First FOX news GOP debate is a "hit piece" on Trump, Christie, Carson...


Well-Known Troll
At least their answering questions. Hilary is afraid to speak to the press, and it shows just how untrustworthy and sneaky she is.

She was the presumed front runner, with basic unknowns as her competitors, and she STILL Can't seal the deal.


Get her on video making kissy faces with Monica Lewinsky, maybe that'll bump her up in some polls. Sure as hell won't bump up mine, though


Staff member
But Donald Trump proved something last night. Fox News threw everything they had at him, they did it on national television, and he didn't flinch. Donald Trump proved that you cannot embarrass Donald Trump. He is a man who lives entirely without shame or self-doubt. It's like a superpower. And every time he refuses to back down, every time he shows what you can do and say if you have no shame, his supporters thrill to him a little more. After all, if the media can't stop him, then what chance do the Democrats have? What chance do America's enemies have?



Well-Known Member
The problem is that if Jeb, or someone else gets the nomination, the likelihood of a split vote resulting in a win for the Democratic nominee is highly likely. Which is great for Democrats.

I'm not so sure about that. I don't think anyone of them has the support of over 1/3 the voters. I also think that each one of them has about 30% of the voters in a three way election.

Toss Bernie into the mix and I'm buying the Costco sized popcorn.
At least their answering questions. Hilary is afraid to speak to the press, and it shows just how untrustworthy and sneaky she is.

She was the presumed front runner, with basic unknowns as her competitors, and she STILL Can't seal the deal.


Get her on video making kissy faces with Monica Lewinsky, maybe that'll bump her up in some polls. Sure as hell won't bump up mine, though
Or smoking a cigar with her.


Engorged Member
The FOX news debate is running, and its clear from the outset, and I said it long before the debate, that FOX would try to destroy Donald Trump and take him out of the favor of the people.

The very first question was a SET UP, designed to embarrass Trump, and the second question to him was also intended to embarrass him. His third question on immigration was also designed to embarrass him.

Carsons first question was intended to embarrass him and his lack of experience.

Chris Christies first question was also intended on embarrassing him.

There was nothing fair and balanced going on at this debate.

Still, it was worth the laugh.


Agree. Since when are "debate" questions directed at a single person? Also, FOX was more hard-hitting than I expected, but "fair and balanced". No. Anyone else stop to think that everyone up there was a Right Winger? No lefties, so FOX couldn't do it's usual smear job.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Trump has to realize that he was "set up" to fail by now. All day, FOX news has used the debate to trash Trump and tonight on Megyn Kelly, she had a live audience and all they did was trash Trump. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

This wasnt a debate.

A debate is where one question is asked, and each candidate gets a chance to answer it, and the audience determines who answers the questions in the best manner that suits their individual beliefs.

FOX news format of "trash" journalism in asking "individual" questions intended on embarrasssing the candidate wasnt any kind of debate at all.

What FOX news did, was to prove what a "partisan hack" it really is.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
what a shocker, the audience at the FOX news debate was predominately WHITE.

This is consistent with the FOX news audience in general, however, you CANT win an election for the white house with just WHITE people.

Without diversity, the republican party is finished. Ben Carson looked like a raisin in milk last night on the stage.

That 1% isnt enough to bring the GOP to a party of the "people".


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Despite the empty seats in the house, where are all the people of color in audience??



You have to wonder what BEN CARSON is thinking when he looks out over an audience of all WHITE people and not a single black face is out there looking back at him?

How he can think he belongs to a party that does NOTHING to bring in people of the same race and rather, vilifies his race is still mystery.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Despite the empty seats in the house, where are all the people of color in audience??

You have to wonder what BEN CARSON is thinking when he looks out over an audience of all WHITE people and not a single black face is out there looking back at him?

How he can think he belongs to a party that does NOTHING to bring in people of the same race and rather, vilifies his race is still mystery.

The funny thing is that Carson is accepted more by those white people than blacks in that other party.