Day of Action 2/21 /2013


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
We had to take our stickers off when we left the building. No one wants to pay for their health care. I get that. I sure dont.
But do you not think the health affordability act gives UPS a huge bargaining chip?
Seriously, it doesnt matter how much UPS made last yr, or this yr. Here is where we get into how much is too much for a company to make. One reason the cost was put on our w2, line 12 a dd. Mine said 19107.00. Not one person I asked knew or had even looked at that piece of paper.
Not being political, not a fan of Obama or his health care plan, but if you look at the big picture...............Ok we strike, we lose jobs, those same ptimers, wont have a job, but will still need to buy it, or pay a fine. We strike, us full timers will need to buy it or go without, most of us have families, and need it.
Playing the psychology of the whole thing, UPS, is in a win win situation. We strike, if for long, lose all the volume, older guys will take what we got and leave, younger guys are cheaper, faster, and with EDD well hell, any one can do our job, just not as fast at first.
Like I said before, I dont want to pay either, but just think what it would cost to buy our own, and then 400 looks pretty good. I thik we lose here. I really do, someone tell me where I am wrong.
Like I said, it doesnt matter that they made billions, who can decide who has to provide and who doesnt, what is the magic number a company has to make to be forced to provide, or not? I dont think there is one. You cannot arbitrarily decide on a number, Should walmart be forced to provide it, should GM, Ford or Chrysler? Should bed, bath and beyond? Should Macaroni grill?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Bad thinking TT you need to focus on UPS. They make money on us. Forget Obamacare ,forget paying, forget for settling for less than you and your family deserve as result of your hard work. Your train of thought is what the company is counting on.We are the last of the once powerful unions that stood up for the little guy. What are they going to do send your job overseas, send you truck to China , What is a couple of weeks on strike compared to maybe $30K out of your pocket over 5 years with a pittance of an hourly increase. And something else you might want to know ,what is on the table is a plan less than we have now with higher out of pocket costs. Tell the company NO we want our share! Protect our health care.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
And I agree with everything you say, PT Stewie. But. And I thank you for giving me the dialogue I asked for.
Every company makes money from its employees, That is why they are in business, to make money, not provide benefits.
And this is pretty much a private site, I really doubt any mgmt is reading this, which is why I am sharing my thoughts with you, and others with like interests.
If they cared they would have been reading it a long time ago. They typically dont care, as they are just trying to keep a job, and they cant go back to what we have or most would.
I do not care if we strike, a week , a month or a yr, or not at all. I have no control. It depends how hungry people are by July. With the job market, the way it is, people are in line for our jobs, and we will get no sympathy, because of what we make. It was a rough way to go when we made 20, and it was splashed all over the news in 97. Imagine that now, being revealed what we make. We will get zero sympathy. No one knows what we sacrifice to make that, and really no one will care. And most could not do it, but they think all we do is drive around all day. And now they are going to move the minimum wage to 9.00, big deal. I started at 8 when I got hired in 84, and they still start at 8, they PTimers are the really screwed. Back then the minimum was like 3, and thats what I was making, so I thought I hit a darn gold mine. It certainly would not have hurt our company to raise their starting wage eons ago. But people still apply and take those jobs. When you can go to McDonalds, and start at 10 and work 30 hrs.
Im just saying I think we are at a disadvantage. I hope I am wrong.
I realize we are the last strong union, and Ill be right there with everyone else. But I think we dont have the bargaining power we did. I think the take it or leave it has alot to do with the economy, and Obama care. I think we have a tough road ahead.


Well-Known Member
Stood at the gate before the twi with my BA from five until the last start time @ 6:45 collected at least 200 signatures from Pt'ers and article 22's.on the petition for a fair contract. The BA froze his a-- off as it was below freezing as the sun went down Stewie was dressed appropriately as his brown job is cold all winter. He (BA) stated that it was colder in the morning as they worked the drivers start and the end of preload and collected another 200. We stickered every body up with "protect our health care" and "stop the harasment" stickers as they entered the building. The general feeling was a resounding NO to any co-pay the company has put on the bargaining table. We need to keep it up and drive the nail home .The company is making money and we are entitled to our share ! How were things at your location ?

PT Stewie.....excellent work and dedication for taking the time to stand at a gate with your BA and hand out stickers, etc..

Unfortunately, we did not have any support material to hand out or wear. There was a petition going around today that people were signing. In general, the employees in our centers are just now becoming aware of the issues. I believe most people have been complacent about negotiations UNTIL they head about the possibility of health care co-pays, etc.. I believe that some of the senior drivers that planned on retiring with this contract are now losing hope that their pension will be significantly increased (Central States Pension Plan).


