drug tests in orlando


Well-Known Member
interesting how an unsubstantiated one line blurb from an anonymous poster can get so many people to respond.

It's also interesting how the DOT mandates random testing of feeder drivers and pkg drivers of larger vehicles........not Homeland Security.

Could the OP be mistaken? Possibly. Could the company be telling the loaders, unloaders, sorters, car washers etc. that "Homeland Security" will be drug testing them just to exact the company's idea of justice? Highly likely.

I agree with another poster that what I do when I'm off the clock is nobody's business. Perhaps "Homeland Security" should start drug testing supervisors?

It's also interesting that the FAA mandates "8 hours bottle to throttle" which means a pilot can be falling down drunk but as long as he takes his last drink at midnight, he can get in the left seat at 8 AM..........but yet a feeder driver can't smoke one when he gets home to relax?

Think about it.........


Well-Known Member
Trick....your comparison is apples to oranges. One substance is legal and the other is not. :)

"legal" is a relative term.
It's illegal for people to exceed the posted speed limit but it happens all the time. It's illiegal to have sex with someone other than your spouse but it happens all the time. Should I continue with what's legal and illegal?.......
An ER doctor recently commented on national radio that in his 25 years as an ER doctor, not once did he see a patient because of pot smoking. All the people who walked, or otherwise entered his ER, were a result of the related effects of alcohol (beatings, stabbings, shootings etc.).
The only reason pot is not legal is because the alcohol lobby is so powerful. Will pot ever be legal? Probably not.

somewhere usa

drug tests

Is anyone at any UPS building hearing about this besides Orlando?


Well-Known Member
Whats so "looney" or paranoid about thinking that UPS is doing something completely on their own under the guise of "sorry, required by Dept. of Homeland Security." In my 21 plus years,I have been lied to so many times by mgt. that I swear given the truth just once I would hardly know what to do with it.
I also learned a long time ago that just because UPS says it is so, doesn't necesarily mean it is so. Call your B.A. and have him call Dept. of Homeland Security and verify.
Also in closing, I have absolutely nothing to hide. Just like Miranda Rights though, you are entitled to certain privacy rights and general workplace rights. The argument that if you feel uneasy about testing or question the validity of the orders concerning testing is somehow associated with guilt or having something to hide is both very sad and laughable.

I was told this is at the AIRPORT locations only... This is a direct result of HOMELAD SECURITY finding THREE (3) Illeagal alien workers in Miami...


Well-Known Member
I was told this is at the AIRPORT locations only... This is a direct result of HOMELAD SECURITY finding THREE (3) Illeagal alien workers in Miami...

I'm trying to see the connection here. Maybe someone can explain it to me.

Miami probably has a lot of illegal alien workers.........so what's that got to do with drug testing airport workers?

If that's the case then maybe "Homeland Security" needs to drug test the entire state of Texas. :laugh:


interesting how an unsubstantiated one line blurb from an anonymous poster can get so many people to respond.
Yea Tie,maybe ups has found a way to benefit from the
brown cafe` by allowing mngmt to post anonymously.
Who needs the ERI,just log in to the cafe` for the real truth.
They drew the line when Eskew was posting,but even he got booted.
But then again it could`ve been a paranoid pot smoker that was seriously worried about his chances of being hired.
you never know


Well-Known Member
Here is what I don't like about drug testing. Let's say an employee is out at a class renunion on Nov. 26th and is having a good time, ya know- a few drinks, and decides to smoke some weed with his old buddies. Then on Dec. 17th gets into an accident. I believe marijuana can be detected in your system for up to 1 month. Said driver gets drug tested on the 17th and tests positive for marijauna and is fired, yet this had nothing to do with the accident. Its not like a breath test for alcohol, which accurately determines if you are intoxicated. I understand we shouldn't be using illegal drugs, but it doesn't seem to prove anything unless you are visibly intoxicated or smell like weed.


golden ticket member
maybe this is helpful........

