Labor For Bernie Sanders


Well-Known Member
Your pointing to the Democrats, but the republicans share as much blame or more. I am saying all are at fault
I'm just point to the problem(s) that we are facing today - and the reasons why.
So, why do you believe that republicans share most of the blame?
Since I lean libertarian, I'm no fan of either party. However, from my own analysis, the republicans have been far less damaging to this country than the democrats.


My Senior Picture
BERNIE’S SOCIALIST PARADISE: College Grads Are Fleeing Vermont Because There Are No Good Jobs
I mean.....really?????

The State of Vermont is 49th in population of all the states in the union (626,562).
With this in mind, coupled with its logistical and geographical limitations, is it any wonder why most large businesses would shy away from locating its operations in the Green Mountain State?
The chief industries of the state are agriculture and forestry, with an upward tick in tourism, none of which hold a large number of jobs for a college graduate.
I'm chalking up this article as having no relevance as to Bernie Sanders political doctrines.
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Well-Known Member
I'm just point to the problem(s) that we are facing today - and the reasons why.
So, why do you believe that republicans share most of the blame?
Since I lean libertarian, I'm no fan of either party. However, from my own analysis, the republicans have been far less damaging to this country than the democrats.
Union-busting policies and the attempt to defund everything including SS and Planned Parenthood. BTW for the defund Planned Parenthood thing, it has nothing to do with abortion because there is a law stating no government money can go towards the abortions. The abortions are outside any of the funding the republicans want to pull.


Staff member


Well-Known Member
If we had 4 years of Bernie, we'd have no labor left!

It's amazing. People can't seem to grasp history or even current world conditions in the slightest. People supporting Sanders, an admitted socialist, somehow believe socialism works for the regular folks. It's hilarious and extremely scary at the same time.

Free enterprise creates the most wealth for the most people. Our system of economics has forever changed the human condition. The vast majority of humans in world history have lived in poverty, and then America came along. Now, almost every American household has at least one car, all appliances, A/C, HD TV, and over eats.

All the while, hard leftist want to emulate poverty stricken countries economic models thinking this is how we build the middle class.

If Sanders plans went into action, the middle class would be obliterated. Only the rich and ruling classes would be standing in the end.

It's so easy to observe the evidence everywhere and yet it is ignored.

Well the so-called free enterprise needed the greatest taxpayer socialist bailout in the history of man kind and still enjoys central bank support while the rest of what is left of the real free market crumbles. I think it sad that their are still people who live in this country and still think its some laissez-faire free market system when it reality its a crony capitalist plutocracy.
Typical Fox News, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, fantasy world of denial of the obvious as a political position.


Norway. Norway is special. They don't just sit on an oil field. They own their oil company. The government owns 30% of all shares of stock in the country. If the world economy went into a recession tomorrow they'd be screwed. That's confidence building. Oh and yet another high tax rate at 47%. Almost double the average US tax burden. VAT tax at 25%

Yes, I agree with you, Norway is special. But I disagree with you on some facts. I believe, the Norwegian government owns 66-67 percet of the shares of stock of the oil company Statoil. That's in great contrast to the United States which leases its land and oceans to oil companies for very little money , compared to what the Norwegian government gets for its own resources. Maybe the United States could take a lesson from Norway and follow that example but I doubt that the oil company lobbyists will let the politicians in their pockets vote for that sort of arrangement. They also funnel the money derived from their share of the oil into a Sovereign Trust fund, currently at about 850 billion dollars.(that covers the population of about 5 million people) Only 4 percent of annual revenue from the oil can be diverted to the general budget. The rest goes into that trust fund which funds pensions, or what we call social security.

If the world economy went into a recession tomorrow, they'd be screwed??? Well which country wouldn't be screwed ? But to what degree? We had a world wide recession that started in late 2007 and as you recall, the excrement really hit the fan in 2008. Norway did just fine during that recession. They are also fortunate enough to not be part of the European Union and hence their currency is not tied to the fortunes and policies of 20 or so other countries.

