Fred Gegare announce he will run against Hoffa


Well-Known Member
I hear Leedham is throwing his hat in again. It sounds like to me that ol' Hoffa is up to no good. Throwing a monkey wrench into the election just like Ross Perot did in 92'. I wouldn't be surprised if the vote got split up between Fred and Tom and Hoffa comes out on top, and then keeps Fred on the payroll for a job well done!


Well-Known Member
"Fred Gegare is running to become General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters so he can fight for the members. "

there is some original rhetoric. this guy is clearly an innovator. :happy2:

meanwhile hoffa is giving you info on how to get your petition to get him reelected. should be an exciting race. :peaceful:

you know if you guys would build a robot that can spew out this rhetoric you could save a million bucks a year.

That's what we said about Jim Kelly and Lea Sepata. Now we say it about every center mngr., drvr. supe, and part-time supe. Only you'd save a BILLION bucks a year.


Well-Known Member
Tie I do not think that there will be a third slate running, it would split the votes to much and almost guarantee a Hoffa victory. The only way to beat Hoffa would be by running one slate against him. In this case you have a Teamster with many years of service in Fred who probably has a pretty decent following who will carry some of Hoffas votes. While at the same time probably carry most of the TDu votes as well. IMO

Many people would not vote for a TDU canidate no matter who it is, yet these same people would not object to TDU endorsing a canidate.

Hey 705, What's the story on your boy Steve running on the Hoffa Slate? Did Coli push that button? Are you backin' Hoffa now?


Browncafe Steward
Hey 705, What's the story on your boy Steve running on the Hoffa Slate? Did Coli push that button? Are you backin' Hoffa now?

Steve has been told he will have a VP position with Hoffa, I support Steve in everything he does and he is a dear friend, But I will not support Hoffa! Friends are allowed to disagree on issues and this is one that we do disagree on.


Well-Known Member
Steve has been told he will have a VP position with Hoffa, I support Steve in everything he does and he is a dear friend, But I will not support Hoffa! Friends are allowed to disagree on issues and this is one that we do disagree on.
Hoffa put him on the slate because he needs votes. He's a desperate man doing desperate things. Stevie is going to be coming to all of 705 for support of him........ and Hoffa.


Well-Known Member
Latest word I'm hearing is Tom Keegal wont run again. One thing Hoffa and T. Johnson don't realize is UPS is the Teamsters and has been for 20 years. It's long over due for UPS people to be moved to the forefront and it's most likely too late now, but for the Teamsters to survive they better do it anyway.