is there any chance of 25 and out at any age next contract?


Well-Known Member

Here's a news flash for you. My pension is frozen. Because I am angry that 710 has done a miserable job maintaining our fund hardly makes me anti union. The fact that I care and worry about the future membership makes me a die hard.

The fact that you and literally a handful of the membership celebrate an underfunded pension system is frightening. How as a union do we recruit other businesses to join our cause? Join us and you to can be in a fund that you may not draw everything you paid in. How many people do you think would stand in line to join that. They are already worried about SSI.

A pension plan is not the major selling point when organizing new members. Most of them are older workers and know they can't possibly work long enough to collect the same pension you will. CTDU is an example. They are after money on the check and representation. A grievance procedure. SSI??? Where have you been? How old are you? People have worried about SSI since the '80's.
I guess you want all the 710 members to hitch their wagon to a porter in an Indiana Ctr. and a feeder driver who lost his job driving from Toledo to South Bend with his back doors open. Sounds like great leadership. lol

710 steward

Well-Known Member
A pension plan is not the major selling point when organizing new members. Most of them are older workers and know they can't possibly work long enough to collect the same pension you will. CTDU is an example. They are after money on the check and representation. A grievance procedure. SSI??? Where have you been? How old are you? People have worried about SSI since the '80's.
I guess you want all the 710 members to hitch their wagon to a porter in an Indiana Ctr. and a feeder driver who lost his job driving from Toledo to South Bend with his back doors open. Sounds like great leadership. lol

This rambling of incoherent thoughts may make sense to you but there isn't a counter argument anywhere in this poor post.
And you wont see anything like that in 710's Pension Plan. As good as 705's sounds.......well now you know why their plan took a severe beating recently and is in the red. Seems they invested un-wisely in real estate that tanked. Couple that with paying the $1000 bonus and you have a plan that is in the RED. 710's is over 2 billion strong and in the GREEN. Be happy if you're in 710....... new equipment aside.

Really slant, did you read upstateny pension info? 358.00 a week into the pension fund and 53k annual pension pay at retirement. Were gettting smokescreened in 710. Ours is now at 401.00 per week and going up to 601.00 per week at contract end and we get 33,600 anually for a 25 year pension, and your happy?

710 steward

Well-Known Member
Hard to take you serious when you keep posting the same misinformation.

Hard to take you serious when all you do is spin someone else's words and provide zero numbers to back your thoughts up.

Game, you might be correct that the numbers will be closer to $500 a week by the end of what is supposed to be our final contract year. It is also true that the proposal was voted down and pension and H/W contributions could also change so no one really knows where the numbers will end up.

What is true is $401 is currently going into a fund that is inferior and has been for a decade. This member is correctly pointing out that a local is paying it's former members more in their monthly benefit while collecting less from its current members. Those are facts that you cannot spin or argue my "old" friend. Try a new game like checkers or bingo.


Well-Known Member
Hard to take you serious when all you do is spin someone else's words and provide zero numbers to back your thoughts up.

Game, you might be correct that the numbers will be closer to $500 a week by the end of what is supposed to be our final contract year.
So you answer for another poster by criticizing my post that you then agree with. Makes perfect sense in your delusional world. Those hidden numbers you so desperately seek are in the proposal you voted down.

710 steward

Well-Known Member

Again another post of nothing. Just another weak attempt to take the focus off of 710's inferior pension. Where are your facts that anyone is way off base? Everything in that original proposal is now moot.

I did agree that the numbers designated for the pension are higher than what may be directly placed into the fund. So what??
I am anything but delusional. Because we agree on numbers doesn't mean that I agree with your position on how Pat is doing everyone right. Truth be told he is failing miserably.

Your criticism of me calling you out is nothing more than a weak attempt to take focus off what the real problem is and continues to be. That is a fund that has entirely too much money going into it and has a negative return. It's just that simple.


Well-Known Member
710, What credentials in Trust Fund management do you possess to accuse anyone of fiduciary breach? There is no negative return.
The 710 fund has paid it's obligations (promises) to it's participants. If the plan could increase benefit levels there is no legitimate reason not to. With 2013's good return, I'm confident that discussion has or will take place.
However, If an 88% funded level plan is insufficient in your judgement, considering the 2008 meltdown, there is no sense talking to you.

710 steward

Well-Known Member
Exactly. What was the excuse before 2008? This fund has seen nothing but increased contributions by those working under 710's various agreements without a whisper of an increase. When you increase funding without out an increase in monthly benefits it becomes a negative growth fund. There is a great deal wrong with this fund. Just because you think 88% funding is acceptable doesn't mean the people contributing today agree with you. My guess is and I have stated this in an earlier post is that we have former members collecting monthly benefits yest they didn't contribute towards and Pat didn't have the courage to cut benefits because after all he is an elected official and worries about his own mortality more than he worries about what was right.


Well-Known Member
You really are in over your head. Once again you prove your ignorance as ERISA and the PPA of 2006 do not allow the benefit "cuts" you've referenced. Fortunately for you the Pension fund you decry will one day be supporting you in retirement long after your wise investments run out of your 401.
Here's a hint, read a few books on the structure of defined benefit plans and Pension funding. It's all about long term security.


