im scratching my head a bit


Well-Known Member

all this posting, and still no question? I think you really did not have a question, only calling into question what was posted, and trying to pass it off as bias.

if you read my posts, i think there is plenty of blame to go around. both parties, all levels of gooberment.

problem is they turned the lending of money into a racial issue. lower the standards so poor minorities can get free money for stuff they can not afford to make payments on.

well guess what, a lot of others got into the give away as well. buying tons of houses with no money down, interest only with balloon payments down the road.

anyone standing in the way of these loans either brought down the ire of our gooberment via fines and trouble, or was labled a racist. so to stand against this problem was not a good thing for a polititian to do, if he wanted to get re-elected.

so yes, both parties are to blame.

as for bush, he promised one thing, but has delivered very little. and like his father, he got everyone to focus on areas outside our country, while our internal issues went out of control.

Everyone said deregulation is the problem. not really.

it was the deregulation, then followed by the regulation that lenders HAD to make this type of loan, mandated by the gooberment. so deregulation followed by more bad regulations is what caused the problems with banking.

of course, any group that can not ballance their checkbooks and overdraws expecting the house bank to cover the debt......can we trust them to regulate the banking industry? lets put the pedophile in charge of the daycare center. that is what we have done.


So what change do we need from our next president, There's a question


From the promised LAND
change? to get back to the values that were promised by those that ran and were elected on conservative principles. unfortunately, those have not been forthcoming. that is why the republicans got the majority, and when it was business as usual, lost it again.

until those elected follow through on the promises, there will be churn at the top. until of course, those that want something for nothing are in the majority



Republicans didn't fix jack, they made it worse. Again, 12 years of dominance nothing fixed, increased deregulation so to allowed the lenders to close any sweet or sour deal to spur on the housing economy. In the irritating words of Rev Wright "The mortgage lending chickens....have come home to roost".

Whats really incredible is how this country has collapsed in the couple years the liberal democrats have had control of congress. The economic catastrophe they could cause during a full four year term is mind boggling.


Livin the cardboard dream
I got to thinking about this, but Colin Powell listed part of his reason for giving his vote to Obama was the fact that he's a transfiguring candidate. There is absolutely nothing in his politics that hasn't been around before. He puts forth the same old liberal ideas of his predecessors. So my question is, what change is he bringing?