Jobs you would have liked. Jobs you would never do.


I never, ever thought of driving for UPS. I wanted to drive the subway trains in NYC. That's really the only job I ever truly wanted to do.

I have been: A Garbage and Recycling man. Shifting Contents is right, about the loot.
Pet Food delivery person, Intrastate Florida.
Tile Delivery driver....with that cool fork lift on the back of the truck. I once dumped a whole load of tile on I-95 in West Palm Beach.:dead:

I've done these things and a whole lot more, that I think all add up to being a good UPS'er, plus it gives me great stories for the children. The good UPS'er is my own way of stating that I excel here. MGMT might give a differing opinion, based on the days report, of course.

hehehehe resi garbage and recycle with a major U.S. company here too. :wink2: