If You're a Teamster, WHY Would You Vote Republican?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
No disrespect, but I know how crazy the job can be with weather and terrible dispatches driving junk trucks, and long hours that if my wife made $500K a year I am not sure I would stay. Take a cut in pay and drive for FedEx for a hobby.
Honestly once you don't NEED the Job it's a lot less stressful.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Honestly once you don't NEED the Job it's a lot less stressful.
Have to give you a big %100 on that. 38 years in and the only reason I am still here is to make sure sure PT jr gets a fair shake while qualifying. After that he can take care of mom and dad. Plus the job isn't that hard. When the job stops being fun I will hang it up.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Honestly once you don't NEED the Job it's a lot less stressful.
Have to give you a big %100 on that. 38 years in and the only reason I am still here is to make sure sure PT jr gets a fair shake while qualifying. After that he can take care of mom and dad. Plus the job isn't that hard. When the job stops being fun I will hang it up.

Brownslave is right. It takes pressure off and you don't care. Especially if you have a bid route. You do things by the methods and let their numbers be their issues.

And you don't worry when you file.

Respect and congrats on 38 years. I won't put that much time when I retire.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Why would you choose a non-union job at FedEx that you complain about endlessly over a union job at UPS?

Maybe you should have thought about that years ago, and then you wouldn't be in this position now.

You see MrFedex, some of us manage to think ahead.

About our jobs and our country.

This looks a lot like the kind of personal attack you accuse the TROLL PATROL of.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
I'm going to leave the Democratic Party, again, for taking my vote for granted and suppressing the Bernie Sanders following.

I am most likely not going to vote for Hillary, although I am keeping and open mind because I vehemently dislike the union-busting Republican Party.

No Union member should ever vote for a Republican, and we probably shouldn't vote for Democrats either, they take our votes for granted and that's never a good thing.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Both parties are controlled by corporatism. I held out hope until now that the Democrats were the good guys, but I was wrong. All the parties care about are votes; the Democrats the poor minorities and the republicans the poor whites. One preaches oppression and one preachers individualism. It's all BS.

I just hope RTW keeps from spreading, the democrats can help with that, though they won't do much else about war, national debt, outsourcing jobs, and bogus gun control.

If you truly buy into either party you're blind and/or willfully ignorant.


Well-Known Member
, but the GOP has helped Mr. Smith create an essentially union-proof company.
Sorry you are so happy to sell-out your fellow Teamsters.
I'm going to leave the Democratic Party, again, for taking my vote for granted and suppressing the Bernie Sanders following.

I am most likely not going to vote for Hillary, although I am keeping and open mind because I vehemently dislike the union-busting Republican Party.

No Union member should ever vote for a Republican, and we probably shouldn't vote for Democrats either, they take our votes for granted and that's never a good thing.

how many unions have the republicans busted?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I'm going to leave the Democratic Party, again, for taking my vote for granted and suppressing the Bernie Sanders following.

I am most likely not going to vote for Hillary, although I am keeping and open mind because I vehemently dislike the union-busting Republican Party.

No Union member should ever vote for a Republican, and we probably shouldn't vote for Democrats either, they take our votes for granted and that's never a good thing.
One of them is going to be the next president.

Pretending like voting for someone else will make a difference in the outcome is just deluding yourself.

Now Hillary will give us 4 more years of Obama's policies and more scandals.

Do you want that?

Trump will try to keep jobs here and bring jobs back.

Trump will also stop the influx of illegals into the country and deport many illegals here opening up jobs for Americans.

You only real choice are those two.

Pick one.


Inordinately Right

The only way a union ceases to exist is if no one wants to be a member any longer.
When you take away collective bargaining rights, and basically any power the union had, no one in their right mind would continue to be a paying member..... because it's no longer a union. It's just an organization that takes your money and has no legal power to accomplish anything on your behalf.

I'd say they cease to exist because of legislation more than you realize.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
When you take away collective bargaining rights, and basically any power the union had, no one in their right mind would continue to be a paying member..... because it's no longer a union. It's just an organization that takes your money and has no legal power to accomplish anything on your behalf.

I'd say they cease to exist because of legislation more than you realize.
Where have collective bargaining rights been taken away?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
OK, so I guess you'd be OK with $15 per hour for package car and about $20 per hour for feeder. That's what typical non-union wages would be, with almost zero in the way of benefits.

As an AMERICAN, are you OK with a political party that advocates the end of unions, attacks teachers, and has done everything possible to preserve the wealth of the 1% at the expense of the shrinking middle class?

I'm OK with whatever party and candidates will make sure the federal government will stay out of things it's got no business being involved in. I'm OK with unions sticking to union business only and staying out of other issues they've got no business being involved in. They are thinking about themselves. Not the country.

And teachers have no business being unionized. That is just a bad idea. Bad for the kids. Bad for our country. They are only thinking about themselves. Not the country.

And your 1% vs the middle class rhetoric is easily defeated. The middle class is shrinking because more are getting richer. And plenty of them are liberals so you should be happy.


Inordinately Right
And teachers have no business being unionized. That is just a bad idea. Bad for the kids. Bad for our country. They are only thinking about themselves. Not the country.
So is police officers being unionized bad for crime rates?
Does fire fighters being unionized hamper their ability to fight fires?
Is UPS workers being unionized bad for it's customers?

Teachers are workers, it's not charity. Not sure why Republicans can't understand that. You people seem to think they're nuns or something I just don't get it.