Big Union


Engorged Member
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

Wow, does this seem strangely familiar to a routine I've seen for the last 25 years- it's just that your numbers are on the very low side. We do the exact same thing, but in much bigger scale, hence the need for 4 or 5 of us to 1 of you.
"You just don't understand" is a pathetic response when most of us very much understand.
I'm trying hard to respect you and your views, but it is difficult when the respect is not returned.
Have a great day, sir.

Sorry, but when your UPS area is just a couple of blocks long, I DO understand. Yes, they have a lot of pkgs, but driving 50 feet to the next driveway or dock tends to pump-up the numbers.


Engorged Member
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

Wow, you continue to amaze. You can repeat yourself as many times as it takes to make you feel good.....The taxpayer (left and right) gets jacked by the PUBLIC unions. You know it and I know it. Again the only clueless one is Obama and your blind support of a president who thinks he's Superman...LMAO!! I suppose you think you're superman too with you less than informed and repetitive Responses. Keep up the good work perhaps you can become a czar in the Administration of disgrace and failure. Peace!

Your union will get jacked if the GOP ever gains full power. Let's see how long Scott Walker lasts in Wisconsin after effing-over the public unions.


Well-Known Member
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

Whatever. It's clear that you don't understand the FedEx job, which is set-up quite differently from a UPS route which is primarily house calls. .

It's very clear that you do not understand the UPS job but that's expected since you could not cut it here.


Well-Known Member
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

It's very clear that you do not understand the UPS job but that's expected since you could not cut it here.

MFE has already explained why he left---he had a family to support and could not do it on part-time wages. I don't blame him--had it not been for my (ex) wife's income (RN) I would have been hard pressed to have been able to support my family on the uncertain paychecks of a casual driver. I most certainly would not have been able to on PT wages.
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

Sorry, but when your UPS area is just a couple of blocks long, I DO understand. Yes, they have a lot of pkgs, but driving 50 feet to the next driveway or dock tends to pump-up the numbers.
Sorry but I can't decide of you are being intentionally obtuse or if it just comes natural. Either you are ignoring or do not understand the nuts and bolts of the delivery industry.

It is the number of stops that create the 50 feet between each one, no the distance crating the number of stops. The fact is UPS drivers usually deliver 4 times the number of stops and packages as a FedEx driver. UPS drivers in your area have more house calls than you because UPS has more customers. As mentioned earlier, UPS drivers also have "on demand" pick ups as well.

I'll re-ask the question you have avoided answering. Why did your savior Zer0bama and his democratic controlled congress not change the laws that prevent fedex employees from joining a union? The GOP would not have been able to stop it and everyone knows that.
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

MFE has already explained why he left---he had a family to support and could not do it on part-time wages. I don't blame him--had it not been for my (ex) wife's income (RN) I would have been hard pressed to have been able to support my family on the uncertain paychecks of a casual driver. I most certainly would not have been able to on PT wages.

Did your wife come with that degree or did she get it while you were in the Air Force? Did she work part time while getting the degree? The point is, hard work provided the chance for you to make seniority as FT driver.
My first wife came with a HS diploma, I finished my HS at nights while working days. When she started college she worked PT and I worked two jobs (long before my UPS days) one full time and one seasonal PT, to pay for her degree. After that she worked a full time and a part time seasonal job as did I. We ate a lot of beans in those days. When I was 32 years old and with 2 kids in Jr. High, I started community college and worked PT at a couple of PT jobs before landing a PT with UPS. A short time after getting my degree I went FT with UPS as a driver. We did what we had to do to support the family and get our degrees (without student loans I might add) and establish careers that would sustain our lives quite well. I'm not special, not a superman nor a hero, I just did what I HAD to do to provide for an easier life for my family. Maybe that is why I have little patience for whiners that expect everything anyone else has to be given to them.


Well-Known Member
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

She had her degree when we got married. We were actually supposed to go to Spain for 4 years when I left Sicily but the AF could not guarantee her a job and I couldn't ask her to put her career on hold for 4 years so we ended up in Texas. I finished up my 4 year degree while in Texas taking classes on base through Wayland Baptist University.

