Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us too?

Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

You lost me when u said CS healthcare is in trouble. I believe CS healthcare has enough to continue coverage for a year or longer without any new money at all going in.

I realize everyone thinks the pension was bleeding money the health care fund must be too. Simply not the case though.
Bro please read the post again. When the 40% tax comes from Obamacare, that year of extra founds will be dried up. And I didn't mean your pension plan (CS) I meant all the locals that are in teamcare that have their own pensions when contract finalizes.


Livin the cardboard dream
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

Like I said. YOU JUST DON'T GET IT!!!
I don't understand 2 things...and I know I've mentioned them to you before...First, the cadillac insurance tax won't touch 99% of UPS employees. You would have to have 5 or more dependents to get close to the cadillac tax...besides, it doesn't kick in until 2018. My insurance package was at...14,900 for 3 dependents. The cadillac tax kicks in at 27,500. Second, stop comparing CS Health with CS pension. They're entirely different. CS Health has 11 months of savings and is one of the healthiest insurance plans in the US. You mixing these facts is clouding your perspective. Now I agree that not having information on Health Care is BS. But since the contract has been extended, I don't have to worry about my benefits since UPS will continue to give me great benefits until the contract is settled.
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

I don't understand 2 things...and I know I've mentioned them to you before...First, the cadillac insurance tax won't touch 99% of UPS employees. You would have to have 5 or more dependents to get close to the cadillac tax...besides, it doesn't kick in until 2018. My insurance package was at...14,900 for 3 dependents. The cadillac tax kicks in at 27,500. Second, stop comparing CS Health with CS pension. They're entirely different. CS Health has 11 months of savings and is one of the healthiest insurance plans in the US. You mixing these facts is clouding your perspective. Now I agree that not having information on Health Care is BS. But since the contract has been extended, I don't have to worry about my benefits since UPS will continue to give me great benefits until the contract is settled.
Your first point has some loop holes in it. I'd get more info for you but let's say the letter that Hoffa wrote to Obama says it all. Second, I'M NOT THINKING CS HEALTH AND PENSION ARE THE SAME THING. I know they are different. That's not what I am saying. If the CS states health plan is going to take a hit they can take our raises and future pension contributions. It's in black and white. Why did you think Hoffa wrote that letter? Do you think they are penpals?
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

I don't understand 2 things...and I know I've mentioned them to you before...First, the cadillac insurance tax won't touch 99% of UPS employees. You would have to have 5 or more dependents to get close to the cadillac tax...besides, it doesn't kick in until 2018. My insurance package was at...14,900 for 3 dependents. The cadillac tax kicks in at 27,500. Second, stop comparing CS Health with CS pension. They're entirely different. CS Health has 11 months of savings and is one of the healthiest insurance plans in the US. You mixing these facts is clouding your perspective. Now I agree that not having information on Health Care is BS. But since the contract has been extended, I don't have to worry about my benefits since UPS will continue to give me great benefits until the contract is settled.
So it kicks in after 2018. What does it matter. It happens in less then five years. That's not far off. Do you also think its ok for members to say sorry, I voted yes to this and I know you have 4 to 5 dependents but I need my raise now?


Inordinately Right
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

. Do you also think its ok for members to say sorry, I voted yes to this and I know you have 4 to 5 dependents but I need my raise now?

Do you think it's ok for you to have better health care coverage than people who do the same job as you? If you do.... then why would you expect them to care about how many dependents you have?


