Hillary Clinton most likely suffers from advanced Parkinsons disease...



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I saw how she lost her shoe.

And she was "helped" into the van with no less then 3 people.

I figured it out. Remember when she was First Lady and she was trying to "channel" Elenore Roosevelt. Well , it looks like we have a case of Elenore and Hillary jockeying for control of that body.

Dad and the bible always said you shouldn't try to summon the dead.


Well-Known Member
what does it matter if shes physically sick or not.

the fact is shes corrupt. id take a sick honest politician over a healthy corrupt one any day.


Strength through joy
Here's another angle of her being assisted into the van this morning.

Hillary blames 80 degree heat for her collapse

Video has surfaced of Hillary Clinton appearing to collapse as she was led into a van after suffering a 'medical episode' during the 9/11 memorial service.

The Democratic presidential candidate is seen standing on a curb near the World Trade Center when she suddenly appeared unable to stand.

She seems to nearly fall to the ground before she is caught by her aides, who hold her up. Her security detail then had to help her into the van by grabbing each of her arms.

The former Secretary of State then appears to fall forward toward the door of the van before being bundled inside.

Law enforcement sources told the Daily Beast she was thrown into the back seat like a 'side of beef'.

She appears to lose a shoe under the vehicle in the struggle before being driven to daughter Chelsea's apartment in Manhattan.

{I was not aware that her daughter apartment had been set up as an emergency room for Hillary's private use .}


Well-Known Member
She chose to go to her daughter's house rather than the ER as it was clear that she did not need emergent care. She simply needed someplace cool with a glass of ice water to sit down and relax for a minute.

Both candidates are pushing 70 and their grueling schedules would tire someone in their 40's or 50's.


Strength through joy
She chose to go to her daughter's house rather than the ER as it was clear that she did not need emergent care. She simply needed someplace cool with a glass of ice water to sit down and relax for a minute.

Both candidates are pushing 70 and their grueling schedules would tire someone in their 40's or 50's.
Don't you think someone who is known to have fainting spells during warm days would wear lighter clothing ?
Makes one wonder what the heck is she hiding under her heavy pants suits ?


Obvious PR move: having her emerge from Chelsea's apartment building so she can walk to the car down the block and a little girl makes it past security. Oh how sweet.

As if the waiting car couldn't have been in front of the entrance and she wouldn't have to be out longer in a city whose temperature had risen since her last overheating episode.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member

There is a healthier option. :thumbsup:


Inordinately Right
Every minute you are alive is a minute closer to being in your grave.
Happy now.

This is not a Trump Thread ( until someone hi-jacks it ), this is a Hillary Health Thread.
Discussing her health is on topic.
I and maybe some others see her as a liability to her party by NOT reporting on her current health issues.
The best thing for her party would be to come clean and remove herself for the upcoming election.
She could been seen as a stronger person for being open and honest.
This would improve her party's position and greatly help all the other Democrats running in their state's elections.

But then again she is Hillary Clinton, who has this demand for personal power and would not even consider any other option .
The best thing for both parties and the country would be to come clean and remove Clinton and Trump from the upcoming election, since they're both a :censored2:ing joke and an embarrassment for this country.

By the way supposedly she has pneumonia.


Well-Known Member
Don't you think someone who is known to have fainting spells during warm days would wear lighter clothing ?
Makes one wonder what the heck is she hiding under her heavy pants suits ?

I'm not a fan of either candidate, but keep in mind, if they're going to stand in or near public like that, the Secret Service might insist they wear Kevlar vests. Wear one of those and the clothing to cover it, and 82 degrees might be a little tougher to take than you think.

PLUS they're both fatigued from their schedules. It's a tough combination.


golden ticket member
Don't you think someone who is known to have fainting spells during warm days would wear lighter clothing ?
Makes one wonder what the heck is she hiding under her heavy pants suits ?
Those were my thoughts too. Why didn't she wear something light colored and light weight.