AM Driving


New Member

I recently won a bid for Part-Time early AM driving at my UPS branch after being an unloader for 8 years. The Thursday before last the HR associate who has been working with me said all that was left was my background check and I would probably be on the job on Tuesday. It's been 10 days since then and none of my immediate supervisors know what is going on. I tried to call her and have not received a call back. This weekend I got a letter in the mail saying my background check showed 2 seat belt violations, which I told them about when I applied, but now I'm starting to worry that I won't get the position because of the violations. I'm really looking forward to having this job and I just don't like how they have hung me out there without saying what is going on.

Please help if you can, even if the violations mean I probably won't get the position I would just like to know so I can stop worrying about it. If you or anyone you know has lost a job because of something like this please let me know.



Well-Known Member
In order to start driving you can't have any moving violation within the last year and no more than 2 in the last three years. I believe that not wearing a seat belt is a moving violation.

You won't loose your job but you will be DQ from driving untill one year after your last ticket.