Livin the cardboard dream
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

So it kicks in after 2018. What does it matter. It happens in less then five years. That's not far off. Do you also think its ok for members to say sorry, I voted yes to this and I know you have 4 to 5 dependents but I need my raise now?
So a majority vote holds no value? Look...I understand what you're saying and I agree with you that people voting for their 20 bucks a week raise instead of holding out for what may or may not be better sucks for us who voted no (I voted no) but I cannot and will not demean people who voted for the betterment of their family. Will my family suffer? How do I know? In the west the union has till November to find equal/better coverage. So until I see some paperwork showing me what the differences are between what I have now and what I'll have instead, I'll reserve judgment. And again, the 40% tax won't touch 99% of UPSers. It'll hit people who have a lot of scratch to buy our esteemed CEO Davis.

balland chain

Well-Known Member
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

In reference to a post above stating that Teamcare is good insurance.. Do you realize that the cost of the insurance is 297.00 per week ? I know this because I am on Cobra, partly because Liberty Mutual dragged their ass and made me keep going to their Doc in the box for three months after my injury. The case worker waas chastised by the Surgeon. and here I am facing another surgery and out at least 6 more months.... Back to team care,,it is roughly 1200 per month for this "great insurance".. I did some checking on what 1200 would get me in todays market. Well, I could get insurance with no copays for anything, no 80/20, unlimited dental coverage, vision, yeah that too, and I would not get stuck with a bill for 300.00 after this so called great insurance.. Too bad I would need to sing a contract for coverage... I will agree, it is decent insurance because it is free for us. BUT the amount that UPS pays for this insurance is criminal for the coverage that we get.. Central States is not an insurance company, they simply process the claims and like all "administrating" companies their goal is to deny all they can.. WHY did the Teamsters not get us on a plan with a REAL INSURANCE company, i.e... Humana, United healthcare, Blue cross blue shield ( dont get confused BCBS is not our ins. company CS just uses BCBS to get the average cost of treatment) , I know this because after CS denied a claim , an agent gave me the number to the BCBS office in Durham NC. I was sick of the run around, and had a three way call with BCBS & CS both on the line .It is absurd that this ins. cost UPS 297 a week and the coverage is so poor. And now with the locals who voted no (rightly so) will get enhanced benefits that the suck ass locals who voted yes will not get, that right there should make all those who voted their supplement thru wake the friend up...


Family Leave Fridays!!!
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

In reference to a post above stating that Teamcare is good insurance.. Do you realize that the cost of the insurance is 297.00 per week ? I know this because I am on Cobra, partly because Liberty Mutual dragged their ass and made me keep going to their Doc in the box for three months after my injury. The case worker waas chastised by the Surgeon. and here I am facing another surgery and out at least 6 more months.... Back to team care,,it is roughly 1200 per month for this "great insurance".. I did some checking on what 1200 would get me in todays market. Well, I could get insurance with no copays for anything, no 80/20, unlimited dental coverage, vision, yeah that too, and I would not get stuck with a bill for 300.00 after this so called great insurance.. Too bad I would need to sing a contract for coverage... I will agree, it is decent insurance because it is free for us. BUT the amount that UPS pays for this insurance is criminal for the coverage that we get.. Central States is not an insurance company, they simply process the claims and like all "administrating" companies their goal is to deny all they can.. WHY did the Teamsters not get us on a plan with a REAL INSURANCE company, i.e... Humana, United healthcare, Blue cross blue shield ( dont get confused BCBS is not our ins. company CS just uses BCBS to get the average cost of treatment) , I know this because after CS denied a claim , an agent gave me the number to the BCBS office in Durham NC. I was sick of the run around, and had a three way call with BCBS & CS both on the line .It is absurd that this ins. cost UPS 297 a week and the coverage is so poor. And now with the locals who voted no (rightly so) will get enhanced benefits that the suck ass locals who voted yes will not get, that right there should make all those who voted their supplement thru wake the friend up...

#1) The cost of the insurance is not $297/week. CS is self-insured via the Teamsters and funded by UPS, which contributes a finite amount per employee. CS administers than plan but pays a fee to companies such as Aetna, BCBS, etc. to manage the plan. The claims paid by the plan are (essentially) written against CS's checkbook, which assumes the risk. This differs from a fully-funded health plan in which UPS would provide CS funding, which in turn would purchase fixed insurance policies per employee, and the insurers would assume the risk. COBRA reflects fair market value of your health plan, which was also indicated on your W-2 for last year. $297/week may reflect that of a couple, or a family, but I'm confident it's not for one person.

