Gay marriage ban struck down in california

Marriage is an individual right. This is different than viewing marriage as a right given to acouple. When States argue that marriage is simply defined as an institution between a man and awoman they overlook the fact that the State by its actions is denying​
individuals the right to marrythe person of their choice. Many of the arguments presented by States today on the question ofsame-sex marriage are very similar to those raised in defense of a ban on interracial marriages. In
Loving v. Virginia​
Justice Warren wrote: “Marriage is one of the basic civil rights of man … Todeny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as [these] racial classifications is surelyto deprive all the State’s citizens without due process of law.” The State’s refusal to recognize
same-sex marriage denies that right to homosexuals.
Please link to your C&P, thank you.


Engorged Member
I don't think anyone misunderstood your point, they just chose to use it to try and get back at you. I would have used NAMBLA (or whatever the letters are) for the example of the slippery slope.

Men cannot marry minors, so the NAMBLA comparison is invalid. I notice you chose the sickest, most deviant organization out there as an example of the slippery slope. Most gays I know are completely decent people and would never think of abusing a child. Kind of like the general population.

Jeez, they let Josh Powell marry, and look what he did to his kids....and he was straight.


golden ticket member
Just like 60% of the straight married couples do in CA. What's your point?

I just think it's funny when they were held up like they said as a 'poster couple'.......Just like the stars when they say they'll be together forever and then they are in divorce court in 3 months. The Lawyers are deliriously excited about all their new clients.

The gay couples are going to find out that hopping bed to bed was pretty cool, but this marriage stuff has all kinds of strings attached and the strings are usually wrapped around someone's bank account. CA. is community give me 50% of your stuff!!! Ha, ha, ha!!


Strength through joy
Another fine example of what's wrong in Ca.

[h=1]LA County OKs $1,000 Fine For Throwing Football, Frisbee On Beaches[/h]
In passing the 37-page ordinance on Tuesday, officials sought to outline responsibilities for law enforcement and other public agencies while also providing clarification on beach-goer activities that could potentially disrupt or even injure the public.

The updated rules now prohibit “any person to cast, toss, throw, kick or roll” any object other than a beach ball or volleyball “upon or over any beach” between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
Your kids could also end up costing you big bucks: the ordinance also prohibits digging any hole deeper than 18 inches into the sand except where permission is granted for film and TV production services only.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Another fine example of what's wrong in Ca.

LA County OKs $1,000 Fine For Throwing Football, Frisbee On Beaches

In passing the 37-page ordinance on Tuesday, officials sought to outline responsibilities for law enforcement and other public agencies while also providing clarification on beach-goer activities that could potentially disrupt or even injure the public.

The updated rules now prohibit “any person to cast, toss, throw, kick or roll” any object other than a beach ball or volleyball “upon or over any beach” between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
Yourkids could also end up costing you big bucks: the ordinance also prohibits digging any hole deeper than 18 inches into the sand except where permission is granted for film and TV production services only.

What is wrong with this ordinance? Do you actually read anything you link? This 37 page ordinance covers alot more than just ball tossing.

You mis stated the facts of the ordinance when you said this "The updated rules now prohibit “any person to cast, toss, throw, kick or roll” any object other than a beach ball or volleyball “upon or over any beach” between Memorial Day and Labor Day.""

In the ordinance, subsection B of section 49 CLEARLY STATES "exception for off season, the ball playing restrictions as set forth in subsection A shall NOT be applicable during the period between Memorial Day and Labor day. It further states that the prohibition of ball playing during the other periods CAN BE done with the permission of the director, fire chief or LIFEGUARDS as long as the activity does not endanger the public.

This shows California cares about its guests on the beach and their safety priority one. There are many objects that get thrown on the beaches here in SO CAL and there are also many injuries associated with those objects.

Your opinion was a stretch of the facts.

Now apologize to California.




golden ticket member
It reminds me of the sign on the community pool....."No diving, no balls, no rafts, no noodles, no running, no jumping.....
Enjoy the pool!
Men cannot marry minors, so the NAMBLA comparison is invalid. I notice you chose the sickest, most deviant organization out there as an example of the slippery slope. Most gays I know are completely decent people and would never think of abusing a child. Kind of like the general population.

Jeez, they let Josh Powell marry, and look what he did to his kids....and he was straight.

Josh Powell was a mentally ill person and that has little if anything to do with sexual orientation or preference, but that is a good example of a comparison that is invalid.

You're right. men can not marry minors, yet. Right now, in most states, men can't marry men and women can't marry women...very valid comparison. There was a time that same gender relationships were considered on the same level as Nambla by probably the majority of Americans. Now the debate is about if gays should be allowed to be married. 50-60 years ago the suggestion of gay marriage would have been tossed out as an outlandish concept that would never be considered.
Most of the gay people I know are very decent people and would kill to protect children from abusers. That is hardly the point or objection.

