Black Lives Matter? Statistics Show That They Do.....


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Studies link childhood lead exposure, violent crime

Lead poisoning in Chicago:



Strength through joy
Ferguson activist Darren Seals dies at 29

Ferguson activist Darren Seals dies at 29

According to the St. Louis County Police Department, at approximately 1:50 a.m. on September 6, its Bureau of Crimes Against Persons and Bomb and Arson Unit were requested to assist the City of Riverview for a vehicle fire in the 9600 block of Diamond Drive.

Police say their investigation revealed that Seals suffered a gunshot wound before the car was set on fire. The incident is currently being investigated as a homicide.



Strength through joy
Black Lives Matter partners with charity in a sign of growth

Black Lives Matter, which two years ago grew out of street protests and a social-media hashtag, has quietly established a legal partnership with a California charity in a sign of the movement's growth and expanding ambition, the Associated Press has learned.

The formal relationship between the national Black Lives Matter network and the San Francisco-based International Development Exchange represents another side of the loosely knit group that many Americans recognize for its sometimes-disruptive demonstrations against police shootings of unarmed black men.

Since November, the nonprofit charity also known as IDEX has been acting as a mostly unseen financial arm of Black Lives Matter, with the ability to receive grants and tax-deductible donations on the group's behalf. More recently, the relationship evolved into a contractual partnership that will run through at least mid-2017.

IDEX is managing the group's financial affairs, allowing Black Lives Matter to focus on its mission, including building local chapters and experimenting with its organizational structure.


Strength through joy
Darren Seals had tweeted that #BlackLivesMatter belong to Ferguson and Michael Brown's protests.
He was extremely critical of BLM activists like DeRay McKesson and Johnetta Elzie who he believed coopted the situation in Ferguson to their own benefit.
He tweeted this on 08-12-15;
#BlackLivesMatter is our s hit friend uck them if we didn't raise hell in them streets last year for 8 consistently nobody would know what black lives matter is so that's ours. watch out for these snakes & leeches pretending to be with us just because they look like us don't mean they're one of us.
This people make me sick they don't do nothiong for the black community but exploit our deaths to collect white money. I would rather deal with the klan then snakes like them.

On Aug 10,2016
#BLACKLIVESMATTER is making millions on top of millions because of the work we put in, in FERGUSON. And they haven't used a penny of it to rebuild Ferguson, build anything for the youth in St. Louis, create business for the black people in the city, NOTHING.
I don't mean to sound hash but I gotta be real......YOU STUPID AS friend UCK IF YOU STILL SUPPORTING THEM IN ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM IF YOU FROM THIS CITY. I ain't even gone sugar coat it.


Inordinately Right
Darren Seals was right.
#BLM has turned into a cash cow for a selected few.
So first you say it's just a bunch of thugs who want to riot. Then they manage to organize into something better, and it's just a "cash cow" for a select few.

Bottom line is you wouldn't be happy unless they just went away and everyone stopped talking about systematic social injustice all together. The easiest solution for some is to just pretend like it's not happening, and BLM undermines that goal.


Strength through joy
So first you say it's just a bunch of thugs who want to riot. Then they manage to organize into something better, and it's just a "cash cow" for a select few.

Bottom line is you wouldn't be happy unless they just went away and everyone stopped talking about systematic social injustice all together. The easiest solution for some is to just pretend like it's not happening, and BLM undermines that goal.
You totally missed it.
Darren Sales was killed and the car he was in burned , typical of an organized criminal activity.
Follow the money.
He demanded answers to the most basic questions of where did the money go .
If you had read the article in post #213 , down by the bottom BLM stated that they had been active for over four years , but Michael Brown died only 2 years ago. How could that be ?
And the money collected was to be used to establish more chapters in the USA and around the world. Nothing was said about giving back to the black community.

I'm really surprised that no liberal poster here hasn't demanded justice for Darren Sales.


Inordinately Right
You totally missed it.
Darren Sales was killed and the car he was in burned , typical of an organized criminal activity.
Follow the money.
He demanded answers to the most basic questions of where did the money go .
If you had read the article in post #213 , down by the bottom BLM stated that they had been active for over four years , but Michael Brown died only 2 years ago. How could that be ?
And the money collected was to be used to establish more chapters in the USA and around the world. Nothing was said about giving back to the black community.

I'm really surprised that no liberal poster here hasn't demanded justice for Darren Sales.
Oh I got it, it's another conspiracy theory.
You have too much free time to scour the bowels of the internet and not enough common sense to know when you're reading garbage.


Strength through joy
I got enough streets smarts to know a con job when I see one.
A guy who started the movement gets pushed aside by new people coming in and demands answers to where is all the money going ends up dead.
Classic tale.