
Well-Known Member
"Driver going too fast for conditions". Direct quote from official at scene. Yeah, that will be a few points. Boris and Vitaly are OK and will be back on the road soon.
Without a doubt, you have to adjust your speed to the road conditions. The speed limit for class A vehicles in California is 55 MPH, so while the posted limit may be 65, a smart driver would drop down to 50MPH or perhaps slightly slower and put on his hazard lights.

It's very rare that a CHP officer would make a statement on tv like this one did unless he had the facts to back it up.


Well-Known Member
Looks like Pepe Rajib Mohamadovich will gets some points but at 17 cents per mile you have to get a load of miles run and do so in time to get to your second job.


Well-Known Member
Well Fred gets what he pays for (or doesn't wanna pay for.) Too bad he'll just have settle for Maynard or Billy Joe Jimbob.
or in this case Betty Sue. Witnesses said the driver was able to climb to the roof, while she waited to be rescued.
Hmm trying to cross a flooded bridge. Must have had that "golden package" on board. :ohmy:


Well-Known Member
That must be one of those drivers that the contractor made up work experience to get a butt in the seat. Straight from Dominos to Package Delivery. Obviously no training or common sense. If you have to cross a flooded bridge or road that customer will not be getting their Walmart today.. duh!!


Well-Known Member
Par for the course. Is it FDX or the contractor who gets to pay?
Going to be a long conversation and a letter to cure if not worse more than likely on that one, if they can prove that the contractor tried to cover it up and didn't report it.