Well-Known Member
Wow, Thats much better than 710 in chicago. We currently pay 20,852 a year and get a measley 33,600 for 25 years. Can I join your local? lmao
I know we are in a multi-employer pension fund. If these other trucking companies aren't contributing at the level UPS is for our pension, PLEASE tell me they are receiving a much smaller pension which reflects this.

In other words that clown eating a sandwich in the cab of the truck blocking the dock at one of my delivery stops had better not be getting the same pension check as me unless his company is contributing as much as UPS is.

710 steward

Well-Known Member

I may not be completely schooled on the system but I am getting there. My terminology may not be exact but I am getting there too. Sitting back and continually stating I/we are all misinformed is getting weak and pathetic.
Do you know how much my 401k balance is?? You are making statements you have no idea about. You are dreaming and completely delusional if you are under the belief that $2800 will care for me and my wife in 10 years when I am eligible to retire. When you deliver packages for UPS hips, ankles, and shoulders wear out. If I was able to get into feeder life changes dramatically. This union has a bunch of feeder drivers that have 30+ years paid into the fund. Why don't they retire? The easy simple answer is their pension is less than 2 weeks pay and these guys aren't allowed to supplement their income by driving part time. The pension is a joke. It is becoming nothing more than a supplement to finding another job and another good job at that due to health insurance rates that don't have a cap on cost.

I may not be as experienced yet my "old" friend on a few items but you sir have a lot to learn about what the average UPSer deals with day in and day out.


Retired and Happy
As far as the bonus money, most locals have abolished them. As soon as my old local went into the red, they took away our $50,000 retirement bonus. Still all good though, just wait until your seniority date comes and then retire. Vacation, sick, personal days add up quickly to a nice little nest egg.

Highest pension in the country is currently Washington state--$60,000/year, unless this last contract has changed it some?


Well-Known Member

I may not be completely schooled on the system but I am getting there. My terminology may not be exact but I am getting there too. Sitting back and continually stating I/we are all misinformed is getting weak and pathetic.
Do you know how much my 401k balance is?? You are making statements you have no idea about. You are dreaming and completely delusional if you are under the belief that $2800 will care for me and my wife in 10 years when I am eligible to retire. When you deliver packages for UPS hips, ankles, and shoulders wear out. If I was able to get into feeder life changes dramatically. This union has a bunch of feeder drivers that have 30+ years paid into the fund. Why don't they retire? The easy simple answer is their pension is less than 2 weeks pay and these guys aren't allowed to supplement their income by driving part time. The pension is a joke. It is becoming nothing more than a supplement to finding another job and another good job at that due to health insurance rates that don't have a cap on cost.

I may not be as experienced yet my "old" friend on a few items but you sir have a lot to learn about what the average UPSer deals with day in and day out.
I’m breaking my own self imposed rules by continuing this discussion but I believe you may be salvageable.

Your future retirement shouldn’t be based solely on your pension. Nor should you rely solely on SS, 401K or other savings. But together they will provide a comfortable retirement with your pension stable until you croak. (Thank you IBT for negotiating agreements to provide this.) Whatever you have individually saved in a 401 is finite and could run out, whereas your pension won’t as long as responsible trustees are in place. The rules set up by the PPA eliminated the leeway trustees had to make political “adjustments” (705’s lump sum) and will strengthen the long term security of Pensions. Your fund at 88% is near the top in multi employer plans. (You really don’t want a 100% funded level or negotiating funding increases becomes very difficult.) Presently it still carries the losses of 2008 “on the books” but will lose that obligation next year which should boost its levels to over 90%. Trustees are required by law to improve plans when possible or be subject to lawsuits. Your plan is primed to increase benefits soon. Be patient.

Don’t whine about Feeders, transfer in. They’re working past thirty years because the job is less physically demanding. A 30 yr L710 Pension pays more than you’ve stated so you’re mixing numbers again. You have that tendency and then criticize when being called on it. Accuracy is important for prospective candidates.

A pensioner has reemployment rights outside of crafts that are under the L710 umbrella. Why would anyone want to drive in retirement, making a quarter of the wage and operating garbage equipment? Just get a counter job at Ace Hardware if you really need to work. This is very common language throughout union pension plans.

Finally TeamCare has “caps” on costs by max OOP’s. Read it.

I know far better than you exactly what the average UPSer deals with every day.

710 steward

Well-Known Member

Definitely not complaining or whining about feeder. A 35 year pension at 710 is $3800. That is two weeks gross for most in feeder. They retire with about half gross pay but less minus the proposed benefit plan. I am right on target with my thoughts. I live this life. You are supposedly retired.

I understand there is a great possibility (not knowing any history of you or your posts) that you were once employed by UPS. I have been in this business for pushing 25 years and have seen the changes. I started right after the diad 1 launch. I have delivered on paper. I have also held ever union position except for feeder at the brown cow. I have seen and worked through what is now basically a Christmas load every single day. If you have been retired for even five years you are completely out of touch with what this company demands and expects. As a steward I deal with part time shifts all the way to the feeder department. Don't pretend to know more than I do about day to day business with this company or 710. All with the watchful eye of Pat Flynn and his blessing as my union coworkers miss more family events due to expanding workdays due weak 9.5 that Flynn doesn't understand.
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