Another example of Central States mismanagement


Well-Known Member
Area very well said! Im not for people staying in the cs, however i am concerned over if ups controlls it as a single employer.

Ok, Red what is it. I have addressed your concern about UPS in control of the sep. "Cut out the middle man" plan would do just that. It would totally elimnate the Teamsters and UPS influence on that individuals persnal retirement. After further review, I feel that placing the weekly future pension contributions in a seperate Roth IRA or IRA of the employees choosing would elinmate the problem of the middle man. I plan to address the issue in more detail. take care area 43


Browncafe Steward
Area very well said! Im not for people staying in the cs, however i am concerned over if ups controlls it as a single employer.

Ok, Red what is it. I have addressed your concern about UPS in control of the sep. "Cut out the middle man" plan would do just that. It would totally elimnate the Teamsters and UPS influence on that individuals persnal retirement. After further review, I feel that placing the weekly future pension contributions in a seperate Roth IRA or IRA of the employees choosing would elinmate the problem of the middle man. I plan to address the issue in more detail. take care area 43
Area your living in a fairyland, your ideas will never come true. They are unrealistic for a union setting, not saying your not onto something, but you have to realize a union job in general is for the better of all employees not just a handful. Thats a big problem with upsers, most upsers are only concerned with themselves and not worried about the work group as a whole!


Well-Known Member
Area your living in a fairyland, your ideas will never come true. They are unrealistic for a union setting, not saying your not onto something, but you have to realize a union job in general is for the better of all employees not just a handful. Thats a big problem with upsers, most upsers are only concerned with themselves and not worried about the work group as a whole!

Red, don't put words into my mouth. My focus here is on the CS plan. Yes, I agree that a union job is better than a non union job. So, lets stay focused here. We want to solve the problem. I believe your 705 local took back your union. Why can't it happen with the CSer's? The CSers need to take back control of their pension. What have they got to lose? As it looks now there about to lose everything. Don't go down without a fight. Red, I detect a defeatist attitude in you. I never said get rid of the Teamsters, but they have failed miserably to give the CSer's a stable pension plan. I don't plan to work at UPS intill I'm 80, but with the Teamsters running the pension plans I sure might have too. Isn't that how the APWA got their start. A small seed was planted by two feeder drivers in N.C. and now its starting to take hold a grow. Our pension fund in Va. is about 73% funded. What will it be in 5 years when I get close to retirement. Will it be underfunded? That is why I'm taking this to heart. I and many other UPSer's of Council 83 could very well be in the same boat. Were only %10 away of being underfunded.


Browncafe Steward
Red, don't put words into my mouth. My focus here is on the CS plan. Yes, I agree that a union job is better than a non union job. So, lets stay focused here. We want to solve the problem. I believe your 705 local took back your union. Why can't it happen with the CSer's? The CSers need to take back control of their pension. What have they got to lose? As it looks now there about to lose everything. Don't go down without a fight. Red, I detect a defeatist attitude in you. I never said get rid of the Teamsters, but they have failed miserably to give the CSer's a stable pension plan. I don't plan to work at UPS intill I'm 80, but with the Teamsters running the pension plans I sure might have too. Isn't that how the APWA got their start. A small seed was planted by two feeder drivers in N.C. and now its starting to take hold a grow. Our pension fund in Va. is about 73% funded. What will it be in 5 years when I get close to retirement. Will it be underfunded? That is why I'm taking this to heart. I and many other UPSer's of Council 83 could very well be in the same boat. Were only %10 away of being underfunded.
At 73% i do believe that you are in the yellow, not doing great, not doing bad on order to be classified as a good fund i believe you have to be 80% or higher i could be wrong. I wasnt trying to put words in your mouth but i feel like im beating my head against a wall when i talk to you sometimes. You have been a steward so you understand that we are here for the overall good of all the people and not to cut side deals for the few. If you really beleive what you say about standing up now, do me a favor and get 20plus upsers from your building to go to the next monthly meeting and the next one and so on, thats the only way to show them that we mean business.