#2) Per an e-broker, the BEST individual health insurance available for purchase in the Charlotte, NC is a United Health Care plan that costs ~$625/month for one 50-year-old adult. That plan has a $2,500 deductible, $35 PCP visit co-pay ($50 specialist), $100 ER co-pay; once the deductible is met, all other expenses are paid. Prescription drug deductible is $200, and there's a formulary ranging from $5-$100. Dental (maximum $1000 annual benefit, with most services covered at 50%; two cleanings are paid in full) and vision (standard VSP every-other-year plan) will cost an additional $50. So for $8100, you would have insurance that's inferior to what you enjoy now. Oh, but the catch is... if you have ANY pre-existing conditions, or a shaky family medical history, you will likely be denied coverage.

#3) No matter what insurance you have, there will be limits to coverage. I have the coveted company-controlled plan, and two years ago I needed surgery and my doctor recommended doing it through laser - cheaper, more effective & faster recovery time. One problem: UPS considers most laser surgery to be experimental, and thus it's not covered. But I didn't learn this until after I received the $13,000 bill in the mail. I was able to negotiate it down, but it still consumed nearly half my take-home pay for the year. Had I opted for traditional surgery, it would've been covered in full. Best way to control health care costs is to educate yourself on when to go & when not to go to the doctor's; before any major procedure is performed, you have the right to call your insurance & verify coverage.

#4) I'd be curious as to specific types of claims you've had rejected. It seems like most of your postings, from what I can remember, are venting about the nickle and dimeing incurred from using your health insurance. As I mentioned earlier, ANY time you go to the doctor, it's going to cost you. At least it's nickles and dimes to you. Because to most others, it's $50s and $100s. Like I said, best way to control you health care costs is to educate yourself on when to go & when not to go.
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

Do you think it's ok for you to have better health care coverage than people who do the same job as you? If you do.... then why would you expect them to care about how many dependents you have?
No I don't but then again I think it's a region to region issue because of cost of living. Some areas cost less then others. That's why they we all make different rates. If your point was good we all should make the same rate then.
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

So a majority vote holds no value? Look...I understand what you're saying and I agree with you that people voting for their 20 bucks a week raise instead of holding out for what may or may not be better sucks for us who voted no (I voted no) but I cannot and will not demean people who voted for the betterment of their family. Will my family suffer? How do I know? In the west the union has till November to find equal/better coverage. So until I see some paperwork showing me what the differences are between what I have now and what I'll have instead, I'll reserve judgment. And again, the 40% tax won't touch 99% of UPSers. It'll hit people who have a lot of scratch to buy our esteemed CEO Davis.
First I'm not demeaning anyone. I tell anyone that voted yes to it. I'm not mad at you. You just made a bad choice. That's all. Trust me the republicans that voted yes to Obamacare are regretting it because the info is coming out afterwards. The yes voters will do the same with this contract Trust me. Unless the no voters make a stand.

Next if the tax is not going to hurt us. Why did Hoffa waist his ink to write letter to Obama.


Well-Known Member
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

Next if the tax is not going to hurt us. Why did Hoffa waist his ink to write letter to Obama.

Because it is just part of the plan. Get as many people into 1 healthcare plan. Get the cost of all healthcare plans as high as possible. Then begin the move to a government plan. For this to work you need to start with a large base. We, the union, will be the largest base and the first moved into the government healthcare plan. You will see Hoffa and Obama standing together when they tell us that the only way to save our healthcare is to move us into the beginning of single payer. The letter is just the first step. Want to bet that Hoffa has been to the White House meeting with Obama during this transition?

Big business wants "out of the healthcare business".
Unions want healthcare out of the negotiations process.
Our current leaders want a single payer.
The poor want government healthcare.

