Democrats Test Themes for `06 and `08


Indeed I did get it. Your ego will never allow you to admit you were wrong on any of the handfull of charges you have levied against me. So you thought you would be cute with the I'm sorry response but had to go through a big preemptive explanation first because your ego could never let the impression linger that you may have actually apologized. You announced your intent to use the I'm sorry response with great fanfare to let the world know you intended to respond this way but did not really mean what you said. It was an interesting exercise for a liar like yourself to actually announce that you planned to be a liar ahead of time. Your dishonest ruse is easily dismantled on my part by simply accepting your apology. You really need to go through some type of personality rebuild. Get rid of the hangups , arrogance and cute little games and learn to speak from the heart instead of always playing these stupid little games.
