

The main problem I have with right wingers is that they forget why they were thrown out of office in 2006 and 2008.

Guys like TIEGUY consistently claim that the country went south after 2006 when the dems took control of congress.. Two problems with his claim, yet he consistently makes the same comment over and over...

First, the dems took control of congress (both houses) in January 2007 and NOT 2006 like he claims. This is the exact type of exageration the republican party wants it members to repeat. THe Dems were elected to office in NOV of 06 but they couldnt hold office until the next start of congress in 07.

Second, if the country was heading in the right direction under the leadership of BUSH and the republican controlled congress, WHY THEN were they systematically removed from power? TIEGUY sez the country was doing well under BUSH and it wasnt until the DEMS took office that the country crashed. In reality, the American public was already seeing the disaster coming. Unemployment was rising faster than ever in history,
What happened to 8% unemployment? Another example of acting too fast without a plan.
businesses were closing faster than ever, corporations were leaving our shores for foreign lands faster than in anytime in history
This is still hapening, even moreso when you raise taxes.
pensions for 100's of companies were going into the PBGC by the hundreds Nothing compared to the trillions in wealth we lost.
for the first time in history, the dollar was at an ALL TIME LOW and in threat of being replaced by the EURO as world currency.
That threat is talked about more and more now. (hello, focus, lets look at today)
These were the realities of BUSH along with 2 failing wars and numerious deaths of our troops and 1 trillion dollars spent with no way to pay for it.

Indeed BUSH is gone, Thank GOD, but his legacy is being felt by us all today.

BUSH failed us in both wars and today, there is no clear answer to solving the question of how we end them.

One way or the other, our troops must get out of both countries and we have to find a way to pay for both wars.

Republicans want you to forget how we got into this mess, but they also want you to believe they can fix it, if they get back in power.

Dont count on it.

This President has his hands full,
He actually has it pretty easy. No real hard hurried decisions had to be made. If he does do something foolish he blames.
this he knew before he took office, so did the majority of Americans who voted for him. He was upfront during his campaign, he told the american people that the road would be hard, that it was going to get alot worse before it got better, but together, it would get to a point where the american public would be better off.

He was in a win, win situation. He slammed the economy and blamed it on Bush. He took it to the lowest he could. The stock market thought armageddon was coming. People lost trillions in wealth.

It did get alot worse like his said, but its turning around.

It's not getting better...It's only getting less worse. We need to grow payrolls by 150,000 each month to break even.

Today, FAUX news and the am radio nuts are talking about the US dollar.

They are trying to scare the american public with the thought of our money becoming worthless.

Don't watch CNBC or Bloomberg they say the same thing.

One problem? It was WORSE under BUSH when the dollar was at its lowest point in history. Gold also tripled under BUSH in 8 years as well as OIL getting to an unGodly price.

So don't look the the future, only look at the past. Blame, blame, blame.

Gold has gone from around $935 an ounce this year to $1060, and nothing like $200 to $1000 like BUSH.

Gold has gone up about 50% since the election. $705-$1055. Sorry we haven't seen $200 gold since the 70's.

Those that talk about victory in Afghanistan know nothing about the war at all. The complexities involved are staggering. The realities of that war prevent a "victory" in the context of winning.

Obama said he would send more troups there all along. Why back down now?

There is nothing to win. Without wiping out the totality of terrorists in neighboring countries, there can be no WIN.

Until then, the republicans will kick around Afghanistan like a political football.

They dont care how many troops die, or the cost it will add to the federal deficit. They just want to sound like tough guys, but so did Adolph Hitler.

AV8, I find your arguments weak and cowardly.

Just another "parrot" for FAUX news just like many others on this board.

You always spew liberal giberish and blame republicans. Always talking staight down democratic lines. The same thing you accuse right-wingers of. Which make you a bigger hypocrite than them.

Hard to believe the american public

Don't forget, "Bernanke is an idiot nominated by an idiot president, Bush" Therfore renominated by an idiot president, Obama, right?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This is exactly the type of idiot that watches Glen Beck and then acts out on his rediculous advice. This one example shows the power of rhetoric and stupidity.

