Cash for Clunkers...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

For the first time in over 5 years, americans are buying and driving more american cars then ever before. During EVERY republican president since Ronald Reagan, domestic auto sales fell to their lowest levels crippling the american auto industry. Reagan crushed three auto makers, Bush 1 crushed 2 auto makers, BUSH 2 almost wiped out the last three auto makers in america.

Today, OBAMA has strengthened the domestic auto industry and sales are booming because of the initial jump start of the cash for clunker programs.

Good ole' boys may want to drive 12 year old 4x4's with gun racks in them, but the rest of society laugh at those vehicles. Why not just say thank you to OBAMA for saving american jobs and an entire industry?

Of course, you wont do that, he's black, so that just pisses you off.



You seem to use a lot of words. But in the end you say nothing. Nothing of substance anyway. Who's black????

While I am not surprised the english language escapes you, I am also unimpressed with your sarcasm.

