Gun toting Neanderthals - Order your Confederate Battle flag

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Let's say I took the job not knowing that raising/lowering the flags was part of the job, much like I did not know the specifics on the UPS appearance guidelines until just before I was hired.

You'd have a valid complaint if you were disciplined or lost your job for refusing to raise the flag. I'm sure they'd just find someone else though and it wouldn't get to that.

If you found out the UPS appearance guidelines JUST BEFORE being hired then you had time to reconsider accepting the job. And if you found out after then you could either quit or accept the job under their guidelines.


No. You work for them and can chose to go elsewhere. Unless you claim its for religious reasons, in which case, you'd probably win that argument. I've seen some beards and headdresses being worn by people that should be wearing them.

This kind of headdress?