Here is what I think should happen:
The government should adopt a new law that replaces the words marriage, husband, wife and spouse in all laws and replace them with civil union and partner. Along with this the need to pass a law that requires a civil union between two people that want the privileges and RESPONSIBILITIES of now married couples, regardless of gender. Then if a man and woman wants or needs a marriage to satisfy their religious beliefs they can go to their pastor (or whatever title they have) and be married by them. This gets the government out of marriage but still offers their "protection of fairness" in the legal matters of couples bound to one another.


Well-Known Member
Josh Powell was a mentally ill person and that has little if anything to do with sexual orientation or preference, but that is a good example of a comparison that is invalid.

You're right. men can not marry minors, yet. Right now, in most states, men can't marry men and women can't marry women...very valid comparison. There was a time that same gender relationships were considered on the same level as Nambla by probably the majority of Americans. Now the debate is about if gays should be allowed to be married. 50-60 years ago the suggestion of gay marriage would have been tossed out as an outlandish concept that would never be considered.
Most of the gay people I know are very decent people and would kill to protect children from abusers. That is hardly the point or objection.

Here is what I think should happen:
The government should adopt a new law that replaces the words marriage, husband, wife and spouse in all laws and replace them with civil union and partner. Along with this the need to pass a law that requires a civil union between two people that want the privileges and RESPONSIBILITIES of now married couples, regardless of gender. Then if a man and woman wants or needs a marriage to satisfy their religious beliefs they can go to their pastor (or whatever title they have) and be married by them. This gets the government out of marriage but still offers their "protection of fairness" in the legal matters of couples bound to one another.

You can make all the outlandish slippery slope scenarios as you wish. My point is: WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE HUNG UP ON DENYING TWO ADULTS WHO LOVE EACH THE RIGHT TO MARRIAGE EQUALITY!! Saying the government will "replace certain words" isnt going to happen. Just get used to the fact that gays will be allowed to get married . It is life advancing and working to give all life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!


golden ticket member
You can make all the outlandish slippery slope scenarios as you wish. My point is: WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE HUNG UP ON DENYING TWO ADULTS WHO LOVE EACH THE RIGHT TO MARRIAGE EQUALITY!! Saying the government will "replace certain words" isnt going to happen. Just get used to the fact that gays will be allowed to get married . It is life advancing and working to give all life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!

They can have the equality !!!!!! Just don't call it marriage!!!!!


Engorged Member
You can make all the outlandish slippery slope scenarios as you wish. My point is: WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE HUNG UP ON DENYING TWO ADULTS WHO LOVE EACH THE RIGHT TO MARRIAGE EQUALITY!! Saying the government will "replace certain words" isnt going to happen. Just get used to the fact that gays will be allowed to get married . It is life advancing and working to give all life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!

You don't understand the gay menace. Every one of them is plotting to steal away young boys, ruin straight marriages by targeting otherwise God-loving husbands and fathers, and corrupt the American way of life. All we need to do is go back to 1952 and make sure that we return to a USA where Whites make all the rules and enjoy all the benefits and gays stayed closeted away because the knew they'd get beat-up or killed if they came out and revealed their lifestyle.

While we're at it, let's send all the minorities back to 1952 as well. Equal Rights? Only if you're White, love Jesus, and are straight. No one else need apply.


Well-Known Member
You can make all the outlandish slippery slope scenarios as you wish. My point is: WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE HUNG UP ON DENYING TWO ADULTS WHO LOVE EACH THE RIGHT TO MARRIAGE EQUALITY!! Saying the government will "replace certain words" isnt going to happen. Just get used to the fact that gays will be allowed to get married . It is life advancing and working to give all life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!
why is two people the magic number... why not not anyone marry for whatever reason and to as many as they like?


Well-Known Member
Good try. Make it sound like they all want to marry horses and have multiple spouses. Lousy tactic, and not even remotely true.
Why is it lousy.... you want to change the definition of marriage. Why is 2 people some magic number? You want it changed to accomodate what you want to see done... Just wondering why it shouldnt go beyond that to whoever wants to marry for whatever reason? Never mentioned horses


Strength through joy
Sorry but within the muslim community men do marry minors, some as young as 5.

Muhammed married a six year old bride. But Islam has evolved in 1500 years. In Hamas land, in 2009, the brides are almost seven.
Mass Muslim Marriage in Gaza
450 Grooms Wed GIRLS Under Ten In Gaza
by Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

A gala event has occurred in Gaza.
Hamas sponsored a mass wedding for four hundred and fifty couples. Most of the grooms were in their mid to late twenties; most of brides were under ten.

The International Center for Research on Women now estimates that there are 51 million child brides now living on planet earth and almost all in Muslim countries.
Twenty-nine percent of these child brides are regularly beaten and molested by their husbands in Egypt; twenty six percent receive similar abuse in Jordan.


Strength through joy
This shows California cares about its victims on the beach and their cash is priority one. I have thrown many danger objects on the beaches here in SO CAL and there were many injuries associated with those objects.

My opinion is never a stretch of the facts.

Now bow down and apologize to my messiah.