That leaves the middle class getting screwed again. Don't worry about the top brass in corporations. They will be able to pay for private practice Dr's.


Well-Known Member
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

"Unions’ interest in single-payer does not spring solely from altruistic principles; it’s in their self-interest. Unions are facing crises in bargaining as they try to convince employers to cover health care costs that are continuing to rise and showing no signs of slowing. Because health plans are provided by employers rather than the government, employers bear the cost of them—meaning negotiated gains in workers’ health care are necessarily coming at the expense of other contract items like wages. A single-payer system could potentially produce a big wage increase for workers: as companies are freed from astronomically expensive health plans and no longer able to claim poverty as a result of providing insurance, workers could demand their employers pay them the difference."

Labor Campaign Pushes Healthcare as a Human Right, Not a Business | The Nation


Well-Known Member
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

Lets see what our union posted on

Rick Nolan, U.S. House of Representatives from Minnesota
"“My commitment to [the Teamsters], and to all working families, is to return to Washington and lead the fight for the Employee Free Choice Act, for pension protection, for single-payer universal health care, and for an end to the right wing war on workers that includes ‘right to work for less,’” Nolan said. “I worked my way through college as a Teamster at UPS. This is my union.”

Teamsters Elected to Office | International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT)

2013 winter addition of teamsters magazine.


Well-Known Member
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

More from

Everyone Deserves the Same Care as Bush | International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT)

"Unfortunately, the person who should be leading the call for a single-payer healthcare system seems blind to the bind Americans face...........................No one wants to deny our president the very best health care available. But if he cannot recognize that all Americans deserve the same care, we have to convince him that this is exactly what we need.

Mr. Hoffa's commentary originally appeared inThe Detroit News on August 10, 2007."

balland chain

Well-Known Member
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

#1) The cost of the insurance is not $297/week. CS is self-insured via the Teamsters and funded by UPS, which contributes a finite amount per employee. CS administers than plan but pays a fee to companies such as Aetna, BCBS, etc. to manage the plan. The claims paid by the plan are (essentially) written against CS's checkbook, which assumes the risk. This differs from a fully-funded health plan in which UPS would provide CS funding, which in turn would purchase fixed insurance policies per employee, and the insurers would assume the risk. COBRA reflects fair market value of your health plan, which was also indicated on your W-2 for last year. $297/week may reflect that of a couple, or a family, but I'm confident it's not for one person.

#2) Per an e-broker, the BEST individual health insurance available for purchase in the Charlotte, NC is a United Health Care plan that costs ~$625/month for one 50-year-old adult. That plan has a $2,500 deductible, $35 PCP visit co-pay ($50 specialist), $100 ER co-pay; once the deductible is met, all other expenses are paid. Prescription drug deductible is $200, and there's a formulary ranging from $5-$100. Dental (maximum $1000 annual benefit, with most services covered at 50%; two cleanings are paid in full) and vision (standard VSP every-other-year plan) will cost an additional $50. So for $8100, you would have insurance that's inferior to what you enjoy now. Oh, but the catch is... if you have ANY pre-existing conditions, or a shaky family medical history, you will likely be denied coverage.

#3) No matter what insurance you have, there will be limits to coverage. I have the coveted company-controlled plan, and two years ago I needed surgery and my doctor recommended doing it through laser - cheaper, more effective & faster recovery time. One problem: UPS considers most laser surgery to be experimental, and thus it's not covered. But I didn't learn this until after I received the $13,000 bill in the mail. I was able to negotiate it down, but it still consumed nearly half my take-home pay for the year. Had I opted for traditional surgery, it would've been covered in full. Best way to control health care costs is to educate yourself on when to go & when not to go to the doctor's; before any major procedure is performed, you have the right to call your insurance & verify coverage.