True, Norway has a high tax rate, and I will take your word for it that it is almost double the tax rate of the United States. But Norway does not run a budget deficit nor does it have a lingering debt. The United States could not say the same(about 400 billion a year deficit and depending on you ask, about 16 -18 TRILLION in debt. What would the United States tax rate be if the government actually funded for what it currently borrows to pay ?
. If you want to include taxes to pay down the debt as well, the United States taxation rate would be much much MUCH higher than it is now.

Let's not forget that Norway has universal health care, funded by those taxes they pay. Oh we have universal health care too , I suppose , except that there is a middle man called insurance companies and many people have to pay for those policies in one form or another. Since the supreme court called that a tax, maybe we should consider that a tax as well in terms of figuring out the united states tax rate as well.

Vat tax at 25 percent, yes that is true. We have something similar in terms of raising the prices of goods, called a sales tax(varies by state and municipalities) . New York city, something like 8.8 percent. New Jersey -7 percent. So that vat tax by comparison to New Jersey, is now only 18 percent. Still high , I admit, but everything is paid off in Norway . We're living off a "credit card" in the United States.

Respectfully submitted.
First of all Bernie is a democratic socialist, do you know the difference? This is a scare tactics fox news and rightwing radio uses to fool dumb poor people into voting against their own self interests, They try to compare a socialist to a communist. The funny thing is the gop tv/radio hate communist so much, why do they never mentions a word on how we are sending all of our manufacturing jobs to communist china and never say a word about what the Chinese communist government does with the trillions of American dollars we sent them. Why are they not pointing out the thousands of American corporations working with this evil communist government.

With all of the billions of dollars we send them every month china comes to America and buys our bonds ,so with the money we gave them for goods that used to be made in America by free Americans and that money is now being used to buy bonds and now the us government is pay interest on it. When we had trade policies that protected the American worker that money stayed in America. In cased you missed it that money stayed in America switching hands between Americans, Not sent to the communist Chinese's government so inturn they could turn around and buy bond and American companies. So please tell me why fox news isn't screaming their heads off about a communist government coming in and buying American company's ,land and bonds that we will have to pay interests on. Why is it not mentioned? someone please answer.

So Bernie is a democratic socialist, That means a democratically elected government should regulate the commons, He doesn't want the government making jeans and cars, but thing that all Americans use like the roads water systems schools and regulations on things like pharmaceuticals so some punk kid ceo cant jack up the price of a life saving medication from 13.50 to 750 dollars a pill. Good news your not dead ,but your bankrupt. hope you don't get sick again because you will be dead next time because you have no money to pay for it.

So what we have now in America is a bunch of ceo and share holders getting rich off the hard work of americans. The workers do all of the work, but the share holders that sit around waiting by the pool for dividend check to come in the mail make all the money.
And the funny part is people stand up and saying we are doing all of the work, and they say shutup if we have to pay you more how are we gonna pay the shareholder sitting by the pool waiting for the dividend check to come the mail. If we did that they would have to get job and that is socialism.

And all this free market bullsh, Yeah china come sell all your stuff here, but if you want to sell a American car there the import tax will make a 30 thousand dollar car, a hundred thousand car. So if we are all about free markets and capitalism, why are the republicans so quick to deal with a communist and a market that is not free in china.

So I never un understood why poor to middle class republicans voted republican. But I guess I never understood why a escort went and slept around and then gave all the money to a pimp.

I guess pimps and fox news are really good with words and can fool teenage runaways and grown men.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Gotta love the never ending Fox bashing. God forbid there's ONE news outlet that isn't far left. We know the left can't handle any opposition though.

Thing is, Fox isn't even conservative. They are more in line with establishment republicanism.

