Bengazi hearings, part deux, the sham, hosted by the republicans..


All Trash No Trailer
Chemical weapons? I have no idea. They can not be that hard to make. Some countries had the technology to make chemical weapons in 1915 in world war 1.

Probably every country on the planet now can make some kind of chemical weapon. So he probably ordered his people to make it.

oh jeez this is priceless.
In WW1 ALL of the countries involved (including MURICA) used Gas (mustard,phosgene,chorline) against their enemies,not to mention the accidental use of Mustard Gas against our own allies during the bari Air Raid(america insisted we did not have chemical weapons in the ETO ,but this was a lie.)

oh yea, MURICA used Napalm extensively against Vietnamese citizens in the Vietnam War 1965-1973.
Where is the furor,the outrage over civilians being burned alive ?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
oh jeez this is priceless.
In WW1 ALL of the countries involved (including MURICA) used Gas (mustard,phosgene,chorline) against their enemies,not to mention the accidental use of Mustard Gas against our own allies during the bari Air Raid(america insisted we did not have chemical weapons in the ETO ,but this was a lie.)

oh yea, MURICA used Napalm extensively against Vietnamese citizens in the Vietnam War 1965-1973.
Where is the furor,the outrage over civilians being burned alive ?
Thanks for helping make my point for me. Although I really didn't need you to.
And the furor in Vietnam about napalm being used on civilians. It was Vietnam. People protested everything we did.


All Trash No Trailer
Yeah, so. Your point is?
my point is that during the time of teh Iraq Iran War the USA adopted an Orwellian stance of "those who fight against our enemies are our friends" and even after it was known Sarin Gas was used against the Kurds there was certainly no out rage.
Years later when Saddam had outlived his usefulness( and in the USA's quest to grant Iraqi Oilfields Freedom) artificial furor and outrage was stirred (not to mention Dubya's insistince Iraq was somehow mysteriously tied to 9/11) against a crime commited nearly two decades ago


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Let me help you, we supported Iraq's use of chemical weapons, so long as they were using them against Iran..... is it any wonder we're in this situation?
The outrage over Benghazi is laughable. Politics as usual.
Now wonder you choose Homer as your avatar. You just figured out politics?
We took him out because he was a bad guy, in charge of a country, and he had a grudge against the USA.
Do you think Saddam would forgive and forget? Hell no.
Do I agree with using our military might to take down bad guy dictators? Hell yes.
What do you think they people in the military train so hard for? And don't even think about listing the numbers of men and women wounded or killed in war. I served. We knew what we were signing up for. No one was drafted against their will to go.


Inordinately Right
Do I agree with using our military might to take down bad guy dictators? Hell yes. What do you think they people in the military train so hard for? And don't even think about listing the numbers of men and women wounded or killed in war. I served. We knew what we were signing up for. No one was drafted against their will to go.
I weep for the future.


All Trash No Trailer
Now wonder you choose Homer as your avatar. You just figured out politics?
We took him out because he was a bad guy, in charge of a country, and he had a grudge against the USA.
Do you think Saddam would forgive and forget? Hell no.
Do I agree with using our military might to take down bad guy dictators? Hell yes.
What do you think they people in the military train so hard for? And don't even think about listing the numbers of men and women wounded or killed in war. I served. We knew what we were signing up for. No one was drafted against their will to go.
sooooooo, Murica should decide who the good guys are and the bad guys are and just take em out huh?
hmmmmmmmmmmmm,dang, why havent we taken out the dictators in North Korea? oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
silly me!!!!!!!!!!!!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
sooooooo, Murica should decide who the good guys are and the bad guys are and just take em out huh?
hmmmmmmmmmmmm,dang, why havent we taken out the dictators in North Korea? oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
silly me!!!!!!!!!!!!
Afghanistan is loaded with oil? When did that happen?

And explain what you mean by we have ownership and control over the Iraqi oil fields.

Because, as usual, you are dead wrong sir. We don't. That oil is sold on the open market and the people of Iraq (their government) gets that money, not us.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
sooooooo, Murica should decide who the good guys are and the bad guys are and just take em out huh?
hmmmmmmmmmmmm,dang, why havent we taken out the dictators in North Korea? oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
silly me!!!!!!!!!!!!
North Korea is backed by who? Wait for it. Wait for it. Oh yeah, it's CHINA.

We attack North Korea and risk war with China.

Maybe it's not the oil after all.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I weep for the future.
Really. What if the world would have listened to Churchill in 1935 saying Hitler was building a war machine and we needed to stop him.
In 1935, Hitler wasn't a war criminal. Would it have been wrong for England and France to invade Germany in 1935, before Hitler built most of his war machine?


Inordinately Right
Really. What if the world would have listened to Churchill in 1935 saying Hitler was building a war machine and we needed to stop him.
In 1935, Hitler wasn't a war criminal. Would it have been wrong for England and France to invade Germany in 1935, before Hitler built most of his war machine?
Good to see Godwin's Law is still holding true.


All Trash No Trailer
Really. What if the world would have listened to Churchill in 1935 saying Hitler was building a war machine and we needed to stop him.
In 1935, Hitler wasn't a war criminal. Would it have been wrong for England and France to invade Germany in 1935, before Hitler built most of his war machine?
ok ,another History lesson here: in 1935 Hitler had just taken over leadership of the country and NOONE thought Germany was any kind of threat whatsoever. Churchill was also held in very low esteem in 1935 by peoples of the UK.
really my dear fellow you have been QUITE entertaining tonight


Nine Lives
He had them at one point. He used them. Just because he managed to hide them, or gave them away, doesn't mean he never had them.

I tend to believe people have WMD's after they already used them.
And continue to boast that they still have them!
That was the craziest thing about Saddam ... I guess he really didn't think we would invade.


All Trash No Trailer
Now wonder you choose Homer as your avatar. You just figured out politics?
We took him out because he was a bad guy, in charge of a country, and he had a grudge against the USA.
Do you think Saddam would forgive and forget? Hell no.
Do I agree with using our military might to take down bad guy dictators? Hell yes.
What do you think they people in the military train so hard for? And don't even think about listing the numbers of men and women wounded or killed in war. I served. We knew what we were signing up for. No one was drafted against their will to go.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
ok ,another History lesson here: in 1935 Hitler had just taken over leadership of the country and NOONE thought Germany was any kind of threat whatsoever. Churchill was also held in very low esteem in 1935 by peoples of the UK.
really my dear fellow you have been QUITE entertaining tonight

Well, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 not 1935. I was just using 1935 because in 1934 Churchill was telling the British Parliament about the threat of Hitler. I figured it would take England time to launch an attack.

The point being, if you could take out a tyrant before crap happens, and you had the power to do it, would you?