AIG Commercials


Well-Known Member
Nice Cheryl!

And speaking of commericals, you are going to be brainwashe.....uh I mean informed when you go to the movies.

March 27, 2009

Looney-Tunes Is Back!

Posted by Butler Shaffer at March 27, 2009 01:16 PM

When I was a youngster, one of the features I most looked forward to when going to movies was the cartoon. Warner Brothers, Disney, and UPA provided the best. With television, alas, theater cartoons are largely a thing of the past. Until this morning, that is, when the news media informed us that the Fed is going to begin featuring ads in movie theaters! What an opportunity to restore a long-missing part of the culture. The voice of Mel Blanc is gone, but the prospect of seeing Elmer Fudd or Wiley Coyote - in the form of Ben Bernanke - futilely pursuing the Wascally Wabbit or the Road Runner - who seek only to be left to their own pursuits - might provide a bit of nostalgia. Perhaps, in the Fed version, Fudd and Coyote will prevail over the innocents, as a preview of the fate that awaits the rest of us.
In the words of Porky, "th-th-th-that's not all, folks!"


If you are in a theater and these commercials come on the screen and someone starts booing and yelling "End the FED!" it might just be me!

I sure miss the cartoons at the movies. Drive In movies too!

Did you see where they are gonna try and recreate the 3 Stooges? Are you kidding me! Nobody will ever come close to the genius of those guys.


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