Hourly Workers Unite Slate lose 3 to 1. friend.Z WINS,!!!


Well-Known Member
This was how it was for the hourly slate handing out flyers,....


Nobody wanted their flyers,...


Well-Known Member
They are happy he won? He is running for the top spot in the IBT. It should be a surprise he won in his own local. If he didn't who would have TDU put at the new top spot? Sponge boob
They are happy FZ won. There's 2 Jeffboat stewards on FZ's delegates slate coming to Vegas to send H & H down the road. Jeffboat has had the best contracts they have ever had for the last 15 years and that's why they support FZ. You guys crack me up talking about things you know nothing about. By the way I am also an elected FZ delegate but I guess I won't see you fools out there.