FedEx driver leaves back door open...


Well-Known Member
Im assuming its the video of the Colorado Ground Driver. That's too bad. He seems like a nice guy who, either, had a faulty latch or just forgot to secure his truck. Colorado guys work long hours due to a shortage of hirable people in the state. Too many can't pass the drug test because marijuana is legal. Plus one can make, almost if not, more working in a cannabis shop than driving a truck.


Well-Known Member
My daughter and son in law are stationed in Colorado. The cannabis wave brought a lot of "green" jobs and MILLIONS of dollars into the state. I understand a couple of border states have sued them in court. Hopefully the case will go all the way to the Supreme Court and they will rule what is good for one, is good for all. It will be interesting and time will always does. The toothpaste is out of the tube.