The 2 just dont mix.

Glenn Beck Fan, Highly Armed, Busted For Casing National Guard Base, Thinking It Was A "FEMA Camp"

by booksnmore4you

Sun Aug 02, 2009 at 04:25:27 AM PDT

Chock it up as another instance in the growing list of crazies spurred to craziness by Right-Wing media circus:

As reported by Saturday's NY Post, "a Long Island mother of three -- armed to the teeth with an assault rifle and shotgun -- was arrested for scouting out and taking pictures of an Air National Guard base."
Her arsenal included an XM-15 assault rifle, a shotgun and 500 rounds of ammunition.
The woman, Nancy Genovese, had been seen at the base a few weeks earlier, taking photos and questioning the guards. This time she had returned to take photos of the perimeter of the base. It's not difficult to make the connection that she was paranoid about "FEMA Camps".
Genovese is a Glenn Beck fan, according to her MySpace page (archived here). "He is mad as hell and so are we. He is right and so are we", writes Genovese, who also posted a video of a Glenn Beck rant.
Genovese additionally posted an amateur video indicating her apparent affinity for right-wing militia movements.
Below is Genovese and the weapons and ammo police say they found in her possession.

Update #1: As posted below by davidkc, a nugget in the NY Post article is that "Genovese [was] held for a psychiatric examination after she went berserk in the courtroom."
Update #2: Genovese's Twitter page makes it clear she's a Tea Bagger.
Update #3: For those questioning the "FEMA Camp" connection, use your browser's search function to search Genovese's MySpace page. You'll find multiple references where she acts out her paranoia.
Update #4: The Westhampton News adds a few details.
Update #5: The blogger "pale" at the Canadian site Creative Revolution synopsizes the content of Genovese's MySpace page.
Update #6: Blogger Steve Krakauer transcribes a quote from the Beck video that Genovese embedded in her MySpace page.
"We are coming. We will be heard. We will be represented. You think that we are so busy with our lives that we will never come for you. And we were. But now you’ve gone and done it. We are the formally silent majority, all of us. Quietly work, pay our taxes, obey the laws, vote, save money, keep our noses to the grindstone – now looking up at you. You have awakened us, and a patriotic spirit so strong and so powerful. It had been sleeping too long. You have pushed us too far." ~GLEN BECK.


Well-Known Member
Now Lee, you can't come here with truth and scare the pigeons! See how they react and flap their wings wildly. Somebody might get hurt so you be nice.

Posting spam email however is permitted and often used by some here so there's an idea.



Well-Known Member
That Jones, he'll defend anybody :happy-very:.

OK, now I'm confused. Does this mean you are not a liberal anymore and are a conservative or have you become an anarchist in promoting mass confusion as a means of destroying the polarized 2 party construct?


Thanks for the laugh with your response above!


Staff member
I always think it's funny how "The Other Side" knows more about Fox than the combination of everyone else here!

Maybe you should turn it off for a while, Tos!!


Staff member
OK, now I'm confused. Does this mean you are not a liberal anymore and are a conservative or have you become an anarchist in promoting mass confusion as a means of destroying the polarized 2 party construct?


Thanks for the laugh with your response above!
Probably just means I'm a moral relativist with no true system of values :happy2:.


Well-Known Member
I always think it's funny how "The Other Side" knows more about Fox than the combination of everyone else here!

Maybe you should turn it off for a while, Tos!!

Please don't suggest that as I'll then have to tune in to Fox and Rush Limbaugh to know what the latest skinny is!


You did make a good point Over as it does seem a few folks here always bash Fox and Rush (and some of that is deserved IMO) but then they always seem day to day to know what's been on.

As Spock would say, FASCINATING!



Well-Known Member
You did make a good point Over as it does seem a few folks here always bash Fox and Rush (and some of that is deserved IMO) but then they always seem day to day to know what's been on.

