Heavy packages


From the promised LAND
There were three in the shipment. Two came in one day, the third the next. By the looks of the third one, they had a very rough landing.



Well-Known Member
It is not a good practice to ask customers for help. Could lead to a problem. Also, when you are on a run that's in the middle of nowhere you don't have many options when you want to get home at a reasonable time. You figure out ways to move anything without getting hurt.

Yeah, the packages have no corners when I am done but that's life.


I always got a kick out of the picture of two people lifting the box on either end. I always think, 'geez, even the box knows it needs two people. I guess the box is our next center manager'


Preload, Loader
Here's my policy with dealing with over 70's or Irregs if your a loader. Look, drop, and roll. Look for a supervisor, if there isn't one around then move on to the next step, drop it off the belt, don't worry that's cement it's falling on, then roll it on to the truck. Problem solved for loaders. If there's a supervisor around, ignore the last two steps and just ask him to help you...I'm sure they will...:)


149 kg is 328 lbs. You said it came in air? Cha-ching!

yeah we had one of those come through once....the other loader and I were like no way this thing is 150lbs (one of the stickers, the one we saw obviously). then we saw another that made more sense 150kg...yeah we left it there, didn't even bother. thats over twice the limit and should have went UPS freight.


I remember about 12 years ago the union made a statement that any overweight over the limit you would call and wait for help. That didn't last too long. If you cannot get help and don't think you can make the delivery safely, don't do it and contact the center via DIAD or phone.


15 more years of this!

That is nice. But the customer has paid for inside the door delivery. Dumping it out of the truck into the street or the drive is not what they paid us for. Its also not very professional.

Inside the door delivery?? Sorry, but my feet stop at the front door. If I can't set it inside without crossing the threshold, it's all their's. Under very few circumstances will I enter a house (invalid, I have 1 cust. that is paralyzed).