Contract update letter from Teamster


Active Member
Heffernan, it is interesting how you say that if this contract gets voted down, that hall will screw the part timers. Then you confess how that hall has negotiated contracts, so you believe him. I HAVE A HARD TIME TRUSTING SOMEONE THAT I THINK WILL SCREW THE MEMBERS THAT ELECTED THEM. THE SAME MEMBERS THAT IT IS THEIR JOB TO REPRESENT.
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Well-Known Member
Are you on the list for Supervisor Heff? You are soooo off. If this contract passes healthcare WILL be coming out of your pocket. Have you done any research on this wonderful agreement that you believe because Hall has negotiated before? IBT is giving us a snow job. UPS can do better with their profits right now. It's not like the company is hurting (like Hostess) and we should make concessions like this. We are not squeezing every nickel out of them, they are squeezing every nickel out of us. Wake up dude!!!! Greedy workers haven't tainted the Union....crooked Exec have. What happened in the Central States pension Mr. Knowledgeable? How did they manage to bankrupt them? Who dipped into that fund until dry? I'm not an idiot saying we should bankrupt UPS, but this is completely unacceptable. And by the way, here is some Hostess info. You also are misinformed about that.

hall, the Teamsters secretary-treasurer, said his union didn't doubt Hostess' claims after seeing its books.
"I think it's obvious there was no bluff," said Hall. "Our financial advisers had looked at their books, they had total access. We pushed them in negotiations to where we thought it was the absolute limit, that we would get the most for our members and [still] have a pathway back to prosperity for the company. The bakers' union disagreed with that."
"Frankly, I feel sick about what's going on here," Hall added. "It's a tragic day for 18,000 workers."

Still trust him just because he has negotiated before? He clearly screwed this one up. The Teamsters, yes your guy. Yet UPS is very, very profitable and we aren't asking for the world, but we shouldn't be making concessions either. They are profitable because we bust our ass for them to make them profitable. So we should be given a fair shake. What the hell is with all of the give backs? Do some research pal, and then talk up your call hall your hero!!
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Huge Member
And by the way, here is some Hostess info. You also are misinformed about that.

hall, the Teamsters secretary-treasurer, said his union didn't doubt Hostess' claims after seeing its books.
"I think it's obvious there was no bluff," said Hall. "Our financial advisers had looked at their books, they had total access. We pushed them in negotiations to where we thought it was the absolute limit, that we would get the most for our members and [still] have a pathway back to prosperity for the company. The bakers' union disagreed with that."
"Frankly, I feel sick about what's going on here," Hall added. "It's a tragic day for 18,000 workers."

The baker's union screwed Hostess, not the Teamsters
My second sentence was Hostess was screwed by a different union


Huge Member
Heffernan, it is interesting how you say that if this contract gets voted down, that hall will screw the part timers. Then you confess how that hall has negotiated contracts, so you believe him. I HAVE A HARD TIME TRUSTING SOMEONE THAT I THINK WILL SCREW THE MEMBERS THAT ELECTED THEM. THE SAME MEMBERS THAT IT IS THEIR JOB TO REPRESENT.

Part time employee compensation are never going to be the focal point of negotiations.

If Hall goes back to UPS, you will lose more than you gain, PERIOD

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Well-Known Member
That is a quote by hall who was negotiating this deal. And who are you to know what will happen if they go back to negotiations? I think we should take our chances. Why in the hell would we vote yes to something worse if we won't vote yes to this crap?


Huge Member
That is a quote by hall who was negotiating this deal. And who are you to know what will happen if they go back to negotiations? I think we should take our chances. Why in the hell would we vote yes to something worse if we won't vote yes to this crap?

You have the right to vote No, not arguing the democratic process.