As Spock would say, FASCINATING!


The whack jobs every night, come on Fox News Talk Sirius channel 145 between 10:00pm-1:00am on the Alan Combs Show....They spew the garabage rhetoric of the day coming from Rush, Glen, Sean, and the rest of the Fox News entertainment clowns... and they get called out on it on a nightly's really quite amusing. Then, near the end of the program, there's a segment call radio graffitti. One sentence, and one sentence only. Every night the hate and the racial disdain geared towards Obama is pretty sickening. I realize, this is just a small segment of the population on the air waves. But have to wonder, what percentage this attitude really represents. I guess my point is, one does not have to listen to Rush or Fox directly to get a good barometer of what was the daily affirmation of the Right Wing stratosphere....Live long and prosper....:wink2:


Well-Known Member
You know, you can have hate without racial disdain .

I've noticed thru life's trials and tribulations is that the older some get, the more hate brews inside....Part of it can be their spouse drives them nuts, and the other is those Retires that are not active, spending their whole day watching Fox News 24/7...:wink2:....Moreluck is there a Golf and Tennis club close by? :tennis: :golfball:


golden ticket member
Part of what you say is actually true, deez. We 'hold our tongues' all our lives being politically correct and getting walked all over by others. As we get older, realizing our own mortality, we see that we only have so much time left and we tend to speak our mind while we still can. Get it all out before we are gone.

Yes, Talega Golf Club is real close and hubby & I are members.....he's the only golfer and being a legacy member, I am included too. I actually have a locker there.....maybe that's where I can hide Xmas gifts. I can hardly walk a block yet, so tennis is out for me.

I don't watch Fox all day, I just have it on in the background. I prefer watching shows like Flipping Out (an O.C.D. study), Kendra, The Kardashians, Atlanta Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Iron Chef, Top Chef (love Padma), House Hunters, Property Virgins, Barefoot Contessa, etc.

That should give you a good insight into my taste (or lack of it).:happy-very:


Staff member
Part of what you say is actually true, deez. We 'hold our tongues' all our lives being politically correct and getting walked all over by others. As we get older, realizing our own mortality, we see that we only have so much time left and we tend to speak our mind while we still can. Get it all out before we are gone.

That's interesting, because my own experience has been almost the exact opposite. When I was younger I was much more outspoken and confrontational, more likely to see every issue in terms of black and white, and never backed down from a fight or argument. As I've gotten older I'm more apt to let things go and not sweat the small stuff. On those times that I do allow myself to get caught up in an emotional argument I end up regretting it, not because I was right or wrong but because I allowed myself to get worked up about something that doesn't matter in the big picture. Time spent angry is time wasted.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed thru life's trials and tribulations is that the older some get, the more hate brews inside....Part of it can be their spouse drives them nuts, and the other is those Retires that are not active, spending their whole day watching Fox News 24/7...:wink2:

Common D, they watch FoxNews for ideas on longevity of life.


Gives new meaning to the term "FOUNTAIN of Youth!"

I howl every time I see that. Back in the 90's a feeder driver was doing an RV trip with his wife out west and happen to run into Mr. Borgnine and his wife doing the same in the Zion National Park area. They ended up traveling together for about a week and Borgnine really sounded like a really cool down to earth person. Had some awesome and gut busting pics too. Borgnine seems like a barrel of monkeys and the life of the party.

I don't remember any self pleasure comments being made however!

One of my fav's:

"I'm gonna sue Hustler's magazine for causing my carpral tunnel!"

Sorry for the OT humor but to get back on point,

From the pen of retired USAF Lt. Colonel Karen Kwaitkowski PHD. on McChrystal and the Afghan War or war in general.

And from the pen of Andrew Bacevich, retired Colonel US Army, West Point grad with PHD in History and International Affairs, father of Iraqi soldier KIA in Iraq. Currently professor of International Relations at Boston U.

Afghanistan-The Proxy War
Thanks to

And from the folks at TomDispatch via

Apocalypse Then, Afghanistan Now