Dead birds, fish, sonic booms and other things


golden ticket member
Maybe the 'bad guys' are trying to mess with the different water supplies as a premise to the big assault on all the humans. That would explain fish.....and the birds all get a quick sip, take off and fall from the sky.


free at last.......
Elementary my dear Watson..........they(?) have to try it on animals before they use it on humans.

Florida and Arizona.............insolvent Social Security problem solved. JK(I hope)


Für Meno :)
well, you really need to wonder why they all fell at once ! So, I don't believe the above link at all.

Another thing to keep in mind is: How many birds actually suddenly drop dead over the skies of unpopulated areas, that we know nothing about ?

No, I still consider this as being very scary, and not a NATURAL usual occurance.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
What Is HAARP?

HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is to be a major Arctic facility for upper atmospheric and solar-terrestrial research. HAARP is being built on a DoD-owned site near Gakona, Alaska. Principal instruments include a high power, high-frequency (HF) phased array radio transmitter (known as the Ionospheric Research Instrument, or IRI), used to stimulate small, well-defined volumes of ionosphere, and an ultra-high frequency (UHF) incoherent scatter radar (ISR), used to measure electron densities, electron and ion temperatures, and Doppler velocities in the stimulated region and in the natural ionosphere. To further the scientific capabilities and usefulness of the IRI and ISR, HAARP is supporting the design and installation of the latest in modern geophysical research instruments, including an HF ionosonde, ELF and VLF receivers, magnetometers, riometers, a LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) and optical and infrared spectrometers and cameras which will be used to observe the complex natural variations of Alaska's ionosphere as well as to detect artificial effects produced by the IRI.


Strength through joy
The man responsible for the "execution-style" cull of 100 sled dogs that were no longer of use to the Whistler-based Outdoor Adventures "due to a slow winter" season had known a lot of the dogs and was so traumatized by the slaughter he now suffers from nightmares, panic attacks and depression, according to a confidential workers' compensation review decision obtained by the Vancouver Sun.
The unidentified man said he had raised many of the 300 dogs owned by his employer, in fact, naming many of them. But over a two-day period in late April 2010, he agree to carry out the orders from his employer to euthanize some of them because part of his job duties "included herd control."
The BC SPCA is launching an investigation of the cull.
In the document, the man thought he had put down 30 per cent of the company's herd — approximately 70 animals — but the employer’s report of injury to the animals, filed with the review board in May, stated it had actually been 100 dogs.
The information came to light after the employee filed for workers’ compensation after developing post-traumatic stress disorder for allegedly being forced to kill the dogs — potentially after bookings slumped following the 2010 Olympic Games.
A veterinarian had been contacted but refused to participate in the cull of healthy animals.


Für Meno :)
Don't even think the above article is going unnoticed here !
It's all over the news and has created a Canada wide public outcry.

You can kiss his business good-bye, and hopefully the RCMP can and will file charges.


Für Meno :)
when they close his business, what will they do to the remaining dogs ?

The deceased dogs could have been easily adopted !
I even had a lady on my route that had adopted a homeless dog from New Orleans after Katrina hit. She named her "Dixie"

Don't you worry, those dogs will be given a very good home, and I wouldn't be one bit surprised if the SPCA has an auction for them, and gets top dollars, all to a good cause. :)