Here We Go....


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Went to COSTCO and got a case of Sierra Nevada. Usually it starts angrying up the blood after six...


Well-Known Member
Why do all the drivers drink?

We have a little corner store right off the street that brings you into UPS, and every Wed thru Fri when I get off of night, there's always a group of drivers getting messed up :P


Active Member
Only if you talk about how your driver is abusing you...

Well, he did make me scan and "fast pace" 183 stops/237 pieces of card board today. 67 were in an extended area.
He also raped my ears all day on how much his loader suxed. On top of that when I asked for a bathroom break I was told do as instructed "pizz in this empty McDs cup"

I am just glad he didn't want to hold it for me to make sure I didn't lift any thing too heavy on my own.......................