Bomb Material on UPS Flights


Strength through joy
The Fed-Ex bomb: The booby-trapped printer was packed in a box together with a number of everyday items such as books and magazines

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Strength through joy
Got to work today and all drop off procedures have been changed.
Everyone has to produce an ID.
All parcels including ARS are to opened and inspected.

Lue C Fur

Evil member


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Al Qaeda is claiming responsibility for the Dubai Crash!!! Maybe the bomb did not explode on our 747 but smoldered...
I heard this today also.
Now it officially affects all of us, even those who have never ever been concerned about terrorists. Duh
I deliver to a chemical plant, a large well known company. There used to be a sign on the fence, the secure locked facility, that read "no cameras, or recording devices" .

Since the fence that used to hold that sign, was driven through, when someone crashed it stealing a semi tractor trailer, with a behemoth hydrogen tank on it..I took pics.
Were there not warnings from homeland security about this very thing, after 9/11? This is when this plant completely encased itself. The good news, they couldnt drive and crashed into a tree. Who would want to steal this?


Well-Known Member
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Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Lue c fur,
Weeks and weeks after the UPS Dubai crash the "investigators" yesterday stated that they still did not know what started the fire on the 747. Maybe they shoild just listen to the news !!!:sad-very:
Yes they are still investigating, but it couldnt be terrorist related they dont think. Well if you dont know, its something to explore. It seems everything that happens, "we dont think it was terrorist related" is the first thing they say...............

Lue C Fur

Evil member
"To bring down America we do not need to strike big," the editors write. With the "security phobia that is sweeping America, it is more feasible to stage smaller attacks that involve less players and less time to launch" thereby circuventing U.S. security, they conclude.
In the magazine, an author identified as the groups head of foreign operations says the package attacks were intended to cause economic harm, not casualties. "We knew that cargo planes are staffed by only a pilot and a co-pilot," the author writes, "so our objective was not to cause maximum casualties but to cause maximum losses to the American economy," by striking at the multi-billion dollar U.S. freight industry.
The al-Qaida offshoot insists it also brought down a UPS cargo plane in Dubai in September, in addition to the Oct. 29 attempts to bring down a FedEx plane, and a UPS plane bound for the U.S. But U.S. officials insist the Dubai crash was an accident caused by a battery fire, not terrorism.


Well-Known Member
"To bring down America we do not need to strike big," the editors write. With the "security phobia that is sweeping America, it is more feasible to stage smaller attacks that involve less players and less time to launch" thereby circuventing U.S. security, they conclude.
In the magazine, an author identified as the groups head of foreign operations says the package attacks were intended to cause economic harm, not casualties. "We knew that cargo planes are staffed by only a pilot and a co-pilot," the author writes, "so our objective was not to cause maximum casualties but to cause maximum losses to the American economy," by striking at the multi-billion dollar U.S. freight industry.
The al-Qaida offshoot insists it also brought down a UPS cargo plane in Dubai in September, in addition to the Oct. 29 attempts to bring down a FedEx plane, and a UPS plane bound for the U.S. But U.S. officials insist the Dubai crash was an accident caused by a battery fire, not terrorism.

The group says it's part of a new strategy to replace spectacular attacks in favor of smaller attacks to hit the U.S. economy, according to the special edition of the online magazine, made available by both Ben Venzke's IntelCenter, and the Site Intelligence Group.

Hmmmm. Who are these 2 groups and why is it always one of or both of these groups who always find and conduct public disclosure of video tapes, voice tapes and other information of so-called Al -Qaeda and other associated muslim terror factions? With the CIA and other US Intel opts having had such a presence in Yemen for a longtime, why has not this type info come direct through gov't channels instead of always coming from what amounts to a intel subcontractor? What is Ben Venzke's relationship with the Israeli Mossad if any and who is Rita Katz? Would they/could they both have a politcal if not religious motivation/agenda in all of this? Ever heard the terms false flag and plausible deniability?



Well-Known Member
Al Qaeda is claiming responsibility for the Dubai Crash!!! Maybe the bomb did not explode on our 747 but smoldered...

What the news and UPS is'nt saying it that the fire could have be ignited by an Incendiary devices are firebombs. These devices range from the simple Molotov cocktail (bottle, gasoline, rag, match), to much larger and sophisticated bombs. They may include napalm or any large container filled with flammable fluids and ignited by some sort of fuse.