Delivery Driving


Fight the power.
I Work Preload Inside The Building And Got Offered To Be A Delivery Driver, Should I Take It ?


Well-Known Member
Take the job, the worst thing that happens is you don't like it or can't do it. In either case, disqualified and back to preload you go.

9.5 everyday

Well-Known Member
If your working preload and trying to help, you'll get minimal hours. If you have interest in being a driver as a career, it's a good opportunity. You can then sign bid lists to be a reg-temp driver which will get you in the road in July, and drive through peak. The. You go back inside for the next 6 months.

9.5 everyday

Well-Known Member
@9.5 everyday yea I work preload & go out as a helper 3 times aweek, but I feel like I'm working harder that way .. & I do have plans on making driving my career
I would suggest trying to become a reg temp if there aren't any full time positions to bid on. And all your drive time counts towards your top scale progression when you win a FT bid. Who doesn't want 90k a year??