guess who's coming to dinner


Heres the scenario....President Obama is visiting San Clemente California on business and the CIA have decided he will have lunch at morelucks house as a campaign in public relations.He often gets Michelle to prepare recipes he found in the BC's whats cooking forum,Joyce will have the honor of preparing and serving of lunch.
Q what will she serve?
Q what will they talk about?
Q does Joyce own a gun?


golden ticket member
My neighborhood allows no solicitations and my dog hates everybody......are you forming a picture? Sic him, Mocha!


Well-Known Member
In preparation for the lunch, more will have her undocumented staff working at a fever pace, cleaning the house, preparing the meal, mowing and trimming the grass.


Staff member
Q what will she serve? Salad with a gusher of oil.
Q what will they talk about? Problems that UPS invoices and some people share such as "Country of Origin".
Q does Joyce own a gun? Doesn't need one, she has Mocha.


golden ticket member
OK, I've got the best mower in the world.....his name is Bob and he also mows the neighbors back yard. (front yards are taken care of by association.) I've never had anyone to clean my house, but all around me are able-bodied people who have housekeepers. When I can't cook or keep my own house, you can call the "home".


Well-Known Member
I would hire a housekeeper, but I am too ashamed of how dirty my house gets through the week. Plus, if anyone not in the "know" opened one of my closets, they could end up seriously injured by falling debris.