How to become a driver


Active Member
Hey guys. I've been working at UPS as an unloader since July. I would like to know what I have to do to get on the waitlist to become a delivery driver. I talked to the human resources department back in July and they told me the wait time is about 4 or 5 years. I would just like to know how to get on the list?

Also, what are some other part time positions other than unloading, loading, and sorting? And how would I go about moving to different part time positions?

Thanks everyone.


Bringin Teh_Lulz
Hey guys. I've been working at UPS as an unloader since July. I would like to know what I have to do to get on the waitlist to become a delivery driver. I talked to the human resources department back in July and they told me the wait time is about 4 or 5 years. I would just like to know how to get on the list?

Also, what are some other part time positions other than unloading, loading, and sorting? And how would I go about moving to different part time positions?

Thanks everyone.

Irregs,Small Sort,Pickoff....As far as driving theres a bid sheet to sign up for it I think


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I've been working at UPS as an unloader since July. I would like to know what I have to do to get on the waitlist to become a delivery driver. I talked to the human resources department back in July and they told me the wait time is about 4 or 5 years. I would just like to know how to get on the list?

Also, what are some other part time positions other than unloading, loading, and sorting? And how would I go about moving to different part time positions?

Thanks everyone.

They usually put a list up after the 1st of the year for people to sign to become a full time driver. SIGN IT The list is only up for a couple of weeks. You have to sign the list every year.

As for other PT postion you have unloaders, loaders, scanners, and sorters on each shift.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I've been working at UPS as an unloader since July. I would like to know what I have to do to get on the waitlist to become a delivery driver. I talked to the human resources department back in July and they told me the wait time is about 4 or 5 years. I would just like to know how to get on the list?

Also, what are some other part time positions other than unloading, loading, and sorting? And how would I go about moving to different part time positions?

Thanks everyone.

In our center when they need a new driver they place a bid sheet up where any union employee can sign it.

The union employee with the highest seniority gets the job.

Expect to unload/load or sort for years before you can get a cakewalk job like clerk/carwash/fueler/international/customer counter.


Stave, bidding on jobs goes by seniority. Check your Regional Supplement for the details. . .

UPS Master Agreement & Regional Supplements:

Article 22 --- Part-Time Employees
Section 4
Part-time employees shall be given the opportunity to fill full-time jobs before hiring from the outside on a six-for-one basis (six (6) part-time to every one (1) outside hire).

The following will be incorporated into the job selection procedures in the applicable Supplement, Rider or Addendum:

The Employer will fill all vacancies and permanent new jobs for part-time employees from the part-time selection list in all months except November and December.

Part-time employees with six (6) months or more seniority shall have the right to place their name on the list of employees waiting to be moved to a preferred job within their building. Such preferred jobs shall include, but not be limited to: Preload, Sorter, Clerical, Irregular Train, Designated Responder, Carwasher, Loader and Unloader. Employees do not have the right to select any specific unit, load or workstation unless a prior past practice has been established.

Part-time employees with less than six (6) months seniority shall have the right to bid a preferred job prior to the Employer hiring from off-the-street.

A maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the employees on a shift shall be allowed to change shifts in any one (1) calendar year. The employee obtaining the new position shall remain on that shift for at least six (6) months.


Hey guys. I've been working at UPS as an unloader since July. I would like to know what I have to do to get on the waitlist to become a delivery driver. I talked to the human resources department back in July and they told me the wait time is about 4 or 5 years. I would just like to know how to get on the list?

Also, what are some other part time positions other than unloading, loading, and sorting? And how would I go about moving to different part time positions?

Thanks everyone.

It took me 10 freakin years! Wish I was still in the HUB! Good Luck!!!


In our building most don't make it past the sign up up sheet (oh I forgot I had a DUI and so on). If you want the job keep on it.


In our building most don't make it past the sign up up sheet (oh I forgot I had a DUI and so on). If you want the job keep on it.

With that, pudg00 is also saying that don't be discouraged if the signup sheet has a lot of names of people with more seniority than you. Alot of these guys can be automatic disqualifications .


former monkey slave
Perhaps instead of the question being " How to become a driver" it should ask "Why to become a driver?".

If its package car . . . . . DON'T DO IT!!!! Talk to senior drivers in your building and get the low- down on the job before you blindly sign up. Remember . . misery loves company