Chelsea Clinton


Well-Known Member
which tends to make you superior to all those "they"...:)

Before you go jumping off the ledge at the thought of me uncovering you being a mere mundane, it might prove of value to understand what and who are the "puppets on a string." I've used the term on many occasions here and not once was it used in the manner of which you speak. But for clarity, let me quote a couple of old posts using the "puppet on the string" and you can decide for yourself.

Unionman in some ways I agree with what you just said "BUT" politicians, all politicians, are driven by image and especially public image. The big question if Obama is genuine or not mostly hinges down to where one's politics lay. Here's what I look at and you can take it or leave it. Go back to 2000' and look at what Bush said leading up to the election. Fastforward 2008' and do the very same thing with Obama. Now compare both men to what they said before they ever took the office to what they did after taking office. What both men did verses what they said stand in contrast. Granted Bush has 8 years to Obama's 1 year plus but the same results in my opinion doth apply. These guys are all political animals who are nothing more than puppets on a string controlled by the very machine that creates them. When you move beyond the politics and their required alliegences, the actions of Bush and Obama really differ very little. The silliness of it all is that repubs are screaming about a man who in truth differ's very little from Bush whom they bowed to like some God and yet democrats now dyingly defend at all angles a man who is literally following Bush policies, policies 2 years ago were the equal of the end of all mankind for all time.

Presidents are meer figureheads, window dressing, beauty contestants to grant the masses something to do while the real day to day stuff is done in the background by bureaucratic underlings who used political muscle of varying interests to gain their position. The comparisons of a puppet on a string may sadly not be that far off the mark. But regardless, the vastness of the federal machine is so big, there isn't a single man alive or has lived for that fact that could singlehandedly control all aspects of what goes on in gov't. I don't think inside George Bush or Barrick Obama are evil, terrible men but when something is so massive and beyond your or anyone's control, the situation itself demands that others make the choices and you just become the spokesman.

Drive and More were commenting on the party nominees and my comment was being they both are just sock puppets, PR spokesmen, Ronald McDonald or Miss America with a gun.

And if you mean by "they" are the sock puppets of which I speak above, yes, I do consider myself superior because I don't feel it necessary to go around and tell other people how they should live their lives and when they disagree I don't feel the need to stick a gun into their face and tell them otherwise. On a moral level, you damn right I consider myself superior when judged like that.


Well-Known Member
Before you go jumping off the ledge at the thought of me uncovering you being a mere mundane, it might prove of value to understand what and who are the "puppets on a string." I've used the term on many occasions here and not once was it used in the manner of which you speak. But for clarity, let me quote a couple of old posts using the "puppet on the string" and you can decide for yourself.

Drive and More were commenting on the party nominees and my comment was being they both are just sock puppets, PR spokesmen, Ronald McDonald or Miss America with a gun.

And if you mean by "they" are the sock puppets of which I speak above, yes, I do consider myself superior because I don't feel it necessary to go around and tell other people how they should live their lives and when they disagree I don't feel the need to stick a gun into their face and tell them otherwise. On a moral level, you damn right I consider myself superior when judged like that.

I commented on the tone of superiority but i'm not totally critical of it. We are being overtaken by an up and coming population that will vote for a Hillary based on a Katy perry endorsement. As always you explain yourself well.
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