

Bad Moon Risen'
Milwaukee - Wisconsin Journal Sentinel (

Just noting the hypocrisy of our governor. Wants the immigration policy fixed/changed but does nothing to rid our state of the undocumented workers.
I deliver to farm country here in Wisconsin and see these "illegals" on a daily basis. When election time rolls around most of these farms have their campaign signs up supporting republicans and assume they agree with the need to close our borders. Yet they are a large part of the problem by hiring the workers they want to get rid of.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
We got amnesty last time and nothing else
Immigration has legal process for several reasons,It's no about your ''Race''.


Strength through joy
Where did Hillary get her information that the GOP were going to ship illegals out of the country in " boxcars " ?
Talk about using fear to get votes .


Inordinately Right
Chris Christie Prooses Tracking Immigrants the Way FedEx Tracks Packages

At a campaign event on Saturday in Laconia, New Hampshire, Chris Christie announced that, if elected president, he would ask the CEO of FedEx, Frederick W. Smith, to devise a tracking system to combat illegal immigration.

“At any moment, FedEx can tell you where that package is. It’s on the truck. It’s at the station. It’s on the airplane,” Christie said, according to Reuters. “Yet we let people come to this country with visas, and the minute they come in, we lose track of them.”

He added, “We need to have a system that tracks you from the moment you come in.”

And how, exactly, would that system track people? From Reuters:

Mr. Christie did not say specifically how a system would track people the same way packages are tracked by FedEx, which scans a bar code on the package at each step of its delivery.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Three quarters of the “refugees” invading the West from Syria are men.

Maybe we shouldnt have "destabilized" syria in the first place on behalf of Israel and "We" wouldnt be taking in ANY refugees. But since the GOP thought it best to arm terrorists who we couldnt control, the country now lays in ruins and people are being forced out if they want to stay alive.

Everybody wants to live BABA. These people had no control over john mccain and lindsey grahams ideas of overthrowing Assad which ended up costing them their homeland and thousands of lives.

The creation of ISIS is on our hands. The blood of these people is on our hands.

We owe them something for what we started and cant finish.
