get ready for the next firing spree.


Well-Known Member

"other corroborating evidence"..... three words that spell ..D A N G E R.. if you know how to read english, unlike 407 and Stink, who believe that those three word spell ...S A friend E T Y N E T...

Of course they will install cameras, then they will use it to record downtime, and "other" offenses of stealing time, like being on the phone.

Just wait.

Hoffa screwed us.



The union bragged about how the protected us from discipline with, must be observed by management (previous language). Then the union adds "other corroborating evidence", giving the company ANOTHER OPTION to discharge and employee easier! Why would the union have allowed that!!!! Who wrote this contract proposal? Was the union present at anytime during the contract proposal being written up?? The drivers have no idea how bad this is going to impact us. THIS IS MAJOR,and no one is discussing it.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Stick an infonote over the "hidden" lens. Problem solved!
No No No that's tampering with UPS equipment. Just do your job,stay off your phone while working and by all means DON'T pick your nose while delivering! Just kidding with the last one.:happy-very:

If they put a camera in the cab of my truck then the only thing they will be able to see is the underdide of the booger that I put over the lens.

Richard Harrow

No sense in getting riled up over this. Within one month the lenses will be covered with an inch of black dirt and dust so much so that viewing anything will be impossible.

I had one once in an ancient 8 cube about 2 years ago at peak. Adjusted it so it was facing my helper. Couldn't adjust the brightness and it was a distraction. Safety first!

Richard Harrow

Further, from what I understand, these cameras only activate when you "stab" the brakes. Supposedly the company wants to see what you are doing at that moment.

Just wait until some personal injury lawyer for a rear-end collision plaintiff finds out that UPS has video of the driver on a cellphone or picking his nose at time of accident. Those cameras will be 86'ed so fast that your head will spin.
2013-06-20 03.11.08 (1).jpg
2013-06-20 03.11.08 (1).jpg


Well-Known Troll
It's NOT a camera. I believe it was user 1Brownwrench disassembled one and showed that there is, in camera there.

The square is a light sensor which is supposed to adjust based on the amount of light coming into the cab, although they don't work so well. Half of those monitors in my center are covered with info-notices, and noone has ever said that they can't be. So, if they WERE cameras, you would think the SUP's might remove the notices


Amatuer Malthusian
It's NOT a camera. I believe it was user 1Brownwrench disassembled one and showed that there is, in camera there.

The square is a light sensor which is supposed to adjust based on the amount of light coming into the cab, although they don't work so well. Half of those monitors in my center are covered with info-notices, and noone has ever said that they can't be. So, if they WERE cameras, you would think the SUP's might remove the notices

No, it was not me who demonstrated the nonexistence of a camera in the LCD monitors. I concur, though, that there is none. If I there were we would be getting reports from CMs through our supervisor fix of replace them in addition to all the other telematics surveilance
As a mechanic for UPS for the past 23 yrs I will tell you that those are not cameras in the new back up monitors. It is an optical eye used for a remote control. They are all purpose monitors that they use for backing up. Even if they wanted to do that SO WHAT!!!!! One it's their trucks and two it's no different than cameras in the building. If you just do your job you will have nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
You can go to the manufacturer website and see the specs and manuals for the new monitors. It is indeed for a remote.

Who cares if it was a camera? They can watch me pick my nose all they want. But it isn't a camera.


Well, a couple other techs already covered its not a camera! But I can back that up too!
I just want to thank you drivers that piss in a bottle or out the door! I had a driver in my center that wrote up his truck for smelling like piss. There was heavy, long-term oxidation around his lower door latches. I signed off his Dvir to stop pissing in the truck...... Problem solved! Never heard about it again!


Well-Known Member
Do you have someone spying on you every single minute of every single day? I grow tired of people acting as if its NO BIG DEAL if UPS thought they could get away with something like this. What about NEW cover drivers? What about temporary drivers? You gonna sit there and tell me that these people go out and never use maps while they drive? You and I both know that UPS KNOWS this and doesn't care as long as there isn't an accident. That's the way this company operates. It turns a blind eye to safety until it smacks them in the face and then its ALL YOUR FAULT! People who act like its ok to be spied on all day long can have it. You cant watch someone all day everyday and expect to not see something that they deem WRONG.

As a mechanic for UPS for the past 23 yrs I will tell you that those are not cameras in the new back up monitors. It is an optical eye used for a remote control. They are all purpose monitors that they use for backing up. Even if they wanted to do that SO WHAT!!!!! One it's their trucks and two it's no different than cameras in the building. If you just do your job you will have nothing to worry about.