Discharge Letters Flying Like Confetti


the meeting went well. I "won". I get to go back to work in the morning! 9 and a half hours in brown shorts!

To all Veterans or Gold Star family members on here: Happy Veterans Day and THANK YOU! All of your sacrifices are appreciated and never forgotton.


Staff member
the meeting went well. I "won". I get to go back to work in the morning! 9 and a half hours in brown shorts!

To all Veterans or Gold Star family members on here: Happy Veterans Day and THANK YOU! All of your sacrifices are appreciated and never forgotton.
Good job Thumbster! Vindication is a great feeling.


free at last.......
the meeting went well. I "won". I get to go back to work in the morning! 9 and a half hours in brown shorts!

To all Veterans or Gold Star family members on here: Happy Veterans Day and THANK YOU! All of your sacrifices are appreciated and never forgotton.


By the way.....awsome avatar........Kinda remnds me of life at UPS these days. You gotta stay on your toes. Fits your situation, also. You dodged the bullet this time. (although those look like a little more than bullets)

I echo the Veterans Day comment also. I'll be out getting my free lunch today somewhere.


Well-Known Member
The devil is in the details.

Been the target that way once myself. Bad feeling to know you did nothing wrong, and instead of the company proving you did wrong, you find yourself trying to prove your innocence.

My advice, keep your nose clean, your ass cleaner, and work by the methods. Be kind but brief to your customers, and coworkers, punch out and go home. Put in your time and retire when available to do so.

At one time UPS valued its employees for their work ethic and brains. Not so much anymore.

Good luck, and if you need help, sometimes more than one set of eyes can help.

One other thing. Since UPS signed on Manheim, that should give Feeder drivers ample job opportunities at UPS.

Danny, Do you really think that feeders will be running car carriers? How many Fords has the Brown part of UPS delivered? I would say Supply Chain will manage and subcontract the actual transport and delivery.


From the promised LAND
You know, that would be something for the teamsters and management at UPS to hash out.

In my business though, I would want to retain as many employees as I could, so leasing them back to myself would make sense.

But you can make it as difficult as you want.

I originally posted it as sort of a pointed joke, but the more I have thought about it, why not.




By the way.....awsome avatar........Kinda remnds me of life at UPS these days. You gotta stay on your toes. Fits your situation, also. You dodged the bullet this time. (although those look like a little more than bullets)

I echo the Veterans Day comment also. I'll be out getting my free lunch today somewhere.

Yeah! he jumps over the verbal, and dodges the warning letter and suspension! and it's all snowy just like peak! Thanks


everyone who replies to this thread will be fired by our center manager.

UPDATE: if you get in an accident , the dm will ask you for your resignation. ( serious as a heart attack )

that's the best way to raise moral, huh?

glad I'm a short-timer.