You are assuming that Hall did not push UPS to the limits in negotiations , yet he did at Hostess.
A NO vote means loss of revenue with companies pulling out of UPS shipping
A NO vote means loss of part time AND full time jobs
A NO vote means thats a dagger in the hearts of Union Employment


​I'll vote Yes


Active Member
Voting down this sub standard tentative agreement will send the company and the union a message that we are not going to tolerate the company not addressing our needs. Heffernan, stop sucking up, and nut up!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
You're High drama queen. Companies ship through Ups because that is the company they choose for the best service. They could be shipping through Fed Ex right now and they don't. Hall shouldn't be making big Rah Rah speeches with rallies about taking no concessions from a company making billions, and then come up with a contract like this. That's some power by the Teamsters isn't it? I see more and more people in right to work states dropping the Union and saving the money from the ridiculous dues we pay if this is the best they can come up with. They will need that extra money to pay all of the out of pocket expenses they will incur because Hall sold us out. The Union can't survive and won't if they don't start giving people a reason to remain in the Union. But no worries for him. Just when the Union is trying to prove a point, they disappoint again. And that number one doesn't mean a damn thing does it. Hall should be using it in negotiations shouldn't he. They are number one because of us. Your selling out. We do the work, and Hall and Hoffa make the big bucks. Hmmmmmm


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Part time employee compensation are never going to be the focal point of negotiations.

If Hall goes back to UPS, you will lose more than you gain, PERIOD

If we vote down this TA, and Hall comes back with another unacceptable TA, we vote it down again. You don't seem to understand what a UNION is. Standing together we can accomplish what none of us can by ourselves.
By the way, I am not trying to bankrupt UPS. They are the goose that lays golden eggs. But with 4.38 billion in profits, we deserve better than this healthcare plan they are jamming down our throats with Hoffa/Halls helping them all the way.
We are the union, not Hoffa, not Hall.


The baker's union screwed Hostess, not the Teamsters
My second sentence was Hostess was screwed by a different union

Absolutely, categorically, beyond a shadow of a doubt false.

Wall Street hedge funds bankrupted and looted Hostess; they simply used the Bakery Workers' strike as an excuse to liquidate while they milked the workforce dry of every red cent they could. Hostess stopped being run as an actual company that produced baked goods years ago and has only existed as a money funnel for quite some time before it was finally cut apart and sold.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You have the right to vote No, not arguing the democratic process.

You are assuming that Hall did not push UPS to the limits in negotiations , yet he did at Hostess.
A NO vote means loss of revenue with companies pulling out of UPS shipping
A NO vote means loss of part time AND full time jobs
A NO vote means thats a dagger in the hearts of Union Employment


​I'll vote Yes


In any negotiations, there will be winners and losers. Should this T.A. get voted down, which "I" would like to see, UPS and the Teamsters will have to meet again and see where the agreement failed. There is really just two issues that need to be addressed. Part time progression being extended another year costing them over $11000.00 when they go to full time and those in UPS health care plans being shoved into teamcare plans.

There are other issues to discuss, but they seem minor compared to these two.

9.5 is weaker than before. Ultility drivers and cover drivers are NOT covered in this new language. What needs to be written and agreed to is really simple. ie:

"ALL REGULAR ROUTE DRIVERS SHALL BE ON THE 9.5 list begining January 1st of every year unless they OPT OUT of the 9.5 list at any time during the year. ONCE A DRIVER OPTS out of the 9.5 list, he/she shall remain off the 9.5 list for a period of 6 months ( excluding november/december )" "After 6 months, a driver may return to the 9.5 list ( excluding november/december)

"If a driver is violated after january 1st while on the 9.5 list, then the rate of pay shall be triple time for all hours over 9.5 hours for the day violated. This pay shall be automatic and paid weekly. There shall be no disqualifiers from being violated."

"Utility/cover drivers shall be allowed to OPT into the 9.5 list for 6 months out of the year ( excluding november/december )"

"The company shall maintain a reasonable workforce to handle all work hours available and shall not use supervisors to supplement the workforce"

"Cover/Vacation drivers can be used to assist in maintaining 9.5 conformity"

This would put some teeth into unnecessary overtime. The company would have no choice but to plan and comply. With pay being automatic, there will be no need for hearings, panels, meetings or arbitrations. Nothing would fix the overtime problem better than this. What is proposed doesnt solve the problem, it EXTENDS it for months if not a year. This does not help the drivers, this only hurts them. Why do they need to prove anything in panels and hearings? Isnt the time card good enough? If you are on the 9.5 list, then for the week you would work 47.5 hours. Pretty simple math. If you work 57.5 hours, then the pay would look like this:

40 at straight time
7.5 at time and one half
10 at triple time

Then, if UPS doesnt like paying out that kind of money, they can then address the center manager who is suppose to be managing hours.

Currently, the company can violate a driver, then hold out in panels, hearings and discussions for MONTHS on end, and then finally, get to arbitration where they still are a 50/50 bet. How did this solve the problem? This "NEW" language is weak and worthless.