Well-Known Member
No one wants to pay for their health care. I get that. I sure dont.
But do you not think the health affordability act gives UPS a huge bargaining chip?
Seriously, it doesnt matter how much UPS made last yr, or this yr. Here is where we get into how much is too much for a company to make. One reason the cost was put on our w2, line 12 a dd. Mine said 19107.00. Not one person I asked knew or had even looked at that piece of paper.
Not being political, not a fan of Obama or his health care plan, but if you look at the big picture...............Ok we strike, we lose jobs, those same ptimers, wont have a job, but will still need to buy it, or pay a fine. We strike, us full timers will need to buy it or go without, most of us have families, and need it.
Playing the psychology of the whole thing, UPS, is in a win win situation. We strike, if for long, lose all the volume, older guys will take what we got and leave, younger guys are cheaper, faster, and with EDD well hell, any one can do our job, just not as fast at first.
Like I said before, I dont want to pay either, but just think what it would cost to buy our own, and then 400 looks pretty good. I thik we lose here. I really do, someone tell me where I am wrong.
Like I said, it doesnt matter that they made billions, who can decide who has to provide and who doesnt, what is the magic number a company has to make to be forced to provide, or not? I dont think there is one. You cannot arbitrarily decide on a number, Should walmart be forced to provide it, should GM, Ford or Chrysler? Should bed, bath and beyond? Should Macaroni grill?

Greetings Toonertoo.. Could you please explain the reasoning behind your comment "But do you not think the health affordability act gives UPS a huge bargaining chip?". I've tried to read and understand the Healthcare Affordability Act but I'm not quite sure how it will be an advantage to UPS as a "huge bargaining chip". seems like you are the type of person that worries a lot. If I were you, I would probably start thinking about your Brown Cafe "motto" : "God is great, Beer is good. People are crazy!!" Therefore.... I suggest you Pray more, Drink more Beer, and thank God that there aren't more crazy beer drinkers... : )

Seriously... as one Buckeye to another..... I would not worry about the contract. UPS is not really in a "win win situation". UPS shares of stock are now subject to the very volatile stock market. (not the case during the 1997 strike) If there is any hint that UPS will incur some type of negative labor dispute (such as a strike), the price of UPS stock would tumble. (at least for awhile). The price of FedEx stock will dramatically they attempt to take more of our business. I personally do not believe that Scott Davis and our Union will allow a strike to occur.... It is in our mutual best interest to come to an early agreement.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
If you are on this forum it starts with you. If you feel that you are being abused by this stupid offer the company has on the table you need to pass it on to you sisters and brothers at coffee before the PCM,at precharge in the unload,on the walk in before the shift,in the lunch room between shifts etc.. Show your fellow IBT members and management you have a positive attitude about getting a good contract. I am going to today's rally in Philadelphia hope to see a lot of you there.


Well-Known Member
If you are on this forum it starts with you. If you feel that you are being abused by this stupid offer the company has on the table you need to pass it on to you sisters and brothers at coffee before the PCM,at precharge in the unload,on the walk in before the shift,in the lunch room between shifts etc.. Show your fellow IBT members and management you have a positive attitude about getting a good contract. I am going to today's rally in Philadelphia hope to see a lot of you there.

Couple of us are driving in together and will be there!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Greetings Toonertoo.. Could you please explain the reasoning behind your comment "But do you not think the health affordability act gives UPS a huge bargaining chip?". I've tried to read and understand the Healthcare Affordability Act but I'm not quite sure how it will be an advantage to UPS as a "huge bargaining chip". seems like you are the type of person that worries a lot. If I were you, I would probably start thinking about your Brown Cafe "motto" : "God is great, Beer is good. People are crazy!!" Therefore.... I suggest you Pray more, Drink more Beer, and thank God that there aren't more crazy beer drinkers... : )

Seriously... as one Buckeye to another..... I would not worry about the contract. UPS is not really in a "win win situation". UPS shares of stock are now subject to the very volatile stock market. (not the case during the 1997 strike) If there is any hint that UPS will incur some type of negative labor dispute (such as a strike), the price of UPS stock would tumble. (at least for awhile). The price of FedEx stock will dramatically they attempt to take more of our business. I personally do not believe that Scott Davis and our Union will allow a strike to occur.... It is in our mutual best interest to come to an early agreement.

Greetings, I just read your about me page. We could be joined at the hip. LOL.

My thought is, since it is now a requirement to have some type of healthcare, or pay a fine, it gives UPS an edge, since we have a cadillac plan. Or they could simply drop it, and they could pay a fine, it would be much cheaper for them. If we went on strike over it.

I will take your advice to drink more, and pray more, though, sounds like sound advice to me. Yes I worry alot, but I have been feeling much better since I have given up hope, LOL.

I hope they settle early.