When I started at UPS I did work quite a bit but on those days I wasn't needed I delivered auto parts during the day and stocked shelves at a grocery store at night. Having her income to fall back on made it much easier for us to get through the 11 months until I was FT.
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

She had her degree when we got married. We were actually supposed to go to Spain for 4 years when I left Sicily but the AF could not guarantee her a job and I couldn't ask her to put her career on hold for 4 years so we ended up in Texas. I finished up my 4 year degree while in Texas taking classes on base through Wayland Baptist University.

When I started at UPS I did work quite a bit but on those days I wasn't needed I delivered auto parts during the day and stocked shelves at a grocery store at night. Having her income to fall back on made it much easier for us to get through the 11 months until I was FT.
and that supports my point. You and she did what was necessary to get you where you wanted to be and support your family.


Well-Known Member
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

and that supports my point. You and she did what was necessary to get you where you wanted to be and support your family. did MFE. He realized that he could not support his family based on a PT wage. He would have loved to have stayed at UPS but it was not economically feasible for him to do so. I respect him for realizing that and taking the steps necessary to support his family.


Well-Known Member
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

Sorry but I can't decide of you are being intentionally obtuse or if it just comes natural. Either you are ignoring or do not understand the nuts and bolts of the delivery industry.

It is the number of stops that create the 50 feet between each one, no the distance crating the number of stops. The fact is UPS drivers usually deliver 4 times the number of stops and packages as a FedEx driver. UPS drivers in your area have more house calls than you because UPS has more customers. As mentioned earlier, UPS drivers also have "on demand" pick ups as well.

I'll re-ask the question you have avoided answering. Why did your savior Zer0bama and his democratic controlled congress not change the laws that prevent fedex employees from joining a union? The GOP would not have been able to stop it and everyone knows that.

Re "I'll re-ask the question you have avoided answering. Why did your savior Zer0bama and his democratic controlled congress not change the laws that prevent fedex employees from joining a union? The GOP would not have been able to stop it and everyone knows that."

I have wondered this for the longest time. I do not blame President Obama or the Democrat Congress as I do not the the facts.

But they did have a majority I believe. I wish I could have a straight factual answer why it never came up for a vote.
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR! did MFE. He realized that he could not support his family based on a PT wage. He would have loved to have stayed at UPS but it was not economically feasible for him to do so. I respect him for realizing that and taking the steps necessary to support his family.
I respect his decision to move along as well. Didn't mean to give the impression I didn't. What I do not respect is the whining over the fact that his decision put him with a company that was less than he wanted while knowing up front what they were. You and I both did what we had to do to get where we wanted to be. How many long time part timers do you know that work two jobs so they can afford to wait on that full time job? I bet there are a lot.


Well-Known Member
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

When you and I both started it was not uncommon for PTers to have one or two side jobs---this is not really the case anymore, at least not in my center.

There is also a growing sentiment among the younger drivers that this is just a job, not a career, and the sense of ownership is simply not there.
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

When you and I both started it was not uncommon for PTers to have one or two side jobs---this is not really the case anymore, at least not in my center.

There is also a growing sentiment among the younger drivers that this is just a job, not a career, and the sense of ownership is simply not there.
And from what I hear in these parts, I can't blame them much. UPS has turned what was once a good career into a job for young men and women only. The way it is going it would be hard for anyone to sustain the work load for 25-30 years. And the union, as far as I can tell, hasn't done a damn thing to help the workers.


Well-Known Member
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

And from what I hear in these parts, I can't blame them much. UPS has turned what was once a good career into a job for young men and women only. The way it is going it would be hard for anyone to sustain the work load for 25-30 years. And the union, as far as I can tell, hasn't done a damn thing to help the workers.

....and this trend will continue if the company does try to implement a two-tiered wage system for new FT hires in 2013.


Staff member
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

Yup, do what you must to support your family. But after the decision is made, don't come on here whining about it at the same time you tell everyone how much management loved you as a temp.

