I guess now we know what deal the international made to save 250 jobs

That is exactly what's going on. The entire Fred Gegare slate plus about 20 to 25 local's that backed Hoffa in 2016 are teaming up with TDU to run against hall and Sean O'Brien. It's uncertain yet who will be running at the top, but one thing that was clarified on the conference call on Saturday was that there won't be third slate coming from the anti-Hoffa camp.

The question now is, can the Old Guard win an election without the Hoffa name?
Are you drug free?


Well-Known Member
Same thing happens in our IBT that happens in DC can you say term limits just remember :censored2: starts somewhere we are the ones who suffer from career politicians wake up. That's all I got

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Huge Member
Let's see

Myself and my union brothers and sisters have the best pay, benefits, pension, and healthcare in the industry plus working for a strong company that is positioned to be a force for years to come.



That is exactly what's going on. The entire Fred Gegare slate plus about 20 to 25 local's that backed Hoffa in 2016 are teaming up with TDU to run against hall and Sean O'Brien. It's uncertain yet who will be running at the top, but one thing that was clarified on the conference call on Saturday was that there won't be third slate coming from the anti-Hoffa camp.

The question now is, can the Old Guard win an election without the Hoffa name?

The Gregare slate? How many of those guys haven't been banned for life by the IRB?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Lets be clear. The fired 250 drivers and the finalizing of the contract have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other.

Do you people pay attention on this board? This issue was discussed waaaaaaaay back when the contract was first sent to us. I spoke about article 12 and the use of it, if each local FAILED to get 50% of their respective membership to vote.

The IBT had NO INTENTION of negotiating on our behalfs when we did not like the first offer that they sent out. We rejected that offer and it went to round 2. The IBT on the other hand, took the time to check the vote counts for each local. It saw that only a few had a majority that voted per local, and the rest fell below 50% ( like my local 396)

They sweetened the pot for us in the southwest, but they knew and even A. Marshall told us that "we" could reject the deal and "THEY" would still pass it for us. They "KNEW" we didnt vote with a 50% threshold, so they could enact article 12 and ram the contract down our throats any time they wanted.

The problem was, they didnt want to use the nuclear option that early in the contract negotiations, because too many locals were having elections at the time, and that would surely end the careers of many Hoffa supporters.

They had to wait for the right moment. Some local elections are over and those locals that voted no still had one more bite at the apple. The IBT knew well ahead of time, that each of those locals wouldnt make 50%, so it was just a matter of letting it play out, get the NO VOTE, and then call an executive board meeting with all the officers and make a motion.

The motion was approved by the officers and the deal was done. The company was called and HOFFA and his administration made good on the deal they made with the company.

They were NEVER going to bargain in good faith on behalf of those locals who voted no. This contract barely passed and that was good enough for the IBT.

Those locals that had outstanding issues were never going to be heard. It was all a waiting game.

The IBT knew months ago that it was going to use the nuclear option (article 12) and I am SURE they communicated that to the company months ago as well. This is why you havent heard ONE WORD from the company about the contract being hung up so long.

Dont any of you wonder why the company has remained virtually silent on the contract for all these months?????

They knew, all they had to do was sit back and watch the show. Watch us fight with each other for nothing. Watch us call each other names and such, knowing full well the IBT board was going to use the nuclear option.

Even if "we" in local 396 had all voted NO the second time around, they still would have used article 12 on us here in the southwest because we didnt reach the 50% threshold.

As I said before, members were getting disconnected after the first vote and the silence by the IBT and locals. No longer were there any 90/9/.09 rallies and such. The IBT knew, all it had to do, was sit back, say nothing, promote nothing and people would disconnect and the turnout would shrink.

They got their wish. Look at the numbers.

The nuclear option is really telling. It shows us that the International will stab us in the back even when we disagree.

They no longer care about our concerns. We should worry about 2018 and who is in charge at that time. Leaving the same people in charge who screwed us this time would be the second dumbest thing we as members will have done in these contract negotiations. The first was allowing the national to pass in the first place.

Stop attempting to connect the 804/250 to the contract, it had nothing to do with it. That is just silly talk.



Well-Known Member
I hate to see people say the 250+1 had something to do with it. Those people had a union, that stood up for what was right. I think this is a lot of propaganda to make people hate each other, and work against each other. This only favors the company and management.

The problem is not enough people voted, so by rights they could impose the contract. You could argue that there were more people than just 89 that voted for it, but I think many people didn't vote in those elections either. I'm pretty sure many votes against the contract were thrown out, not even joking. And my question is, what was voter turn out previously that it was so low? If the number of votes was similar, ok, people just should have voted. If it went down, there should be like a 20/20 investigation or something.

I think the real issue was amazon. The company is terrified to lose them. They have put a lot into staffing up and expanding to handle them next year. What if that all came crashing down? I think someone somewhere reasoned it out that amazon is creating jobs, which is more important that one locals strike. But really, UPS could have just kept our benefits the same. The person administering the new BCBS teamcare plan just gained thousands of customers, and commission on them all. Someone got a pay off somewhere, but they did more good than harm by creating jobs, right? Everyone finally got their raises, right? Tell that to people with health problems. Tell that to people being harassed. Tell that to dues paying members seeking help from a crooked union leadership.


Well-Known Member
Actually if people really are unhappy with the new contract. Petitions are not going to help. We have no legal power. But we can make a statement by boycotting Amazon. Ask your friends and family to help you. Nothing it going to make a bigger impact.
Actually if people really are unhappy with the new contract. Petitions are not going to help. We have no legal power. But we can make a statement by boycotting Amazon. Ask your friends and family to help you. Nothing it going to make a bigger impact.
I've never bought anything from Amazon or walmat. What else could I do?


Huge Member
Article 12 is in there for a reason, good or bad.

The bottom line is that we can't make people vote. No matter how egregious the contract is or the scenarios of working conditions, If you have a group of people who are too lazy to check a box and put an envelope in the mailbox then we have this. I feel bad that they got the last supplements shoved down their throats but without majority participation, they just learned a valuable lesson.
Article 12 is in there for a reason, good or bad.

The bottom line is that we can't make people vote. No matter how egregious the contract is or the scenarios of working conditions, If you have a group of people who are too lazy to check a box and put an envelope in the mailbox then we have this. I feel bad that they got the last supplements shoved down their throats but without majority participation, they just learned a valuable lesson.
Our local had one of the HIGHEST turnouts in the Country! and we still got it shoved up our :censored2:! You have no idea, how pissed off the guys are!