Gang of "Misunderstood youths" attack a girl at Mcdonald's


Well-Known Member
The girls doing the beating in the video are wild savage animals and could have killed the other girl. So, they should have been put down like wild savage animals they are. Someone should have stepped in and blown their heads off or at least evened the odds. The problem today is that if someone had done the first they'd be in deeper trouble than the animals. Especially if they were white. Even more than that if they were a white cop. Black losers and quisling whites would be rounded up by "community organizers " and incited by Obama and Holder to "protest" and destroy their own neighborhoods. All of that thanks to liberalism. The cancer that's eating away at this once great country's soul.
This " once great country's soul " was built on slavery of Africans and the genocide of the TRUE NATIVE AMERICANS. Violence is deeply rooted and engrained into American culture. You reap what you sow.


Well-Known Troll
The only thing that he has posted that you agree with, and it's fake.

That sign doesn't exist.

It's been put in by a computer.

And P.S. how many American Flags do you see in that picture?

Yes, I understand that. I can tell a horrible photoshop when I see one. The thought behind it, however, remains valid


Well-Known Troll
This " once great country's soul " was built on slavery of Africans and the genocide of the TRUE NATIVE AMERICANS. Violence is deeply rooted and engrained into American culture. You reap what you sow.

Hey, we gave them reservations and Casino's. What else do they want?

One girl reaps a beating by more than 6 girls? Or are you again, derailing this and trying to not answer the issues raised in the original video, a savage beating of ONE girl by 6 others while MANY people stood there, cheered it on and watched. What did she sow?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
This " once great country's soul " was built on slavery of Africans and the genocide of the TRUE NATIVE AMERICANS. Violence is deeply rooted and engrained into American culture. You reap what you sow.

That is BS on so many levels. And irrelevant to my post. Human beings who behave like those girls should be dealt with just as swiftly and severely as they act. And those that were spectating and OOOHHing and AAAWing and recording for Facebook and twitter are guilty of letting such nonsense happen. I imagine you'd be one of the spectators only you'd probably be using your phone to google irrelevant "facts" to cite as the cause for the savage beating. Probably white oppression or some other weak minded liberal ideology.


Inordinately Right
The only thing that he has posted that you agree with, and it's fake.

That sign doesn't exist.

It's been put in by a computer.
Yes, I understand that. I can tell a horrible photoshop when I see one. The thought behind it, however, remains valid

Um, no, it's not fake lol.
Here's a tip, open a new tab. Go to Google. In the top right corner click images. Drag the image from this tab, into the search box in the Google tab.
It's called reverse image search.

Anyways.... the photo is credited to Gerald Herbert of the Associated Press, every heard of the AP?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Hey, we gave them reservations and Casino's. What else do they want?

One girl reaps a beating by more than 6 girls? Or are you again, derailing this and trying to not answer the issues raised in the original video, a savage beating of ONE girl by 6 others while MANY people stood there, cheered it on and watched. What did she sow?
Not only did we let them build and operate casinos, we pretty much can't compete with them either.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Skinhead White Murders ★ Documentary ★ 2014 HD:
As bad as skinheads are I have to ask you....are they killing their own race on a scale equal to how blacks are killing each other? Are they killing blacks on a scale equal to what blacks are? Don't bother answering. We both know the answer already and you don't like it.
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Well-Known Member
As bad as skinheads are I have to ask you....are they killing their own race on a scale equal to how blacks are killing each other? Are they killing blacks on a scale equal to what blacks are? Don't bother answering. We both know the answer already and you don't like it.
Whites in this country have killed more innocent people than all the other races combined.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You're desperate now.
Why do you insist on trying to say African Americans don't love their country? Do you even believe that or are you just so invested in the argument that you refuse to back down at this point? I could sit here all day and post pictures of the flag at the march and you still would view them all as racists who are just stirring up trouble.
So I'll just post this instead:
Do you see any American flags in this picture?

I wonder why?


Inordinately Right
It wouldn't be the first time that some one doctored a photo.
You know it's ok to be wrong every now and then right? You seem to have a real problem with that.
Try it just once.... Type the words "I was wrong, it's not a fake photo". See if your head explodes.

Or just keep deflecting and trying to change the subject.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You know it's ok to be wrong every now and then right? You seem to have a real problem with that.
Try it just once.... Type the words "I was wrong, it's not a fake photo". See if your head explodes.

Or just keep deflecting and trying to change the subject.
I say the photo is doctored.

I haven't backed off of that?

Tomorrow, I'll be home, and at my computer, instead of my phone.

I'll investigate then.

Still, you found only 6 flags carried by only 4 people.

That TEA PARTY PHOTO had more than that.

Which group loves America?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
A tea party rally? What the hell does that even mean anymore?
Who did the tea party run as their presidential candidate last election? Oh that's right, they're not a political party. It was an idea, and that idea was hijacked by war-mongering Neocons like you. The tea party is dead, get over it.
Full of hate you are young DIDO.