Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs

Lue C Fur

Evil member

Health Care


Support free or low-cost government controlled health care.There are millions of Americans who can’t afford health care and are deprived of this basic right. Every American has a right to affordable health care. The governement should provide equal health care benefits for all, regardless of their ability to pay.


Support competetive, free market health care system.All Americans have access to health care. The debate is about who should pay for it. Free and low-cost governement-run programs (socialized medicine) result in higher costs and everyone receiving the same poor-quality health care. Health care should remain privatized.The problem of uninsured individuals should be addressed and solved within the free market healthcare system–the government should not control healthcare.


Well-Known Member
Talking conservative eg little state values while living by liberal eg Big State actions.

On Sunday, Los Angeles Times added the name Michele Bachmann (R-MN) to a very long list of wealthy hypocrites who scream "socialism" all the way to the bank. Bachmann, like most members of the Plutocrat (aka Republican) Party, rails against what she describes as "entitlements" (Social Security, Medicare and just about any other program designed to promote the general welfare of the American people – in her case even going so far as to label the 9/11 Responders bill as a "new entitlement program"). Yet, as the Times revealed, Bachmann not only voted against ending such "corporate entitlements" as subsidies for the oil and gas industry, but personally benefited from some $260,000 in federal taxpayer subsidies paid to her family farm and another $30,000 state subsidy to her husband's counseling clinic, part of which included monies from the federal government.


Well-Known Member
Well, they are the "job creators".

You have a point. Looking since 2000', private sector job growth has been in steady decline.


All this decline in private sector jobs makes you wonder just what kind of jobs Rick Perry was adding this last decade. Perry gets the nomination against Obama, the democrats got a winner no matter the election outcome. Democrats beat the republicans at their own game.

That game? Big Gov't!

Makes you wonder too what kind of jobs were being created during Bush to keep the unemployment numbers down. Must be the Texas employment plan!

They know how to sing in Texas!

Ooh I love to dance a little sidestep, now they see me now they don't- I've come and gone and, ooh I love to sweep around the wide step, cut a little swathe and lead the people on.


Well-Known Member
Recent news of the West Memphis Three — freed on the condition that they confess their guilt, thus sparing sociopathic prosecutors any public embarrassment — raises an old question.
The state’s defenders commonly argue that, no matter how fallible or corrupt individual public officials may be, they’ll be restrained by checks and balances built into the system.
But what happens when the system’s institutional culture is corrupt to the core? What if it’s not just “a few bad apples” among cops and prosecutors, but their whole professional culture?
And what happens when a number of institutions, with their corrupt cultures, coalesce into a mutually-reinforcing system: not only cops and prosecutors, the correctional system, federal law enforcement, and Drug Warrior politicians, but also narco traffickers, the banks that launder drug money, and the intelligence agencies that use the drug trade to fund death squads and terrorists?


t’s interesting that, among a segment of the population that claims to live in fear that government will abuse its powers and act tyrannically, the part of the state that actually makes it a state, rather than a debating society — the part that enforces the commands of the state and punishes disobedience — actually comes in for admiration for behaving tyrannically and abusing its powers. Civil libertarians, who genuinely want to restrain the state’s power to do evil, are held in contempt as “soft on crime.” As Radley Balko explained: “A state government has no more awesome, complete, or solemn power than the power to execute its own citizens. If you’re going to claim to loathe big government, this is one area where you ought to be more skeptical of government than any other.”
If someone worships the power of uniformed, armed thugs, and celebrates the lawless abuse of power by such thugs, there’s nothing “small government” about them.

Small Gov't Fascists

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This guy is a complete freakazoid idiot !!!

Allen West 'Flipped the Bird' By Detractor - YouTube

Why is he an idiot?

ALLAN WEST is a complete idiot himself. A disgraced ex military man, tossed out because of his inability to be a human. West , prides himself on selling his soul to those who hate blacks, and he is one of those BLACKS who doesnt want to be BLACK.

Theres one in every minority group.

West is a big mouthed, vile POS who should lose his re election bid.




golden ticket member
I'd flip Allen West off. What's you're point? If that jack-hole is gonna stand up and say that 80% of the Democrats in the House are socialists, I'd flip him off. He's a hack, a stonewaller and a jerk.
In the very first of it, kids were present.............that's my point! Then later on he really shows what a slug he is.


Staff member
If money is speech, I'm pretty sure the bird is as well. And a conservative blogger looking for civility?! Are you kidding me? Civility on the conservative side begins and George Will and ends with David Brooks.