"END UPS PART TIME POVERTY bumper stickers



IR1937, you must be part mullet

Your are right. I am a mullet. I did fall but my2cents saved me. I now wear an AFDB with shiney side up on my head and AFDB shoes to keep the Saints heferdust out of my hair and off my feet. My2cents is my hero.
By the way finger mullet are the best bait known to man. Especially for speckled trout. There is nothing like watching a bunch of finger mullet headed your way and then tossing a cast net and comming up with a bucket full for bait. It is almost as good as facing the Saint with my AFDB glaring in his eyes and having this great sense of calm rush over my entire body. Who lovesya my2cents????


Bob Sled

I now have to wear my AFDB for you and the saint. Are you the saint hiding behind a shiney ABFD???
Calling my2cents!!!!!!!!! Is it posssible to see thru a shiney ABFD worn by phoney HFRDS?(heferdust spreader)Please help me 2c I am falling.
The Mullet


I'm not a paying member at the MF Board so I can't post there. I have some reading recommendations for you, if you're interested, regarding Options (Covered Calls). They have worked very well for me.

Send me an E-Mail if you are interested.




I wasn't able to reply be e-mail, so here are my recommendations........

1. Covered Call Writing Demystified by Paul D. Kadavy.

This is the best book I've read regarding covered calls. I have only been able to locate it at Amazon. It was $28 and shipped by UPS. I use this strategy for UPS.

2. Covered Call Writing with Exchange Traded Funds (ETF's) by the same author as #1.

I found this at Amazon again for $16.95. When I diversified I purchased ETF's like the QQQ's and DIA's. This book covers the same strategy as above with ETF's, which is pretty much the same as for individual stocks. Knowing what I know now, if I could only purchase one book, it would be this one.

3. Stocks for Options Trading by Harvey C. Friedentag.

This book is a bit more technical, but still a pretty easy read. It covers alot of the same ground as the first two. What I like about this book is that is goes into more detail about managing your covered calls.

Overall, I've been extremely successful using covered calls to protect my downside and to turn a profit. My goal is to keep all of my stock for the long term. I stay away from naked calls, puts, collars, spreads, etc. My opinion is that when you get into those, you might as well put your money on the table in Vegas! Also, by simply writing covered calls, you get the down side protection, keep your brokerage fees down, and produce a monthly income.

The most difficult lesson I had was learning to "roll forward" and "roll up". But if you learn these two lessons, you'll be able to keep your stock from being exercised.

If you need any other advice or "my opinions", send me another e-mail and I'd be happy to pass on my experiences. If you include an e-mail I can reach you at, we can keep away from taking up board space.

Hope this helps.......Charlie



I believe visibility can be obstructed by not having enough Scotch tape on the beanie. I'm working on a new prototype, which will use Duct tape, instead of Scotch. This could be a new breakthrough, especially with the recent news of Duct tape's ability to heal warts. However, more study will be required on the schematics of this. Additionally, I'm also concerned about static electricity because I was positively charged this morning.


You're a genius my2cents!

(Message edited by retired on January 22, 2003)



Everybody is positively charged in the AM. Check it out in the PM and see if you are still charged.

I have found that a bath in Potassium Permanganate can ease some of the symptoms. And it helps blend you in with the background(makes you invisible), thus you are able to enter Saint Elsewhere undetected. A 6PPM solution ought to do the trick.

Try it and let me know how it works



Please send cy of schemATic(oops I took my AFDB off and had a stteamo moment) I find that a trojan under your AFDB will cut down on static electricity. You may want to contact Trojan before completing the project. There is a circulation problem with the Trojan. It is awfully snug under the AFDB in a circle going from the top of one ear to the OtHer. I hope you can finish the project soon since the circulation problem is affecting me in a stTEAmo way. I may chunk the trojan and try the dUck tape. PLezE hUree.
I am sure the trojan SolUtiOn will be anti CLimaxTic compared with the DuCk tape SolUtiOn.
Whatever you do I am sure it will put an end to a lot of poverty stricken UPs PaRT TimE erS who are presently unprotected because they can't keep their AFDBees on while out performing MAC men.
I think I am turning into A SaInTeemO cLOne. HuRRee!!!!


Got an ice cold Bud in the bottle m2c? I'll take one and then another and then another and then another.......


within a few yeares you will see a end ups part time poverty bumper sticker every day you drive anywhere in the country.the movement to end ther exploitation will prevail.


Cheers wkmac! I'll share one with ya and the crew, although I won't be able to drink it while perusing this forum. If I do, there is a good chance of beer shooting out of my nose and on to my keyboard. Yuk!


"IT should be noted that the members of the black thursday committee sponsoring these stickers are not anti ups,. In fact all aRE ups stockholders and praise the company for it's good points. However the committee is serious about reforming the negative aspects of ups"

Oh thats rich , these stockholders could care less if they lose money on their investments cause they just want to do the right thing.