As for your point that the company will lose customers and people will get fired, well, thats the pain of bad negotiations. UPS isnt going to be number 2 to anyone in the future. FEDEX couldnt carry our shorts if we went on strike, and that was proven in 97. They are still a nickel and dime operation compared to UPS.

If any employees are to be laid off because of a strike when its over, then I hope that you go first Heffer. I am sure nobody would miss you.




Huge Member
If we vote down this TA, and Hall comes back with another unacceptable TA, we vote it down again. You don't seem to understand what a UNION is. Standing together we can accomplish what none of us can by ourselves.
By the way, I am not trying to bankrupt UPS. They are the goose that lays golden eggs. But with 4.38 billion in profits, we deserve better than this healthcare plan they are jamming down our throats with Hoffa/Halls helping them all the way.
We are the union, not Hoffa, not Hall.

You are an uneducated monkey !!!

Reread your childhood fables, there's a moral to that story maroon !!!!!

The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Damn your ignorance !!!

quamba 638

Well-Known Member
I am gonna laugh my head off, if the part timers think that pissing off Hoffa and Hall is going to make the contract better ! You are insane !!!

In the unlikely chance the TA gets voted down, Hall will walk up those steps toward the negotiating table, shake hands with all of UPS's contract guys and they will both screw you into the next decade !!!

You will find out quickly that Part Time help is an unemployment line away !!!! :raspberry:

You have "I'm single and miserable" written all over your posts.

This is my first post on this thread, but I cant help but notice you're always posting that PTers don't deserve anything. Go friend yourself!!!

You're so much better than all of us since you've become full-time Hefferman.

Yeah, Hoffa and hall are gonna make it worse than what genius? Explain.... Pay us less than minimum wage? It's 9.50 for minimum wage in my state now bud!!!

You actually think UPS did part-timers a favor by "raising" starting wage?
You need a drug test! Minimum wage will be more than 8.50 in a lot of states by the end of this contract.
Yeah, Hefferman, there will be a huge line of people knocking down the door to work at UPS for less than minimum wage once Hall and Hoffa "screw us into the next decade". Genius.

I'm not complaining about wages either. I'll be making a lot after this contract.

I worked over 55 hours a week for over 8 years, so please save your next comment genius.


Huge Member
Part timers get the same raises I do and a pension and better healthcare than anyone in the world clocking in for 3.5 hours a day

Go kill your golden goose !


Active Member
The company is making billions in profit, that is billions with a b. One billion equals one thousand million. You sound a lot more like a supervisor than a union member. Lol


Well-Known Member
The company is making billions in profit, that is billions with a b. One billion equals one thousand million. You sound a lot more like a supervisor than a union member. Lol
Yes Don we get it. But you fail the true cost of a raise. Do you know how much money is spent for just a 1 cent raise? It's about $2,400 an hour. Nothing right? Chump change right! For a 70 cent raise, your talking $168,000.00 a hour. AN HOUR. Still nothing to UPS right? Well let's say that everyone was a part timer getting the guaranteed 17.5 hours a week. That's $2,940,00.00 A WEEK. A WEEK. How many weeks in a year? That's right! Good job Don, 52 weeks!! That's what? Hold on, wait for it, wait.....
$152,880,000 a year.
But is everyone a PTer? No! So do some work and include FT hours, OT, vacation, holiday pay, effect on stock, market share, etc....
It's not as easy as saying,"They made 4 BILLION with a B!"
Unlike you, I want UPS around for a long time.


Well-Known Member
We are having our contract meeting next Saturday. My daughter and son in law will be in town for a wedding and have asked me to babysit their dog so I won't be going to the meeting. The letter that they sent did indicate that the FTers will be voting to divert $.35 of our $,70 raise to the pension. I would like to be there for that part.

Drink Craft Beer

Well-Known Member
Part timers get the same raises I do and a pension and better healthcare than anyone in the world clocking in for 3.5 hours a day

Go kill your golden goose !

"I'm not a PT'er anymore and now making the big bucks. I don't give a flying **** that they're getting shafted with this TA."

You're a POS.

Drink Craft Beer

Well-Known Member
What pisses me off is that there are already thousands under the teamsters health plan. So why should they get a say on whether those under the current UPS healthcare plan get moved to the teamster plan??

It doesn't affect them one way or another.