When you use "fox news this, talk radio that" to make arguments, it discredits everything you say. Partly because of the ignorance describing it. Most of what the non listening public thinks they know about right leaning media is false because their impression is what left wing media says about it. Almost every headline in left wing media "reporting" something "said" on right wing media is false. Either completely out of context or just plain lies and spin. As someone who reads and listens to dozens of media outlets a day, I see it first hand. When I see headlines on CNN, Yahoo, New York Times, MSN, and others it's unbelievable because I know that isn't what was said!


Well-Known Member
Gotta love the never ending Fox bashing. God forbid there's ONE news outlet that isn't far left. We know the left can't handle any opposition though.

Thing is, Fox isn't even conservative. They are more in line with establishment republicanism.

When you use "fox news this, talk radio that" to make arguments, it discredits everything you say. Partly because of the ignorance describing it. Most of what the non listening public thinks they know about right leaning media is false because their impression is what left wing media says about it. Almost every headline in left wing media "reporting" something "said" on right wing media is false. Either completely out of context or just plain lies and spin. As someone who reads and listens to dozens of media outlets a day, I see it first hand. When I see headlines on CNN, Yahoo, New York Times, MSN, and others it's unbelievable because I know that isn't what was said!


Well hey, at least you can blame democrats generations past and present for your good paying

job but you probably don't want to admit that, and just convince yourself you've earned it

because you "work hard". If your side had their way we would all be working for $9.50 an hour

p/t with no benefits.
Gotta love the never ending Fox bashing. God forbid there's ONE news outlet that isn't far left. We know the left can't handle any opposition though.

Thing is, Fox isn't even conservative. They are more in line with establishment republicanism.

When you use "fox news this, talk radio that" to make arguments, it discredits everything you say. Partly because of the ignorance describing it. Most of what the non listening public thinks they know about right leaning media is false because their impression is what left wing media says about it. Almost every headline in left wing media "reporting" something "said" on right wing media is false. Either completely out of context or just plain lies and spin. As someone who reads and listens to dozens of media outlets a day, I see it first hand. When I see headlines on CNN, Yahoo, New York Times, MSN, and others it's unbelievable because I know that isn't what was said!

There is no left leaning news, It is all corporate news, and to the fox news watcher if they don't say Obama might be a secret muslim it must be a left wing media operation. And if there is this so called left wing media outlets, why is it Bernie receives almost no coverage on the so-called left leaning msnbc, trump has had 100 times the coverage Bernie has received and even the left leaning msnbc pundits try to dismiss Bernie even though he is leading in the polls in Iowa and new Hampshire and drawing tens of thousands of people at his rallies, and is the fastest candidate ever to reach a million donors.

And again Bernie is a democratic socialist and not a fascist like the republican party the merger of corporations and the government. So bernie wants free market capitalism but he wants government in there to protect the people from the cancer capitalism can create without regulation. So for example if a corporation thinks it save money by dumping it waste into a lake, the government should step in. If a corporation thinks I can save money by paying a Chinese worker a dollar an hour instead of paying a hard working American a living wage and they pack up and ship jobs to a communist country we say sorry there will be a tariff or vat tax so by the time it hits an American shelf the cost of that product will cost more then one of its American competitors.

Why is it the Gop passed laws that enabled corporation to deduct the cost of packing up and moving to china off their taxes. But back in 2009 when the democrats tried to pass a law that allowed companies in foreign countries to move back their factories to America and deduct the cost of the move from their taxes and enabled to have tax break that continued after they came back the republicans blocked it. Tell me why the republican party always screaming about taxes would block a law that gave corporation a tax break that would allow American corporation to leave a communist non free market country like china and come back to America capitalist freemarkets. Why are the republicans protecting Chinese jobs, tell me who are the secret communists.

Tell me how you can a support a party the enabling the growth of communist country that is far surpassing the American economy. China was nothing 50 years ago, but with our American dollars they built a super communist country.

So next time a gop pundit try's to yell about socialist or communism ask your self the question why are they helping Americans corporations prop up a communist country