The methods of drug testing have evolved over the past decade. Once, businesses, schools, and government could only test a person's urine. These tests were so easily defeated that the tests only detect whether you're too dumb to fool the test. But new methods of testing the blood, saliva, and hair have made fooling a drug test much harder.
With the urine test, evidence of past use of cocaine, amphetamines, and other hard drugs can be detected for 72 hours after use. Thus, a worker testing positive for these drugs could have ingested these substances on a Friday evening and be completely sober for work on Monday. Likewise, a person seeking a new job need only abstain from these substances for three days.
Ironically, the one drug with the lowest potential for abuse and harm, marijuana, remains detectable in a person's urine for 30 to 45 days. It is odd to consider that for two employees passing a urine test, one may have been abstaining from smoking pot last month while the other may have been smoking crack all of last month up until three days ago.
The newer testing does a better job of detecting drug use; some tests can indicate the use of any illicit substance for up to three months prior to the test. However, all that means is that problem drug users who wish to go straight and re-enter the workforce have a longer wait before they can apply for work. Without gainful employment, how much harder is it for a recovering addict to stay sober?
There must be a good reason for American businesses spending up to $1 billion dollars per year on drug testing. One of the usual reasons for this expenditure is workforce productivity.


trickpony1;15674An ER doctor recently commented on national radio that in his 25 years as an ER doctor said:
This is mind boggling and requires further investigation. this ER doctor therefore never had one person get high and have any type of accident car, home or work. This ER doctor never saw anyone get high and then come in for any other health reason.

Why it appears we have the magic elixir is in fact good ole cannibas. First lets run some experiments. I'll be willing to smoke one and see if it improves my general health. Trick why don't you smoke one and step in front of a bus. We may be on to something powerfull here.


He never saw a patient because of pot smoking because they were too stoned to get off the couch and go the the doctor.
Pot smokers are obvious - they are the red eyed ones at MacDonalds ordering everything on the menu and then some :w00t: Heading home to watch "Up in Smoke" or "The Three Stooges" and laughing there ass off till they pass out ! Thats what i hear ? :-)


Well-Known Member
Pot smokers are obvious - they are the red eyed ones at MacDonalds ordering everything on the menu and then some :w00t: Heading home to watch "Up in Smoke" or "The Three Stooges" and laughing there ass off till they pass out ! Thats what i hear ? :-)

Back in my pot-smoking days, I used to like playing video games. Specifically hockey. That used to be my thing. Do some bong hits and play NHL '97 by EA sports.


Well-Known Member
I used to enjoy "chillin out" and playing some video games after a good smoke. Now if I decide to smoke (much more rare nowadays) I go biking, hiking, climbing, etc...the stereotype of the pot smoker who is too lazy to do anything is just B.S., that same person probably would sit around all day whether he or she is high or sober. Some of the most intelligent people I've ever known have been pot smokers, it's just about impossible to tell who does it and who doesn't do it.
Drug testing is so bogus. One person gets fired because he took a puff from a joint at a party 2 weeks ago, while someone else is a raging alcoholic who can't wait to hit the bar after work and he's the one who keeps his job. Until they can come up with (and start using) a test to determine if you're high while on the clock, I will stand by my opinion that it's a total invasion of privacy. What someone does in the privacy of their own home (and NOT at or just before work) is their business and nobody else's.
If UPS decides to drug test in Orlando, then they will have to do it everywhere...makes me wonder how many more jobs will be cut just to cover the cost of the tests.

This avatar is for you, Mikey-boy!

I agree with this. I am on and off with the pot but gave it up in the workplace years ago out of respect for the businesses I am trying to represent while on the clock. Truth be told I work better when high. Havent smoked in few years, but I still believe drug tests have no correlation to your ability to complete the job or whether you even are EVER high, coked up or whatever, while you are on the job. And for the record its a lot harder to operate heavy machinery while drinking than while smoking pot. I could probably load my cars quicker if I started up again though. hehe


Well-Known Member
It's my understanding that eleven states have decriminalized pot.
They must be really stupid states.......what ya think, Tie?