Atlanta/Management Needs to wake up!


Package Car is cake compared to this...
I was taught by my father to do things right. To be honest. To try to do your best.

When I worked two minimum wage jobs to put myself thru truck driving school I met an excellent instructor who preached the same things. He also told me that I had a decision to make. Was I going to be a professional driver or one of those "other guys?"

So when a manager criticizes me for job performance after I had done my best , it causes a lot of stress. I understand their tactics. They work with most people. It takes a lot of character to stand your ground when everyone else around you is falling down.

We have to believe that we can make a difference. By being a good example and a mentor to young and impressionable people. All I try to do is make my little corner of the world a better place.

You're right, it isn't easy at first, but it does get better with repetition. You kind of have to let go of the idea that you will be 'friendly' with management. That's not to say you need to be a major Dick, but you kind of have to have Teflon skin. Don't take it personally when they're telling you what a slug you are. Conversely, don't be afraid to raise your voice and stand your ground, without feeling bad towards your supervisors. Likewise, they shouldn't take everything personally either. Of course, we all know a great many of them will, but that shouldn't be something that causes you heartburn.

You sound like a solid guy to work next to. Try to tell others what works, but don't take it too hard when you see guys like the driver on the previous page who said as long as he liked his dispatch, he would tear up his routes. We all know and have seen how drivers like that bottom out, and wonder why it happens to them. Hey, I give that guy a little credit...he was honest. Wrong, but honest. But you'll find guys that WILL listen and act. Obviously, you know how that works.


Well-Known Member
Kudos to Dracula...remember CYA. Cover Your Rear. When it comes to accidents they will never back you no matter how good you make management look on paper. Slow and safe. I've never known anyone fired in my 25 years for not meeting THEIR production standards. I have known some very good drivers fired for cutting corners. Good luck and be safe to all UPSers this peak.