#4) I'd be curious as to specific types of claims you've had rejected. It seems like most of your postings, from what I can remember, are venting about the nickle and dimeing incurred from using your health insurance. As I mentioned earlier, ANY time you go to the doctor, it's going to cost you. At least it's nickles and dimes to you. Because to most others, it's $50s and $100s. Like I said, best way to control you health care costs is to educate yourself on when to go & when not to go.
Call your local and ask how much you have to pay for the insurance if you are out of work more than a year.. Have you been out of work longer than a year ?? I have, and I did call my local and find out how much I would have to pay.. When I asked my UNION about the 297. she said " that is what UPS pays per employee per week" at least it is here.. So get your facts straight.. I DO know how much this insurance is because I am paying for it !!!


Family Leave Fridays!!!
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

Call your local and ask how much you have to pay for the insurance if you are out of work more than a year.. Have you been out of work longer than a year ?? I have, and I did call my local and find out how much I would have to pay.. When I asked my UNION about the 297. she said " that is what UPS pays per employee per week" at least it is here.. So get your facts straight.. I DO know how much this insurance is because I am paying for it !!!

I'll try to explain this one more time: UPS makes a finite contribution, as set forth by the CBA, for health & welfare funding. The insurance program is fully self-insured, whether the Company or IBT administers it. There's no actual per employee cost of the health insurance. The number that you pay for COBRA is NOT what UPS pays for it, but rather the market value. E.g. if you did not utilize your health insurance for a year, UPS's cost for your health insurance is just the small management fee paid to Aetna, BCBS, etc. If you had major surgery, then the cost of the surgery (plus all your other claims) is what it cost UPS.

And yes, I've seen what UPS charges for COBRA, since a handful of low-seniority people laid off in the Winter months sometimes have to pay it. The amount will vary regionally, but this year it topped $100/week for coverage of a single person. And I live in a higher-cost health care market than you. $15,444 a year for single coverage (as you claim) just seems unreasonable.


Well-Known Member
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

Call your local and ask how much you have to pay for the insurance if you are out of work more than a year.. Have you been out of work longer than a year ?? I have, and I did call my local and find out how much I would have to pay.. When I asked my UNION about the 297. she said " that is what UPS pays per employee per week" at least it is here.. So get your facts straight.. I DO know how much this insurance is because I am paying for it !!!
You're missing the point. Re-read Bagels point # 1. The CS M9 plan had family rates of $296.20 from 1/1/13 through 6/30/13. These rates are only available to existing groups. New groups have less coverage for greater costs and lack retiree coverage. Now consider the "enhanced" C-6 for "new" UPSers and you'll see that the proposal is a solid replacement for the defunct UPS plan.
The future not to exceed rates for C-6 reach $19,488 year ending 2016, far below the excise threshold of $27,500.


Well-Known Member
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

I strongly believe Hall presented us with a contract whose economic proposal was a fair balance, at least for those who will vote. I'm opposed to the contract, and will continue to vote no, until such matters as Article 7 language is corrected & 22.3 jobs are enforced. Most of the FTers on here don't care about A7 or 22.3 -- they just want more $$$.
The National passed, voting no won't change Art 7 or Art 22 in any way.


Well-Known Member
Re: Does UPS shafting of it's managment healthcare make U accept they want to get us

How does what UPS has recently done to their management, by forcing spouses who can obtain insurance off the UPS health care, make you feel about union, "Central States" insurance coverage now? In my estimation, maybe it gives you a new perspective on how big the fight to keep us from paying really was? Do you still feel so strongly that you want to remain in the UPS plan? Looks like to me, UPS is going to screw us with health care as soon as they can. Being in bed with UPS insurance is like being in bed with the devil. Soon or later you are going to have to $%%# That's my position. Feeling? I am concurrently in Central States healthcare so it's not like I am being forced into another plan, need to state that. The dental is has no limit for kids under 19 for everything except braces. My little girl had a 2k dental bill last month. They just paid all of it but $6. Maybe it could be better but it's certainly not the worst free insurance.

they could not get us Teamsters, so they after the non-union people.