If 89 votes no again, pay attention!

Irishman Collins

Well-Known Member
If the I.B.T. was going to step in and impose this b.s. contract. Then why haven't they done so? Answer, they can't the constitution handcuffs them and if they were to go outside the box, so to speak. There own members will turn on them. I.e., labor board charges, media attention and possibly internal Union charges. We are in limbo land and in my opinion folks that is where we will stay. It's either strike or stall until it is time to renegotiate this contract when it is set to expire. It is simple our leaders will not back P.A., or 89 so ladies and gentlemen we are in a stand still and nothing is going to happen, just crickets on the plain!

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Oh Yeah
hopefully they can just force these remaining locals to suck it up and deal with it. Sure sounds like 70% of their local doesn't even care...Why should the rest of us?.....3000 people holding up the tens of thousands of otheres is beyond stupid.
The ones voting no are the smart ones. The ones voting no are the ones who care unlike the other idiots who votes yes because they didn't care, didn't do any homework, and for all the losers who didn't vote at all, YOU ARE IDIOTS.

You are absolutely mistaken if you believe the the IBT will step in and force this contract. It was voted down by 94%. Not one leader in their right mind remotely steps in to tell that majority they are wrong. How do we as a union say to our fellow Teamster partners that 6% of you got it right? The bottom line is that this is a horrible contract and those of us that are left are going to get a better deal than what Hoffa/Hall settled for in their weak attempt.
I'll give you a hint. It might have something to do with the 7000 that didn't vote.

710 steward

Well-Known Member

If 7000 or so chose not to vote then they don't count. No hint needed. You either care about your future or you don't and throw your ballet away.


Oh Yeah

browned out

Well-Known Member
Way to go 89. How many vote yes PCM's, phone calls, postcards, texts, facebook friend requests, etc did you receive from UPS and even more so from the IBT. How much of our dues $ was wasted on the IBT no chance effort. How about a big dish of shut the friend up IBT. Good job doing what is best for all hourly UPSers.