Ahmed, The Terrorist


Well-Known Member
Maybe because the Germans and Italians didn't attack the shores of America.

Keep connecting the dots and someday you'll have the big picture.

I know it's difficult.


Well-Known Member
Maybe because the Germans and Italians didn't attack the shores of America.

Keep connecting the dots and someday you'll have the big picture.

I know it's difficult.

I don't know if you remember but a number of years ago four passenger jets were hijacked by muslims. Three of the jets hit their targets.

So.........the Japanese were, apparently, seen as threats after Pearl Harbor. Can we say the same about the muslims? Apparently not.

So lets all sit around the campfire and sing kumbaya. That should fix everything.

Have the dots formed a picture yet?


Bad Moon Risen'
Maybe because the Germans and Italians didn't attack the shores of America.

Keep connecting the dots and someday you'll have the big picture.

I know it's difficult.
You need a history lesson. German u-boats sunk many ships in our waters.
Isreali Air Force attacked The USS Liberty. Does that make Isreal a threat to us also?


Well-Known Member
I don't know if you remember but a number of years ago four passenger jets were hijacked by muslims. Three of the jets hit their targets.

So.........the Japanese were, apparently, seen as threats after Pearl Harbor. Can we say the same about the muslims? Apparently not.

So lets all sit around the campfire and sing kumbaya. That should fix everything.

Have the dots formed a picture yet?

Guy, read a history book - I suggest Howard Zinn.

We interned the Japanese, selectively, due to pure Xenophobia.

The Germans and Italians looked just like us (whitish, I guess?), and since, at that time, the good old 'white' US of A was comprised of immigrants, mostly Irish, German, Italian, Eastern-European, etc., we just picked on the non-white looking newbies.

Most, if not all, of the Japanese 'internees' were hard working immigrants trying to make their way in the country they called home.

Comparing the Japanese internment camps to anything about the situation we deal with today is {apples to dump-trucks}.


Well-Known Member
You deflected to skin color....not me.

I merely pointed out that the Italians and Germans had not just attacked American soil.

I know it's confusing.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is confusing. Are you advocating the internment of all people of Middle Eastern descent, all Muslims, or Muslims from one particular country?

Please help end the confusion.


Engorged Member
Maybe because the Germans and Italians didn't attack the shores of America.

Keep connecting the dots and someday you'll have the big picture.

I know it's difficult.

What's the difference in attacking a US ship and a US territory? Hawaii wasn't exactly US soil, and the Germans shelled both US coasts.

Those Japanese were an easy target because they looked different and weren't Christians.

You would imprison every Muslim if you could. Major issues with you, pal.


Well-Known Member
It appears poor little abused and oppressed Ahmed and his family will be moving to Qatar.

This was decided after his visit to the White House and our Dear Leader.

Isn't Qatar the country the five terrorists that were traded for Bowe Bergdahl sent to?



golden ticket member
It appears poor little abused and oppressed Ahmed and his family will be moving to Qatar.

This was decided after his visit to the White House and our Dear Leader.

Isn't Qatar the country the five terrorists that were traded for Bowe Bergdahl sent to?

Not at all surprised !!


Legio patria nostra
I'm not sure the Germans and Italians had a "fight to the death" mentality. I know the Germans made a manned V-1 "Kamikaze", but never used it as the Japanese did.
What's the difference between a Kamikaze pilot and a suicide bomber?


Legio patria nostra
The handful of Nazi's that volunteered and eventually flew with JG300 does not equate to the fanatical mentality the Japanese had in WWII. That was my context, not 3 or 4 flights that rammed USAAF bombers.