Dallas Ft Worth Sort Closing??


Well-Known Member
Remember they closed a shift at the dallas-ft worth building. I heard they are possibly closing the other sort shift down as well. Any one heard thing similar to that.


promoted to mediocrity

DFW Airport Day Sort Shutting Down????
I was told by my supervisor that UPS is thinking of shutting down our day sort at DFW Airport HUB. Has anyone heard anything about this? Also if they do what happens to me? Do I have to look for a new job or will they try to put me on a different sort or a different hub? If it does shut down it is suppose to be after peak season.


Active Member
There has been talk about shutting down the Day sort alot since late last summer. I don't know if it is going to happen since it keeps not happening. The day sort actually works Sundays nights to cover the night sort that was closed last year. So who knows.