Hello from Oakhaven (Jokehaven) TN hub!

I am a cover driver and heard about this site from a friend with good info about the company as a whole. I have been a hub rat for 5 years and now i cover drive for the past year or so. Is it even possible to survive as a cover driver? The phrase "Hang in there" is becoming a meaningless thing as weeks go by. I know it's all politics but as of now i do not know What Brown Can Do For Me......

Richard Harrow

Is it even possible to survive as a cover driver?

I've done it for almost 9 years now. In fact, of the 50-some routes in my center, one of the only 2 I'd ever consider taking comes up for bid next week.

As a side, my 9 years as a cover driver is nothing. I'm only the 3rd most senior cover driver in my center. One guy has 17 years in, one girl has I believe somewhere around 15 without having ever taken a route.