Birthplace of UPS


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Waterfall Garden Park: Birthplace of UPS
Located in the historical Pioneer Square District of Seattle -
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1907 origins -
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A visitor tours Waterfall Garden -
On a visit to Seattle last year, I was touring Pioneer Square and stopped by Waterfall Garden Park. It is fairly easy to find in the Pioneer Square District. It is adjacent to Occidental Park and across South Main Street from where the sidewalk plaque rests, is the Seattle Fire Department. Although small, it is an oasis away from the hustle and bustle of downtown Seattle. The outer walls and the sound of tumbling water mitigates the noise coming from the street. There is also an attendant on duty while the park is open to the public. Overall, it's a nice place for an outdoor coffee or lunch break. Although, I didn't have time to stand in line to place an order, I would have brought a lunch to eat in the park from Salumi's. This highly regarded Italian deli is located just over a block away from Waterfall Garden on 3rd Avenue South.
One can obtain a historical perspective of Pioneer Square by joining Bill Speidel's Underground Tour and visiting the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park. Just up the street on 1st Avenue from the Pioneer Square District, is the famous Pike Place Market, which opened for business the same month and year the American Messenger Service was started. Pike Place Market is best known for its fish market, an eclectic array of shops and of course, the first Starbucks store.