Day after Thanksgiving


I'm in feeder and wanted to work friday...I don't have enough seniority (only 23 years!), I'm working Sunday 12 hours overtime instead...
i have a question how come mechanics are only payed holiday plus regular time figure double time, we are considered air assist but forced to work on ground should we be on air standby then.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Did the same thing to the car wash years ago. Used to be double time for hours worked plus holiday pay. Now we are "air support". Straight time plus holiday pay.


Well-Known Member
Did the same thing to the car wash years ago. Used to be double time for hours worked plus holiday pay. Now we are "air support". Straight time plus holiday pay.
I witnessed a grievance on this issue. The panel ruled car washers were washing "air dirt" on holidays. Much different than ground dirt. Still shaking my head on that one.


Well-Known Member
See post 48 by Upstate unless you were just punning around too!
Yeh I tried to be clever and Upstate jumps me...Oh well, hard to figure who gets it on BC.

I was wondering if anyone would get Hoke's reference-----obviously Inthegame didn't.

Google largesse.
You were wondering wrong old sage. Unlike you, I didn't need to google largesse to understand the word or the pun, hence my bold largeass in response to Hoaks post 44.


Well-Known Member
It depends on your seniority really. I don't think they can force you to work. If someone with less seniority is not working, then you shouldn't be required to. The lower seniority person should go, unless he/she has vacation scheduled. I think in my supplement they can force FT drivers with less than a certain amount of years of seniority to work. Air drivers are typically asked, especially those who do EAMs during the week. Other air drivers such as Saturday, it depends, because their schedule may not allow. They'll take FT volunteers and force low seniority FTers to work. PT air drivers can be tricky, especially if they don't work the morning shift. Since they might have another job etc...I would talk to your supervisor if you really need the day off, and find out if anyone lower than you is not being asked to work.