Put on the big boys pants, get over it, and move on.


Strength through joy
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

....and this trend will continue if the company does try to implement a two-tiered wage system for new FT hires in 2013.
Would this be any different than the two tier system for p/t that has been around since the 80's ?
I was hired in '76 as p/t.
In '87 I became an air driver at $10/hr, with only one contract that provided any wage increase ( up to $11.66 ).
I was stuck at that rate until '99, however any new air driver started at $13.50 and received contractual wage increases.
The only upside to working all those years at a cheaper rate was that with my two p/t jobs all my hours were applied to my pension ( 1800 credited hours = 1 full year pension credit ). This year I will have 31 years full pension credit, but I will be too young to meet the min. age to retire.


Well-Known Member
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

MFE has already explained why he left---he had a family to support and could not do it on part-time wages. I don't blame him--had it not been for my (ex) wife's income (RN) I would have been hard pressed to have been able to support my family on the uncertain paychecks of a casual driver. I most certainly would not have been able to on PT wages.

I'm excited you came along to defend MrsFredEx. He claimed that I did not know how good I had it because I had a union job yet he and you both clearly say he could not cut it when he had the opportunity to take a union job. Why? He claimed he worked harder than a UPS driver because he had on call pickups and UPS did not. Even though that is false can you also defend that? He claimed that because I worked in Memphis and that is a rural area and that is why I have it so good. Why? He claimed that because it only took me seven years to get full time seniority that is somehow different than the seven years it would have taken him. Why? I had to work two and sometimes three jobs while I was part time to survive. I did that because I wanted to work at UPS. I started out as a peak season driver and knew that is what I wanted to do and the only way to get there was to take the path that I did. It's not really as difficult to do as you two make it out to be. UPS will hire just about anyone in the hub and all you have to do is survive until you have enough seniority to make your attempt at driving. Of course just because you get the chance that does not mean you will be a successful driver.


Staff member
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

Typical Obama supporter. Wants everything handed to him.


Engorged Member
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

Yup, do what you must to support your family. But after the decision is made, don't come on here whining about it at the same time you tell everyone how much management loved you as a temp.

Put on the big boys pants, get over it, and move on.

I moved on. As usual, you all missed the point, which is that the type of government you want/support (GOP/Libertarian) HATES unions. Why do you support a party that thinks you are overpaid and don't deserve a pension/good benefits etc. That's a basic part of the Republican platform, which you all just seem to ignore. They believe in right to work states, killing public and private sector unions and letting the market decide the price of labor. If they ever come to power, you should hypothetically be "competing" with FedEx Ground drivers who make about $12-14 per hour with no benefits at all. Republicans think you should be working for that same kind of money because that way UPS can save big money on labor costs. Of course, all of those savings will "trickle down" to you..not. More like "trickled on".

I just can't believe you're that ignorant of the underlying anti-labor/anti-worker sentiments of the Republicans. You're not bright enough to see that you're digging your own grave. Hell,you even brought your own shovel.


Staff member
Re: The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

I moved on. As usual, you all missed the point, which is that the type of government you want/support (GOP/Libertarian) HATES unions. Why do you support a party that thinks you are overpaid and don't deserve a pension/good benefits etc. That's a basic part of the Republican platform, which you all just seem to ignore. They believe in right to work states, killing public and private sector unions and letting the market decide the price of labor. If they ever come to power, you should hypothetically be "competing" with FedEx Ground drivers who make about $12-14 per hour with no benefits at all. Republicans think you should be working for that same kind of money because that way UPS can save big money on labor costs. Of course, all of those savings will "trickle down" to you..not. More like "trickled on".

I just can't believe you're that ignorant of the underlying anti-labor/anti-worker sentiments of the Republicans. You're not bright enough to see that you're digging your own grave. Hell,you even brought your own shovel.

And you are fooling yourself if you think the Democrats are any different. Not a peep out of them on this when they had control of the House, the Senate, AND the White House.

On a side note, any way we can get you to stop the name-calling MrFedEx. It's darn near every post now.